# 40: Attack On Vampires!

# 40: Attack On Vampires!


Once I teleported back to ORC I found them drinking tea while eating small cakes.

"I am flattered that, you guys have so much confidence in me but what the fuck?!" Seriously your friend has been abducted under your noses.

Putting Ravel to the couch I sat down as well, my prisoner is still floating behind.

"We saved some for you sensei." Rias defends their actions.

"That's not the point... Thank you Akeno." I retort... Hmm, this is some good cake.

"So, who's today's villain?" Azazel asks, what is this weekend cartoon?

"I don't know, although he's a devil. Woah doesn't he look like Grayfia?" I finally made the connection. It was hard to notice when his face was scowling all the time.

"That's Euclid Lucifuge, brother of Grayfia! He was presumed dead back during Devil Civil War." Azazel spits his cake before talking.

"So what are we going to do about him?" Issei asks while wiping the cake that landed on his face...

"I can force him to talk with Axii without giving him a chance to lie."

"Great! I will call Sirzechs. The fact that Euclid being with Khaos Brigade shows us there's someone big behind it even after Ophis left."


The interrogation was set up pretty quickly and I never really let Euclid have control of his mind.

He quickly spilled the beans about Rizevan Lucifer and his madness fueled plot to unseal a beast called Trihexa that Biblical God sealed and send it to another world as a big middle finger.

We also shared facepalms with the faction leaders after learning that Rizevan decided all of this after Issei managed to send his prayer to Chichi-kami and get an answer.

I made him talk about Grayfia to clarify that Grayfia is innocent and is not working with them as spies.

Although it also revealed that he sexually loves Grayfia. Sirzechs broke his nose after hearing it.

"So what is going on in Romania?" I ask, it would be better if we knew what we're dealing with.

"We're fooling the vampires and using the Graal to turn them into mindless evil dragons. They're not even aware of it.

We were going to use that to ambush Kuoh to take Ophis back to use her. We need her power and the Valkyrie called Rossweisse to open the seal." Well, they're certainly well informed.

Before we ended the interrogation I mind sweep him to forget that he ever talked. I planted memories of him resisting and stuff like that by using his own memories to fill the blanks.

I was never this happy that my prisoner was a masochist filled with memories of being tortured.

I still don't trust devils and they might just bust this guy out after learning he is backing Lucifer by blood. So I took my precautions.


While the interrogations were going the rest of the fighting force has got together.

We have reincarnated angels equipped with Longinuses, we have devils.

We have Sun Wukong himself and Yu-long(Got baited with food, he didn't know we are going to fight)

Lastly, Vali's team who joined after I slipped the information about Rizevan. He indeed has a revenge plot and I didn't hesitate to use it.

They decided to call this group Team DxD which is funny because it's the name of the novel, also it gives an idea about ExE maybe it is the sequel to this novel who knows.

With our fast response team ready with the actual troops following behind we teleported to Romania.

I wanted to force teleport in their fog barriers and smash it apart but they didn't let me because it's a rare sunny day in Romania today.

"Psst, Jacob. Sirzechs called someone broke Euclid out." Azazel's voice never sounded more annoyed.

"Well, I was expecting it. Nothing we can do right now, let's save ourselves a princess."


To reach Tepes Faction first we needed to get in the fog via Carmilla Faction's help.

From the second I entered inside I started dropping small beads that turn gaseous upon hitting the ground.

They're special spores that are set to target Pure Vampires. This is my revenge plot against Vampires as a race, but I won't activate it until our job is finished.

From there we started an assault on Tepes Faction, it was horrific to watch. Especially Gasper who learned that his friend is in danger.

Those dark beasts are really strong and the fact that there's no sunlight in here boosts them up even further.

I on the other hand am saving my strength, I already sensed a dragon that is stronger than the kids.

Only Sun Wukong and I could take on that guy and only I am strong enough to take it down but I have a plan for us to pass him without wasting time.

As if on cue we got blocked by a dragon his hair is black and white, his description matches the Evil Dragons Crom Cruach.

Before he could speak I retrieved the arrow I stashed while healing Issei. This arrow still has Samael's poison.

"Out of the way lizard!" I stabbed him in the heart and threw him like a sack of potatoes. "Holy shit, I didn't know you had one of those sensei?"

I refuse to take pride in that kill, it looked more like a prison shanking than a real battle.

"That's the same arrow I pulled out of you Issei."

"Ah, That makes sense." Issei scratched the back of his head remembering that event.

"Poor Crom Cruach, I bet he didn't think he would die like that." I heard Azazel muttering to himself while we reached the room where Valerie is.

"Dynamic Entry!" Kicking the door, I entered the room only to find just Valerie.

"Where's Marius?" I ask out loud.

"He is behind the door. Poor bastard." Vali pointed to the door that blasted and got embedded in the wall.

Now that I look at it there's blood dripping from it... Welp.

"It doesn't seem like he started the operation to remove her gear." Vali is inspecting the ritual around Valerie.

"Then why is she like this?"

"Overuse of the Graal does that." Azazel answers Issei.

"No, she's missing a piece. I can see her soul is not whole." I comment on the side.

"Then who took it?" Issei is confused.

"Rizevan Lucifer." Vali mutters darkly it seems like he found a witty note left for us by our main villain.


"Well, it seems he left us some presents before he left." I joke.


The vampires turned evil dragons weren't hard to kill and kids got to practice their AOE attacks but their normal brutality-fueled joy wasn't there.

We came all the way here only to learn that the target we were going for already escaped with what he wanted.

I on the other hand made sure that every leftover vampire has breathed in the spores I left in the atmosphere.

Once finished we went back to Valerie, I want to try to mend her soul with the regeneration energy.

Don't get me wrong I also need her power to activate the spores. I was planning this ever since I learned Sephiroth Graal was suspected to be with Khaos Brigade.

I was going for the genocide route until I learned if the holy grail

My request to try healing her was accepted. They already know that I healed Issei and Samael's poison affects the soul as well.

Putting my hand to her head I reached out to her soul filling the empty spots with it urging it to heal.

While that's going in I send a ping to the Graal and activate my revenge on vampire race.

The weight of the operation fell on my soul since I don't want to kill Valerie which is painful.

Most of my upgrades to my power were based on my body, my soul strength does match my body but it can be better.

Anyway with the operation finished Valerie opened her eyes and looked towards me in shock.

"What have you done?!" I smirked victoriously.