# 39: Vampires Ask For Help.

# 39: Vampires Ask For Help.


"Alright, what is it this time? I swear you guys call me for help more than you call Azazel." I am once again back in ORC this time Gasper is out of his box.

Little trap has been working out, it's kinda hard to be lazy with the others around.

I left the experiments for the prison I was trapped in to get here so this better be worth it.

It looks like the prison orb recognized me as the owner after my outburst, so I am playing around with it.

There is also the fact that my body is changed completely, I can't call myself witcher anymore. I have two hearts! *fanboy noises*

My natural magic has turned similar to the Three Factions imagination based magic but using signs and calculations make the process easier.

If imagination based magic was superior then Azazel wouldn't admit Asgard having better magic then themselves.

"Sensei, you're more capable than Azazel." Aww how sweet, but I don't take flattering.

"Cut the flattery and tell me what's up?"

"Gasper awakened a new power during the evacuation, it's worrying us. Can you take a look at him?" Turning my gaze back to Gasper I focus all my senses on him making him fidget.

From what I can see with my current senses this form is not his actual form, huh looking a bit deeper I found the reason and what he is in the end.

Gasper made out of the darkness that's given form in the shape of what we see at the moment. He is in humanoid form due to it being more practical.

The reason for all of this is because the soul in his Sacred Gear, remember Sacred Gears are distributed to souls during their creation when they're still just a soul without bodies.

The influence of this affected Gasper immensely and he probably wasn't even in humanoid form when he was born.

That must've been something for his parents...

Sighing I put my hand to his head and connected to his Forbidden Balor View.

'You have ten seconds to introduce yourself before I burn you to spiritual ashes.'

'Wait! My name is Balor the Irish God I will explain everything.'

'Well, go on.' Great another Evil God.

'You see, I was killed but when my soul was scattering I found this Sacred Gear and huddled in it.'

'And you were hoping to take Gasper over once he was ripe if I am guessing right.'

'Well, yeah... Then Gasper made friends with that girl Valerie. She has the Sephiroth Graal and due to its passive effects I lost my divinity and now reduced to a spirit aiding the Sacred Gear.'

'Why should I trust you?'

'It is not like I can get out of here since I lost my divinity. I am no different than Ddraig over there but I came to like this kid so I helped him out whenever I could.' He is right on that part, he didn't have a reason to manifest to help out Gasper.

Withdrawing my hand I sat down and called Azazel first. The information on the whereabouts of the Graal takes priority.

After Azazel came, I disclosed what I learned from Balor, Gasper was a bit shaken but he is surrounded by people who all have shitty backgrounds minus Rias. He will get over it.

Azazel on the other hand went to share the intel with others while I went along with him to deliver the Sacred Gears in my possession.

I really wished I could use these but it just wasn't meant to be. None of the Sacred Gears I have in my soul are warming up to me.

The Faction leaders decided to keep their troops ready while Azazel is looking for more evidence.

It's kinda hard to believe the words of an Evil God...


As if it was the plot itself we were visited by vampires from Carmilla Faction who wanted to sign the treaty as long as we lend them, Gasper.

What am I saying of course it's the plot!

Elmenhilde Karnstein came to ORC with some other vampires. They seemed to hold themselves in high regard.

Three Factions are all about peace at the moment, so rejecting them would be not peaceful, so they think we're obligated to help them.

Well, they're not wrong but they did confirm the whereabouts of Sephiroth Graal thus giving us a green light to rain Biblical plague on Romania

"I was expecting you to lose your temper. Jacob, you're not going to kill the rest once we take down Tepes Faction will you?" Azazel sits across me while asking.

Not gonna lie, if not for my suppression I would have twisted their necks.

"Why, it's not like they're useful for anything."

"Look Jacob I know you want revenge but we're trying to establish peace. You can't just commit genocide."

"I am doing this in the name of peace."

"How's that going to bring peace."

"Well, it will be pretty fucking peaceful when I kill all the trouble makers."

"Jesus! *Ouch!*"

"Hahaha! Man look at your faces. Relax I am not going to kill an entire race for my petty revenge I swear on it." I made a magic oath before they let me go.

I honestly think death would be too easy for those bloodsuckers. I have something else in mind for them.


After vampires left, we began mobilizing troops. This didn't really affect our normal lives though.

We're pretty chill, it's like a calm before the storm. I can feel something is coming.


Sigh, Hearing the explosion I put my entire class to sleep before sealing the classroom and left to where I heard the explosion.

On my way, I ran into a beast made of darkness. If I didn't sense Gasper in its aura I would have attacked it.

"Hey, can you tell me what's going on?" I ask the thing while my senses are sweeping throughout the school.

The beast apparently couldn't speak and did some hand(paw) movements to relay the message.

"Yeah, I got nothing. I am going towards Ravel, she's the weakest." The beast slumped down to the ground with clear depression and started drawing circles.

Not minding it I jumped out of the window and flew towards Ravel, by the time I reached her she was already being kidnapped.

Right, Mephistopheles did warn her about Khaos Brigade Magician's Faction; Nilrem abducting Phenex family members.

I have no beef against her but I kinda want to see where these people are going.

So I followed them while leaving a message for Asia to relay it to the kids.


The magicians that took Ravel went to the unground station that Kids used to travel to Underworld.

It seems like they're occupying one of the unused tunnels and turned it into a research station.

Here I also sensed a devil presence. Intrigued I followed under stealth. I am wearing a cloak made from the concept of darkness to boost stealth.

How did I get my hands on such material? Well...


(Nyx's Palace Of Darkness)

Not getting an answer from Nyx, Hades decided to personally visit Nyx. While he is sure that the primordial goddess wouldn't mind the letter, who can guess what she will do?

She was always been picky about people allowed to visit her. That's the reason he sent the letter.

Thankfully the maids were informed by Nyx to let him in.

Finding his way to her room Hades opened the door after knocking only to find an unbelievable sight.

"Witcher~ give me more ~SHOW ME MORE!" Much to say it was obvious that Nyx is not joining his alliance.

[AN: Jacob didn't sleep with her calm down.]


(Back To MC)

While I am a man of little to no morals, I rather not have them experiment on Ravel.

I already saw what they did to clones of her family members. thankfully she's still unconscious and didn't see it.

Landing behind the grey-haired devil whom I assumed is the leader I Axii'ed him to sleep and froze him in time with Yrden.

The magicians themselves aren't valuable so I quickly killed them all. while I was making my way towards Ravel I sensed a dragon behind me.

Which died and got its soul burned a second later. I mean don't get me wrong I am pretty OP but not really after my last evolution.

Unfortunately, I am not OP enough. Weirdly, I am technically at the same tier with Ophis and Great Red on the quality scale but my total power barely surpasses Sirzechs.

It's similar to the case of Ophis, her power is infinite but she still can't beat Great Red because she's not infinite enough to suppress his dream.

I have the concept of "Time" but that concept is weak even though it is also infinite thanks to Ophis but I am only strong as my concept.

Body training is secondary objective at this point, what I require is spiritual training to temper my soul and find a way to strengthen my concept.

Which means I am hitting philosophy books in hopes for enlightenment, I mean it worked for Sun Wukong...

Sighing I put Ravel on my shoulders and willed the devil to float behind me before I teleported back to ORC.

I'll have Devils send someone here after all the clones here are also from the devil race.