# 38: Demonic Best Riot.

# 38: Demonic Best Riot.


Seeing there are no more enemies coming we relaxed and started to talk about what happened to each group while I wasn't here.

While I was talking about my experience in the Timeless Prison, another devil made his entry to the dimension.

"Isn't he the one that does bugs?" I ask Asia who was glaring at Shalba.

Man himself looks vary of Asia but the fact that he has hundreds of monsters made out of some clay-like thing giving him confidence.

There's also a kid floating next to him, although the kid looks like he's been through a lot he is unconscious.

"Shalba, what do you want?" I ask.

"Isn't it obvious I want you all dead!" Huh, should've guessed.

"It didn't turn out well for the other guys. I mean you must have some pattern recognition to see where this going right?"

"Hmph! Don't lump me with those weak humans. I am descendent of original satans..." And he is dead.

We turn to Asia and give her a raised eyebrow. She's holding Shalba's head in her hands.

"I hate monologues." She says while motioning Kuroka to seal the poor guy's soul.

"I do monologues too you know." I retort.

"You're an exception." Good to know. I moved to Leonardo, kid has his name on his clothes...

Anyway, I burned his soul and took his Sacred Gear, I don't care if he's young.

"It's all good but what are we going to do about the beast tide coming our way?"

"Just stay put. I'll destroy this dimension and they will be trashed into Dimensional Gap.

Great Red will take out the trash if he runs into them." Seeing everyone nodding I connect to Dimension Lost and take us out of here.

I have to put an enormous amount of power for it to work.


I aimed for Gremory Castle during transfer but the atmosphere was a bit strained once we arrived.

It's pretty self-evident from the ice spear that failed to stab me.

"Didn't know you hated me this much Grayfia?" Seeing Rias and co. Grayfia relaxed but didn't retort.

"Please follow me, we have a problem."

"Of course there's a problem!" This time is Azazel who shouted. Good to know someone is understanding me.


We listened to Grayfia while I shortened my hair and beard with my sword since it's too durable for razors.

[AN: He looks like adult Noctis at this point, here's a picture.]

Well, turns out Shalba's first stop wasn't us but the Underworld. He released all these monsters made from now dead Leonardo's Annihilation Maker.

I have his Sacred Gear as well but I can't control the already created monsters.

Sirzechs listened to our reports before leaving for the Cocytus with some others from the treaty to get some answers from Hades.

Azazel is going with him as well, Vali on the other hand went to cause mayhem by taking out some Grim Reapers.

My blast killed the ones that were in that dimension including Pluto. They're naturally unsatisfied by the results and want to blow off steam.

Kids are also taking evacuation duty in several cities across the underworld.

I on the other hand am going for the big guy. This particular monster is similar to the colossal titan in height.

Serafall has been fighting it for a while but she can only make it stop for a while before it moves again.


Flying with my flame wings(Yes that's a thing I got now) I reached Serafall's location.

She looks more frustrated than tired, the monster is just shrugging her attacks, it must be annoying.

I took a photo of her current expression for later, it will be a good weapon in Sona's hands.

I am not sure what they named this monster but I don't need to know to kill it.

This thing is made with Annihilation Maker, and I have that Sacred Gear with me. Why not fight fire with fire?

First I cast scanning magic at the monster in front of me, without looking at the result I focused on Annihilation Maker and willed it to make a monster that can take on the monster in the readings.

This is where the problems begin, I neither have suited emotions for this to work nor have good enough imagination for it.

So I just pumped more energy into it until it worked. Brute force for the win.

The creature that was created was a familiar sight to me, I almost felt sad that I will have to end his existence later.

My creation lands in front of the monster his arms open and looking like he's inviting the monster.

"Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right at me?" Dio taunts his enemy as always.

*Monster Roars*

"Oh ho! Then come as you like." With that, they started to walk towards each other.


"Muda!" With that Dio turns into a beam of light, the sound of his mudas getting distorted due to speed.

