# 33: We Made It!

# 33: We Made It!


Getting back home, the first thing I did was take a shower. I have two bathrooms in the house, one is for cleaning after battles.

I don't like the idea of bathing in the same place I washed off blood. Cleaning magic is a thing but I don't like using it, unlike Asia.

Wiping off the blood I made sure I was clean before going to the main bathroom so I can relax.

Getting inside I ran into Asia who was already soaking in the water.

"Sorry, Asia didn't notice you there."

"It's fine Jacob, come join me." Asia beckons me with her hand. Her face is blazing but I can see a familiar glint in her eyes.

Sitting next to her I look back at her. That's the same eyes she had after the treaty!

I thought she was just happy since I requested a formal apology from several strong people for her but it turned out that she was in the mood.

I am finally graduating from my virginity.

Trusting my instincts I took her lips, then one thing followed the other, not before long I was having my first night with my girlfriend.

'*Sniff* It took 33 chapters for me to get laid. From here I want to thank my previous life parents, my primary school teacher, and all the readers that supported me in this journey. Thank you.'


Today I was called to Student Council Room. Getting inside I found Sona and her Peerage on the ground in seiza.

"Please share your wisdom with us Sensei." A warm smile found its way to my face.

"Well, I can't guarantee that you guys will ever catch up to Rias's group since they have Koneko but you guys are lucky since Asia figured out how to handle the mental traumas.

So you guys won't have personality changes." I see them cry out in relief. I mean Rias and her group didn't turn out that bad did they?

Maybe I should have Asia heal them as well? Then again brutality is already deeply rooted in them so it might not work.

"Well, come to my house after your devil work, we will do 8 hours of training in the time compression, that way you guys can catch up on sleep as well."

"Thank you sensei."

"Well, It's not like I am not getting something out of it, so don't worry. By the way, how are the preparations are going for the sports festival." I was the one that advised the last year's festival.

Japanese schools generally let students organize events like this on their own to teach them.

But there's always one teacher that helps them out, I was the advisor last year as the rookie teacher but this year is different.

"There are no big problems so far, Takahashi Sensei is handling it brilliantly." Hearing there are no big problems I nod and I leave the room.

I need to tell Asia she has new test subjects.

Asia's balance breaker is triggered by my Sign Manifestation, so naturally, she has five different modes.

We're trying to see which balance breaker mode heals better. Igni Mode focuses on increasing natural regeneration and stamina mostly letting the body do the healing.

Axii Mode focuses on mental healing, Asia usually visits some mental health institutes to master that mode.

Quen doesn't offer any healing boosts but negates damage in an area no matter the strength of it(from what we can tell) thus it's ridiculously OP.

We have yet to try out Yrden and Aard. I have good expectations from Yrden mode since that's tied to time magic now that I modified it.



"There you go Ophis-chan." Asia hands the bottle to Ophis and gets up to get another bottle since that one is definitely not going to survive the gluttonous dragon loli.

Ophis visited our home once again, this time she discovered pancakes, which is harder to provide than store-bought pudding.

"So what's your plan after this Ophis?" I ask the dragon loli while eating. She's been behaving and even I started to cave in under that cute face.

I mean she's like a child in mentality, but considering that we're ants to her is a frightening thought.

I saw what children do to ants, especially with a magnifying glass...

"Find new flavors." Then again she's just too innocent to the point she rivals pre-training Asia.

"Well, it was about time there was a gourmet dragon god." She just nodded with an understanding expression.

"By the way can you give me another snake, but make it as small as possible." Hearing my request she doesn't even think before tiny purple snake manifests and coils around my fingers.

Seeing this I took out a comically gigantic bowl and put the snake in it before manifesting all my signs to surround the bowl, it will help with what I am doing.

Focusing on the bowl I transfer the concept of infinity to it from the tiny snake, creating an infinite bowl. It even has a symbol for infinity at the bottom of it.

Seeing my actions Ophis watches curiously, seeing I have her attention I emptied a pack of pudding in the bowl before powering it up.

Her small eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the bowl fill the rest itself by using my magical energy.

"There you Ophis, now you won't ever run out of pudding." Turning to me she mentioned me to crouch and get closer, not seeing anything wrong I did just that...


"Thank you." With that, she teleported back to wherever she came from while taking the bowl with her.

"Hello is this police? Yes, I would like to report a crime..." Turning around I see Asia on the phone.

"Asia, wait!" Ophis is old as time, come on!


"Alright, I am here. Why did you guys dragged me here, unlike you kids I have a job to do." I complain to Rias who's pulling me into Issei's house.

"Sensei, Issei got his own children's show, we're going to watch the first episode." Huh, why does that sound familiar?

"Well, this better be good."

"Well, the only person that knows how it refuses to answer. We just have to watch it." Then Rias goes to the DVD player to start the thing.


Well, now I remember it. I once grounded my brother for playing the music for this show on speaker.

Thankfully our parents don't know Japanese otherwise things might've gotten troublesome.

"Well, Issei you have reached a new level of perversion. Even going the extra mile to corrupt young minds."

"It wasn't my idea sensei! And what do you mean by corrupting? Everyone must appreciate oppai.

Chichi-kami-sama please show the path to my lost sensei so he might understand our ways." Sensing the prayer actually getting through to someone, I slapped him across the room.

"Don't pray to random deities without knowing idiot!"

"Oppai!" God, he's glowing pink!

{Partner stop! You embarrassing me enough already.} Poor Welsh Dragon...