# 32: Khaos Brigade Attacks... Again.

# 32: Khaos Brigade Attacks... Again.


I am looking at the magic formula I uncovered from the King Piece. This thing has long surpassed being just magic. This is art.

The way circles work together and produce the desired effect while creating unbreakable encryption...

Ajuka has gone an extra mile with these, and to think he mass produces Evil Pieces for every generation...

No wonder he is called a Super Devil. Sighing I went to work, I need to crack this encryption to peer into how these pieces work.

I hear that Heaven got Artificial Sacred Gear research from Grigori and the crystal that is used to make these pieces from Devils to make their version but it won't be like this.

The reason I am trying to crack open this is mostly that Asia is still pretty much human and has a human life span.

I can use something like this to turn her into whatever I would become in the future, there's no knowing with the blank essence.

Of course, I will ask her before I changed her race but it's better if I start working now.

"Dear, are you going to watch Rias-senpai and Sona-senpai's Rating Game?" Right there's that isn't there.

Although I want to stay home and work on this I can't ditch it if Asia is going to watch it.



The Rating Game was held in a shopping center, one of the main rules was avoiding property damage.

This automatically puts Rias's peerage at a disadvantage since they have a motto about causing the maximum destruction.

While they're at a disadvantage, it, unfortunately, wasn't enough for Sona to overcome the gigantic gulf in power level.

Sure Rias's peerage is destructive but to them, this match is a walk in the park and not worth giving %100 otherwise they might just kill their friends.

So other than Gasper who got knocked out by garlic and a fishing net at the start, the rest quickly eliminated Sona's team.

There was a touching moment where Saji latched on to Issei while screaming his heart out, talking about his dream of lewding Sona and becoming a teacher.

Then it turned out that he was stalling to drain Issei's blood.

Unfortunately, before that plan came to fruition Akeno and Rias took down Sona who was hiding on the rooftop.

Sona's team had the brains and the guts needed, but sometimes you just need pure power.

"Huh, didn't know they could be so tame?"

"They're fighting friends Asia, you don't slaughter friends." I wished you weren't writing that down Asia.

"Just in case I forget." Seeing me staring Asia blushed and hid her notebook.

After the game, Odin visited Issei to congratulate him on creating a magnificent spell that let him talk with Oppai.

Issei showed it off to Sirzechs who 'mentioned' it to Odin. He is still trying to help out his sister.

Meanwhile, I and Asia went back to our home, Asia wanted to stay away from Issei after seeing that spell.


"Jacob, what happened to Issei-san's home?" Looking across the street I can see that the former house turned into a multi-story building.

"Well, Rias was already living with Issei. They must've renovated it." She nodded absentmindedly while we entered our house.


I am in the garage, I am etching magic circles on the car. I just have a feeling it's going to get destroyed real soon.

"Jacob, Ophis ate all the pudding again!"

"I'll just buy more. It's not like we can stop her." She eats like 100 packets per week... My savings are in trouble.

Then again what is some money when compared to your life? I can guess that people must have adored Ophis back in my previous world but the facts remain the same.

She doesn't have a moral compass and can wipe you out just because she felt annoyed.


I was called to ORC by Rias today due to Irina transferring to Kuoh Academy as Heaven's Representative.

Now we have a person from each of the Three Factions living here.

"Hello, Irina good to see you... Huh, When did you become an Angel?"

"Asao-sensei! It was supposed to be a surprise!" Irina started finger jabbing me with an angry pout.

"Sorry." I can only scratch the back of my head. The rest looked surprised too.

"Congratulations Irina-san." Asia intervened saving my poor ribs. (it doesn't hurt but it's annoying to get jabbed)

"Thank you Asia-chan!"


"Sensei! Do something about Diodora he keeps bothering us, asking where he can find Asia-chan. I can't kill him." Rias came to me to complain.

"Then just point him in the right direction."

"We did but he can't find her even if she stood in front of him. It's ridiculous."

"Have you recommend Serafall's hospital maybe he has something wrong with his eyes." I snicker. I bought a necklace for Asia the other day, I also etched Axii on it then set to Diodora's signature.

Asia can power up the necklace whenever she wants to avoid killing the miserable shit stain.

"Yes, we recommended it. He got his skin peeled to remove the ink..." Even Rias can't stop giggling.

Turns out having a cross drawn on your face hurts like a bitch.

"Well, use the opportunity to gather info on him. Sona could use it during her match." Diodora is going against Sona during the next Rating Game.

"Yeah, that's what I am doing already." She gave me an expression that said 'Do you take me for an idiot?'

I just patted her head with a pitying expression on my face. Poor girl, she doesn't even know.

"Sensei, what's up with that expression?"

"Nothing Rias, now go back to your class, make sure to study properly."

"Why did that sounded like you're insulting me!?" I didn't answer and left for my class.

"Answer me sensei!"


"So, you didn't kill Diodora yet?" I ask Asia while driving back home.