He is punching the underworld out of this mosnter.

"Jacob, what is that?" Serafall's question distracts me out of the fight.

"That's the greatest vampire I know." It's funny that Annihilation Maker chooses a Vampire. I bet that thing knew I hate vampires.

"WRYYYY!" Oh, he already won, he was set to auto-destruct upon winning.

*Dio turns into motes of light and leaves this world*

"Well, my job here is done." I turn around to leave.

"But you didn't do anything."



I managed to reach Cocytus while Sirzechs is still flexing on Hades. We can't actually kill him because that would be a violation of the treaty.

Somehow he is going to get away with what he did, but I won't allow it.

Currently, I am in the middle of Cocytus, I focused on the infinite regeneration energy in me before dumping all I could into the ground.

Truly, having an infinite number of regenerations thanks to Ophis's mutagen is the best thing. I don't even know how all of this works but I am not complaining.

As I was pumping life into the realm of the dead, the ground starts coming to life, and the grass starts growing.

I fed like two cycles(24 regenerations) worth of regeneration energy in there. It's enough to turn this place into the liveliest place in the underworld.


Flying back to the devil's side I sense Issei's life force getting weaker, quickly reaching to his side I found him drowning in his blood and with an arrow in his knee.

Pushing the joke aside I dump some regeneration energy in him healing him. It probably made him stronger as well but I rather not have him dead.

Once Issei came to himself he told me that Katerea Leviathan shot him with that arrow before she got killed again, although he did say that her soul wasn't sealed.

Issei didn't know what was in that arrow before getting hit, he thought it might explode and he was in front of some civilians so he couldn't dodge it.

That arrow turned out to have Samael's blood, I berated him for being reckless also this confirmed that my energy can counter the poison.

Good to know.

Once the big enemies were taken care of the small ones died out faster, then Ajuka developed a spell made to kill these monsters allowing us to quickly wipe them out.

The whole treaty members came to aid, from Zeus to Yasaka and my parents.

Although they did leave right away, who knows Khaos Brigade won't attack their base while it's unattended.


Once the situation in the underworld died down we made our way back to Kuoh, the rest looks spent but I am still filled with energy.

Which was used in my experiments. Until I felt sleepy.

"It's weird hearing two heart beats." Asia mutters her head laying on my chest.

"You don't like it?"

"It's not like that, just it's going to take some time getting used to." I hummed at her.

Even I am having trouble with it, I had to use up some energy before feeling sleepy.

Don't tell me I will lose the need for sleeping in the future...

"Jacob, why are like you shivering?"

"Just thought of a dark possibility." Seeing her raise an eyebrow I explained my fear.

"That's silly even Ophis can sleep when she wants, you'll be fine." Well, considering I will eventually surpass her I wouldn't be sure.


(Hades POV)

I finally send those idiots back, although this opportunity let me gauge Sirzechs's power level.

It's ridiculous to see a disgusting devil have such power, but it also showed me the way. If I can't wipe them out using a borrowed knife I will do it myself.

But I need allies that think like me, those devils, and Longinus users are getting more dangerous to Gods.

To calm my angry bones I decided to watch over my realm. It always relaxes me to watch the souls in my realm.

"What is this?!" I pulled a random reaper to ask what I am seeing.

"I don't know my lord. It happened while we were dealing with attackers. Once we came back everywhere was filled with life." The whole realm has been transformed into grasslands with flowers blooming.

This is no different than spitting on my bones.

"Find who defiled my realm! I want results now!"

"Yes sir!"

"Also where's Pluto?"

"We lost contact hours ago, his life orb was found broken. He is dead sir." I fucking knew I couldn't trust those Khaos Brigade idiots.

Fine, it's time to pave the way to Alliance of Hell.

"Someone send this letter to Nyx!"I yell while taking out the letter I have prepared.

I have been working on this for a while but it seems I need to speed things up.