# 41: A New Race.

# 41: A New Race.


Elemenhide moves toward the relaxed Jacob with a scowl on her face. Her now green hair shines under the sun because the fog barrier broke during the fight with evil dragons.

"Hey Jacob, looking really relaxed there buddy." She snarks, her now honey-gold eyes glaring at Jacob laying down on the grass.

"Yeah, I feel like I attained some sort of enlightenment." I get comfortable on the grass, ahh elf magic enhanced grass, talk about quality.

"What is your viewpoint on today's events?" I can sense her trying to will her magic to attack but she hasn't figured out how to use it.

"Not much happened really, vampires turned into evil dragons attacked, we lost our target. Someone committed genocide..."

"And who did that!?"

"... how am I supposed to know I was busy, ahem then I contributed in the creation of a new race, hundreds died for some reason..." Only the females survived the process totally "accidental".


"...Not the point, look as far as I am concerned, today has been a pretty good day."

"You destroyed vampires! At least have some..."

"Listen, kid, no language on earth has a word for how little I care. A quantum supercomputer, calculating for a thousand years could not even approach to the number of fucks I do not give." She was speechless. I am quite proud to quote SAO Abridged.

"Now, go learn to fertilize the plants or something, you guys are Elves for crying out loud." She showed some anger, her magic now behaving better sprouted some thorny vines that got burned upon reaching me.

"Look you are already learning." She eventually burst into tears and left.

Yes, I created an Elf Gene template and used it against them turning the once proud vampire race into Elves.

[AN: I know there are elves in DxD but this is fanfiction so I didn't include them just for this.]

It always bothered me that this world doesn't have Elves. Now thanks to yours truly we have them.

I only turned Pure Vampires so there are still Dhampirs but those guys don't have to drink blood to survive so they're cool.

The new elves are peaceful by nature and their magic is nature-based, but that doesn't mean they can't fight or they're pushovers.

Their new magic has a gentle version used to cultivate farms and enhance the soil, then there's the wild version used to kill enemies, they have blood-sucking vines such.

Some elves manifest magic similar to Wood Release but its potency is similar to Yamato's, not Hashirama's.

All in all, they're better than Vampires. They're stronger in the day but the night doesn't weaken them.

Also, their being is tied to nature, so they didn't lose their immortality. They just need to look after nature to keep on living.

I did make sure they can't harm me though, their magic won't work on me or people I marked.

On top of that, all of them are prettier than before, some of their hair colors changed to green tones but it's not bad.

I put so much time into this that it is not even funny at the moment. I wonder what kind of punishment I will get for this...


"I'm home!" I call out as I enter the home. I just came from the talks with different factions about my punishment.

"Welcome dear, how did it go?" Asia comes in like a perfect wife and helps me out.

"Well, you won't believe it but I got free without punishments after I told them only the females survived the process." Asia's expression turned blank for a second then she rebooted.

"Was that planned?" She asks sitting on my lap.

"Yes, but I didn't do it to get myself an elf harem or something like that."

"Then why?"

"I had a gut feeling male elves would end up being grotesque." I mean this is a harem novel in the end.

Asia just hummed in my lap, while taking in my scent.

"Can you undo the Axii around your face?" She eventually asks.

Sighing I do as I am told, remember that I have Incubus mutagen and I did spend a lot of time in the Timeless Prison.

Normally there wasn't a noticeable difference but I spent quite a long time there.

I am drop-dead handsome. Asia has some immunity to it due to seeing my face regularly or just because I 'claimed' her but my face is a deadly weapon right now.

I even defeated a primordial goddess with my face, just a peek was enough to turn Nyx into my loyal puppy.

I am kinda scared going back to her palace now, I just wanted to test my 'lethality' but backfired on me.

"As I thought this face is too dangerous." Asia mutters to herself while taking in my features. She doesn't look like she's enamored like Nyx though.

I am glad that she has an immunity towards my face. It would be hard to live with someone when they keep staring at your face.

"Well, I am kinda hungry why don't we eat?" I ask.

"You don't get hungry dear." To this, I grabbed her bottom earning a cute yelp from Asia.

"Are you sure about that?" And to the bed, we go!


I am currently inside my experiment zone, I finally cracked the King Piece and how this thing turns people into devils.

I mean don't get me wrong I did ask Ajuka if he can give me his notes while stating I am not going to use it for bad intentions.

Alas, I wasn't permitted to have access to it due to meddling from old farts behind the devil community.

While it might not look like it I do have a brain and I am indeed smart even though I don't like to use it most of the time.

Plus Blank essence improves on everything that aspect that includes smarts as well.

So while it took me a while I did eventually cracked this thing open.

Today, I am going to try making a Timelord Piece that will turn Asia into a being similar to me.

The blank piece I prepared is set in the middle of the magic ritual. I had to make lots of add-ons to ensure stability.

Thankfully, the Gwent cards are made from the same material, so I just bought a deck and turned it into a piece.

Starting the ritual I condense a liquid drop of my energy. Letting the piece absorb the drop I keep my focus on the stabilizers.


Unfortunately today I learned that the reincarnation system in this world isn't good enough for my race...

My power is too overwhelming for the crystal used for the piece and this is the only crystal in this world that has these properties.

There are no alternatives for this in this universe...

Slapping my forehead I start calculations for Multiverse travel, there might not be adequate material here but there's always other media.

It's not like God told me I am not allowed to leave this world. I think Bleach has what I need.

It was stated that Hōgyoku holds immense power, and from what I remember that thing is more powerful than a mere Evil Piece.

While I am not interested in Hōgyoku itself I want to know how Urahara contained something like that.

I would probably have to get involved with the plot to get what I need as well since that thing has a will of its own and I doubt I am immune to its effects yet.

"Things I do for love." FYI I never liked Bleach...

I also put the piece I was readying for my parents aside. I know Mary is going to outlive Martha, so I was making a piece that would turn Martha into half-mimic like Mary and synchronize their life force to have them equal years.

I can find a better way for them as well.