# 27: Training New Recruits.

# 27: Training New Recruits.


{Vali got cold feet, teleport Kokabiel to me. You still owe me for allowing Raynare to assault me in my sleep.} Seeing Azazel's message I sighed to myself.

At this point, Kokabiel has been reduced to a nugget. Koneko somehow tamed the Cerberus then fed Kokabiel's limbs to it.

"Children, I hate to rain on your parade but I need the poor thing alive."

"Valper as well?" Kiba asks.

"If possible." I point out.

"Please save... me *coughing* I have... *wheezing* valuable information." Jesus, he can still talk!


"I guess it wasn't possible." I mutter to myself after seeing Kiba behead the man.

I had Asia heal what remained of Kokabiel before teleporting him to Azazel, I rather not have him die during teleportation.

Afterward, I cleaned the bloodstains and called out Sona and her Peerage.

Who knew BBQ with fallen feathers taste this good this must be shared with friends and family.

"Kids, where did Xenovia and Jeanne go?"

"They said they can't go back to church since they learned God's death. So I offered them places in my Peerage." Rias answers.

"What makes you think they'll accept." Sona asks while waving the chicken wing in her hand.

"We bonded while taking out Kokabiel. Turns out torture session is a good way to bond." Akeno answers her question with Koneko nodding from the side she's petting her Cerberus.


Jeanne and Xenovia didn't come back to my house. I was kinda expecting them but Irina finally woke up.

We had to explain to her that those two learned something they shouldn't without getting Irina excommunicated as well.

In the end, she just accepted our half-assed explanation and went back to sleeping after eating a meal.

She's going to travel back to church HQ in the morning with the recovered Excaliburs.

Feeling a bit curious about the two ex-exorcists, I went to Issei's house to ask Rias.

Both Rias and Akeno moved in with him after the training camp.

Not wanting to trouble his parents I used magic to enter the house, hearing no sounds from his parents I figured they're sleeping.

Issei's room has a sound barrier surrounding it...

It can't be... or did him being a former protagonist fixed the harem genres not being able to get laid cliché...

Hold up, I am 18 with the mentality of an adult, why haven't I gotten laid yet... Is it because I am the MC?

Opening that room would either debunk my theory or prove it.

Schrodinger's Virginity.

That's a box I rather not open.


I came back to my home feeling confused and I was really surprised to see Asia in my bed again.

"Asia I think Irina has enough space to share the bed." I tell Asia who's already getting comfy in my bed.

"But your bed is better."

"Sigh what am I going to do with you?"

"Spoil me~?" Asia tilts her head while asking, there's moonlight shining on her from the window making her look enchanting.

Getting near her I just took her lips much to her surprise but she didn't back down. After a few minutes, I pulled back to see her blushing face.

"That's not fair Jacob. I wasn't ready." Ahh, she's pouting how cute.

Tomorrow is Saturday there's no work at school I think I can take her out on a date.


Irina left after breakfast and I asked Asia for a date. She yelled at me for not telling her earlier than she took an hour to get dressed in one white sundress.

Oh yeah, now that I remember I am too lazy to have a relationship... Well, too late now.

After we left the house we went to our anime-style date. You know your regular shopping, arcades, movies, and dinner combo.

Although I had to use some illusions to cover myself.

Seen on a date with my student would be troublesome and I rather not mind-rape the entire town.

It's okay for her to live with me since I can just say she normally stays at Issei's house and get away with it.

All in all, it was a fun date. It didn't stop Asia from sneaking in my bed though...

I should go and buy a bigger bed because my bed is uncomfortable for two people to be sleeping on it.


Monday, school started again no students knowing that some messed up stuff happening in their school just a couple of days ago.

Girls and boys simping their great onee-samas not knowing their unstable mental state.

Again I take pride in my work.

But today was different because I finally found Jeanne and Xenovia in ORC in the end they accepted Rias's offer.

Xenovia became a knight and Jeanne became a rook. Although I don't know if rook suits her...

"Sensei, since we got new members can you help them catch up to the rest of us?" Rias asks with a sadistic smile.

"Can do but you guys must join as well, it wouldn't be a team-building exercise without the whole team."

"Now that I think about it I have some stuff to do..."

"Why are you chickening out buchou? I can't relax if I know that I am the weakest." Xenovia retorts.

"That's hell you're walking into Xenovia please stop." Even the resident M of the building, Akeno pleads her to stop.

Sadly, Jeanne was fascinated with Kiba's strength as well and wanted some training as well.

In the end, ORC wasn't able to convince their newest recruits.

"It's training then!" I declare with a grin.

"Sensei there's a parent's classroom visit day coming. We don't have enough time!" Frantic Koneko comes up with a viable excuse. Wow, that's the most I ever heard from her.

"Don't worry I managed to figure out a time compression magic in my own training room. I can have your newest members catch up to you by the time of the visit. Just show up at my house after your devil work."

Yes, I figured out time compression a little while ago. I can guarantee that it's safe to use but I still need willing test subjects...


"Lord*ouch* in heaven*ouch* please claim my *ouch*soul and save me from this suffering." Xenovia dodged another fireball from Issei while running from the Cerberus chasing her.

Cerberus also has restrictions, it cannot run away from my training.

"You forfeited that right after becoming a devil Xenovia*claps* Come on you're slowing down. Cer-chan is going to catch you."

"You roped me into this Xenovia I blame you!" Jeanne screams while dodging Kiba's sword attacks and falls to the ground.

"If you can talk then you can train! Get up, Jeanne. Make your ancestor proud." Asia encourages... At least tries.

"I think that's not possible anymore!" Yeah, it didn't work.

"Huh I thought we would be training as well..." Rias mutters to herself.

"If you train with them how are they going to catch up to you guys?"

"Right, I didn't think about that."

"Rias you almost sounded disappointed there."

"No... I mean that's impossible. Why would I be disappointed that I don't get to suffer? Don't be ridiculous sensei."

"Right..." We learned that training is more effective if Asia is the one that heals people due to some bullshit with Sacred Gears.

But thanks to that, Jeanne and Xenovia only took a month to catch up to their peers.

I'd say the operation was a success and it only took 40 hours outside of time compression.