# 37: Becoming Something Else.

# 37: Becoming Something Else.


So, as far as I can tell. In this place, I am biologically immortal. I discovered it after reading the writings on the wall. Also, there's no way out...

I can tell time is flowing differently here. It's faster inside, much faster. A thousand years here might not be a second outside...

Then again that doesn't matter to me at the moment since I still need to find a way out.

Reaching to my hammerspace, I pulled out my distillery set up. Then took out the vial that contains Ophis Snake.

I have all the time in the world, I might as well get this mutagen going.

After starting the distillery I decided to roam around the prison to see if my senses can pick up something.

I found out that I am in a mansion of sorts, but there is no furniture. Getting out of it I was greeted by green plains as far as the eye can see.

Extending my senses I sense that this place is big enough that I can't cover it all with my senses.

There seems to be no other living thing around me, minus the grass. Quick question though, who's taking care of the damn grass, there has to be someone cutting it...

*One quick analysis later*

Ahh, I see this is the maximum amount they can grow up to, that's sad.

Getting back inside I see that there are no visible changes in the distillery, it looks like it's going to take really long.

So, I came up with a plan. Since time flows faster here, I can meditate until this mutagen finishes and inject it.

A mutagen made out of Infinite Dragon has to give me something that will help me out right?

Then I can break out of here without losing much time on the outside.

First things first I put a mental trigger on the distillery to nudge me out of meditation once it finished with the mutagen.

Then I sat down cross-legged, closed my eyes, and reached the familiar fireplace I find myself whenever I meditate.

This unfortunately isn't enough for me, in here I can still sense what's happening outside thus still can perceive the flow of time.

Focusing on my individual senses I shut them off one by one, everything is gone. Sight, smell, touch, hearing, even the spiritual senses are shut down.

Now, I find myself in a void of my creation, there's no way of knowing the time, the only thing I can focus on is the mental trigger tied to the distillery.



After who knows how long I finally opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed is my new beard, it appears that it is long enough to reach my waistline.

I would give Dumbledore a challenge in a beard contest.

Chuckling at the thought I get up, my joints popping with my every movement.

Once standing I realize that my hair is long enough to touch the ground...

Deciding to cut it later I inspected myself, I have been technically living for a long time now.

My blank essence must've went crazy with my mutagens and the accumulated time energy should be enough to cause a major change.

Indeed I am perfect appearance wise, I dare say even Gabriel would fall after seeing me, I shall put a Axii field around me so that people won't notice how handsome I am.

Apart from that my body had an over all upgrade but it wasn't what I was expecting. The accumulated time energy is absorbed by my body but there's no change.

I was hoping to become a time lord, it was my childhood dream...

Then again, they're not counted as Time Lords until they get a nucleus thingy and have their first regeneration that gives them the second heart or was it something like that I don't remember.

Maybe I just need a catalyst to jump start my major evolution that will make me stop being a witcher...

To this end I took the Ophis mutagen out of the distillery, it's purple and radiating pure power, I don't know what will happen once I injected this into myself.

"Only way to find out." With that, I inject the mutagen. to be honest, it feels like there's molten lava in my veins, everything is burning.

Strangely I am hearing roars and screeching...

Then without any indicators, I got surrounded by a golden glow reminiscent of a time lord's regeneration before it exploded.


(3rd POV)

"Georg summon Samael!" Cao Cao barks seeing his famed spear unable to harm Ophis since she's infinite.

"Impossible, he's supposed to be sealed in Cocytus!" Seeing Azazel's shocked expression Cao Cao's confidence grew.

He had to make a deal with Hades to borrow Samael and a small squadron of Grim Reapers but it will be worth the trouble.

Once Georg's summon was finished a being was summoned, he looked grotesque with a mix of a fallen angel and an eastern dragon.

Sensing his presence even Ophis showed some amount of fear, Samael was like a big middle finger showed to dragons by God of the Bible due to his hatred of them.

Samael himself sensing dragons nearby started thrashing around on the cross he was nailed into.

"Not even Ophis is immune to Samael's poison, please be my guest and try to stop us but we're taking her power." Just as the 'Heroes' started moving they exploded in golden flames.

*Screech, Roar* *Boom!*

Not expecting an explosion among themselves most of the Hero Faction caught unprepared and was burned by the golden flames that even burned their souls.

Cao Cao himself was only able to survive the blast thanks to his spear's protection.

Getting out of the ground Cao Cao spitted some blood showing he didn't come out unscathed.

Looking up to check on his best friend Georg, Cao Cao only found the detestable monster clad in golden flames wiping his boots off some brain matter.

While he looks nothing like before, the only one Cao Cao could think that can cause this is that monster.

"As I thought smarts do make brains sticky." Jacob muttered trying to clean his boots off Georg's brain matter.

"How did you escape!?" Losing his temper Cao Cao started yelling. Unfortunately, he is too injured to fight.

"Once someone told me explosions are the answer to everything. I laughed at her, turns out she was right." A vein popped on Cao Cao's temple as he was about to yell he remembered one thing about the prison.

"It matters not, no mortal can survive that prison even if you managed to broke out, time will catch..." His confidence grew as he talked but all of it crumbled a moment later since the next thing he knows Witcher is in front of him.

His hand inside his chest burning his heart...

"Do I look like I am dying to you?" The last sight Cao Cao saw was Jacob's look filled with pity.


(MC Pov)

I don't know the specifics but I can see the souls of people now, and I can burn them to oblivion.

Since I don't have time to get one of the kitties to seal their souls I just destroyed them.

Their Sacred Gears are with me as well, otherwise, this dimension would be falling apart due to Georg's death.

I will give them to the church since I don't have a use for them.

While the concept is good and all, the emotionally suppressed witcher plus artifacts that get stronger with emotions doesn't mesh very well.

It's one of the reasons that Issei still has the Boosted Gear.

[AN: I mean he was without one so far and it's going okay, why give him one now?]

Once finished, I turn around to see the most disgusting thing I ever saw in my life.

This fallen/dragon hybrid thing is currently trashing around due to my flames burning him off. I recognize this thing, it's Samael.

The angel that got cursed by God since he apparently helped a snake to trick Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of wisdom.

Getting closer, I put my hand on his chest and will the regeneration energy to heal and fix him, my signs manifest on their own to help me.

While I was doing that I sense Ophis and the kids approaching me, I can sense they're wary of me, except Ophis she's just watching.

"I go missing for a while and you guys don't even remember me, sensei is sad."

"Sensei? Is that really you? You were gone like for two hours when did you turn into a caveman!?" Issei yells.

"Rude! I was trapped in a prison where time flowed differently. They didn't have a barber." I retort as the energy cocooned Samael comes back to me.

"Jacob, you fixed him!" Azazel says in shock, he's also probably happy to see his brother getting better.

From what I know none of the fallen angels were okay with his punishment, even some angels found the punishment heavy but they trusted their father's wisdom.

"Yep! I don't want poison like this to exist in this world." At least until I confirm that I am immune to it...

It doesn't seem like I have draconic traits but better safe than sorry.

Although it will take time for Samael to wake up, Asia might have to use Axii Mode on him too.