# 42: I Really Should Stop Trusting People.

# 42: I Really Should Stop Trusting People.


I am back in my mental realm roasting the Timeless Prison on the campfire that represents my soul.

I am trying to temper it and do some modifications to it, while also merging it in my soul.

I was just going to make it my secret holiday resort but I am trying to turn it into an internal realm ever since I decided to go on Multiverse travel.

There's no guarantee that I will reach where I want to go on my first try.

The calculations for the travel itself was relatively easy for me, it must have something to do with my current race.

My body absorbed time energy for years and turned me into this and I have a scary aptitude for anything time&space related.

I can safely call myself a Timelord if I want hehe.

Then again I can't really leave at the moment, while I am pretty sure that I can come back in a second by this world's time I don't want to risk it.

There is a terrorist organization being run by the son of OG Lucifer, and they want Ophis. I must stay vigilant while accompanying her.


"So, Göndul. Let me get this straight. We're fighting a terrorist organization run by a super devil that can cancel sacred gears and we're like their primary targets." I ask the elderly Valkyrie as we walk.

"As far as I'm aware, yes." Göndul lazily answers.

"And people thought it was a brilliant idea to open a school and hold a magician's conference at the same time." Ophis is delivered to the custody of Satans since the chance of an attack here is too high.


"I am not saying they're going to use this to attack us but I can see the attack already coming."

"You're worrying a lot, we handled their evil dragon reserves. Most of their heavy hitters had their souls sealed or destroyed. There's a chance of attack but it won't be anything we can't handle." Göndul finishes off with a slap to my back, the problem is it was reinforced by magic.

There she goes raising flags.

"Was that necessary Göndul?" I ask, I wasn't expecting that. Not that it hurt me but I refuse to let people hit me randomly.

Hearing me she stopped and looked me in the eye. "My granddaughter is sleeping with Loki. I blame you for being a beta male that didn't take advantage when she was attracted to you."

"Thank you for explaining but I wasn't interested in your granddaughter and Loki is on the path to change. He even stopped kicking puppies." I mean that's a big improvement for an Evil God.

Göndul didn't answer but sighed before going to her meeting. Seeing her go I teleported to Auros Academy that Sona is funding.

Thanks to my training they improved immensely, they're not anywhere near Rias's Peerage but it was enough to get them recognized.

Saji even reached Balance Breaker after I tricked him with pictures of Sona wearing a magical girl outfit.

I might have spiked his drink with Issei's blood too for safe measure.


Today is the first day of the Auros Academy. This school will teach low and mid-class devils who want to participate in the Rating Games.

They're basically teaching them how to fight, how different pieces work, and magic both demonic and regular.

It kinda reminds me of Shinobi Academy from Naruto. These children are coming here because Rating Games look cool but they'll be used as soldiers if needed.

Even if Sona didn't plan on it it's inevitable when you're raising a bunch of young devils. You gotta put in that propaganda.

Luckily the first day went without a hitch, some time later even Göndul and the other magicians joined the classes.

I wasn't allowed to teach though, meh their loss. At the end of the day, I learned that The Emperor of the rating games was also filming in a nearby location.


The next day I was invited by Emperor Diehauser Belial himself. This guy is one of the devils I like.

From what I know, his house wasn't in a good condition and he alone pulled it through and became The Emperor.

There are stories of his family selling everything they have to make sure Diehauser gets the best education and training he could get.

A man like this that went through all that shit and still haven't turned arrogant is someone worthy of respect.

So I accepted when he invited me to his shooting. Teleporting to the location I was given I got greeted by three gigantic dragons.

One of them is a giant Dragon with three heads and six giant wings. He had very dark scales with a shade of purple.

The other one has the appearance of a Dragon and a tree combined

The last one has the appearance of a black Eastern Dragon exceeding one hundred meters in length. He has gems along his body, all of which released a shimmering, silvery glow.

He has three eyes upon his head which released the same silvery glow as his gems. He is also exuding a powerful, ominous aura from his body.

From the looks and the books in my head, I can guess that these three fellows are Aži Dahāka, Ladon, and Apophis.

They're also Evil Dragons, which is the motto for Khaos Brigade at the moment.

Also, I never thought a man like Diehauser would be a traitor.

Okay, new policy. Don't trust anyone that is not my girlfriend or slave...

While I want to escape, I can't really do that since these three dragons are the most broken magicians in existence that surpassing me.

I can shrug off most magic at Satan Class but these guys fire Satan Class at minimum and use forbidden ones, considering Rizevan still has the Graal they can probably spam forbidden spells too.

Remember when I said I am higher quality when compared to most of the top 10 but I am not strong as them yet, yeah I am basically fucked now.

"Hello gentlemen, can we talk this out in a civilized manner?" They shared a look between them before laughing.

I guess, asking Evil Dragons to be civil was a stupid move but I tend to not use my brain in situations like this.

"Well, that made me laugh now don't resist we need you alive." Ladon says to me making me raise a eyebrow while I am running around the barrier looking for a weak point.

"Idiot, why would you say that to him?" Apophis smacks Ladon causing him to drop a few leaves of the tree part of its body.

"Stop idiots he's running away!" Thc Aži Dahāka why don't you join them instead of being the voice of reason!?

Unfortunately, not even a cheat character like Ajuka can survive the three strongest Evil Dragons together and I used the arrow with Samael's poison on Crom Cruach...

I mean Ajuka wouldn't be stupid enough to get into this situation in the first place but you get the idea.

I was shortly apprehended and knocked out, thankfully I managed to send an S.O.S. to Asia. It should reach her after my captors leave this barrier.

[AN: The author uses a plot device and it's super effective. It's hard for me to write the whole Trihexa arc, especially on a phone. So I am using a cliché.]