"I have a feeling it's not the right time." She shrugged with a complicated expression.

It seems even she doesn't know why she feels like that. "Well, it's your hunt. Let's try out that secret move once we arrive at home."

"Really!?" Ahh, such cuteness. Too bad I can't pat her head since I am driving.


Currently, I am sitting in the VIP section with Satans, Odin, and Loki. Asia is also next to me, we're waiting for the game to begin.

"So Serafall, what do you think about Diodora's sudden power rise?"

"It's fishy. We did some investigating, he is suspected of working with Khaos Brigade." Serafall speaks, I can hear her Magic Wand creaking under pressure.

"Also my ungrateful bastard child Vali tipped us off. He's not getting along with the rest of the Khaos Brigade." Huh, don't tell me he's going to redeem himself without taking a beating from Issei?

"Leviathan-sama are you okay with using your sister as bait?" Jesus Asia, you can't say things like that!

*Wand Snaps*

"Of course, I am fine," Serafall says with a strained smile. Well, she's anything but fine...

"Look the game is starting." I sent a thumbs up to Ajuka. Nice save!

Right after the game started a teleportation circle opened under Asia. Quickly analyzing the circle I smirked and halted it for a second.

"It's Diodora." Hearing the name Asia gave a beautiful smile that promised painful death.

"Jacob boost me." Asia summoned her Twilight Healing, afterward I manifested an orb of Quen and inserted into the rings.

[Twilight Healing Balance Breaker: Quen Mode.]

Following this Asia got surrounded by yellow lighting that turned into a yellow armor similar to watered-down scale mail without the helmet but the orbs have Quen symbols in them.

"Have fun, honey." I let go of the teleportation sending Asia to have fun.

Turning around I see the rest looking at me weirdly. "Did you just send your girlfriend to the hands of a terrorist?"

"Gentlemen, ORC might be one of my best works but Asia is my magnum opus." That explanation was enough for them.

Serafall has already broken out of the VIP room to save her So-tan, Odin already got inside the barrier to protect Sona's team.

"Well, whatever let's go help the kids." We didn't have much to do other than killing bastards.


Getting out of the hole left by Serafall, we followed the trail of frozen corpses.

While running my armor started bleeding under my skin covering me and my sword manifested out of thin air.

It would have been quite a sight if we didn't have to hurry.

At some point, Sirzechs and Azazel decided to go to another part of the dimension to cover more area and finish it quickly.

Getting near Serafall, I saw her attacking the barrier with everything she got. She is getting more frustrated by the second but it's hard to break in a short time.

"Serafall, move back a little." Well, my student is in danger I can't hold back.

Raising my sword I manifest an Aard sign on its blade and feed as much as mana it can take creating a sword beam that ripped open the barrier.

"Thanks, Jacob!" Well, she at least thanked me before leaving.

Seeing that I am surrounded I started to kill the devils that thought they had a chance.

Sign Manifestation, something I discovered recently, allows me to wield them with greater freedom by applying it on items or individually.

I have a feeling that I will eventually have imagination-based magic like Devils and Angels at some point.

Shaking my head I looked at my handiwork. It's been a while since I killed this many people.


Finally, the fodder finished. I saw Ophis at some point but I wasn't paying attention.

Once again following the frozen path left by Serafall I reached Sona's location.

Asia is already on her way here, She was in her in my sensing range for a while.

"Sona, you guys okay?" I ask Sona who's drowning in Serafall's assets.

*Muffled Screams*

"Sorry I didn't quite catch that. Can you say again?" The kids are fine, they're banged up a little but Odin and Loki handled this side.

"Jacob where's Asia? So-tan needs healing right away!" Serafall finally lets go of Sona, letting the poor girl breathe.

"Onee-sama you already fed me two phoenix tears."

"I don't want to hear it. You will get healed by Asia-chan as well. Now, where is she?" Serafall asks again, which I answered by pointing my finger at Asia's direction.

Turning to that side one can see a blonde beauty wearing golden armor covered in blood.

She has a carefree smile on her face like she's running in a garden of flowers.

She has two heads hanging on her waist, one belonging to the late Diodora Astaroth.

"Asia, who's the other one?" I ask.

"He called himself Shalba."

"And why is he dead?"

"He does bugs and I hate bugs."

"I see, can you heal Sona's peerage?" Nodding Asia went to her work while Serafall double-checking that So-tan was completely fine.

While we were getting ready to go back, a tear opened in the sky revealing a giant red dragon.

I hear Serafall calling it Great Red...

Aka Baka Red. That explains why Ophis is also here. Great Red stayed for a while then left through another tear in the sky.

Why did he even come here? Why did he have the aura of a delinquent?

Anyway, after the massive dragon left the premises we located Sirzechs and Azazel and moved to their location.

From them, I learned that Odin agreed to sign the treaty after seeing Khaos Brigade's capabilities.

Well, all those buttering from Devils didn't work but a small-scale invasion made wonders...

Shaking my head I teleported back home with Asia.