# 43: Apocalyptic Idol

# 43: Apocalyptic Idol


I found myself back at the fireplace, but there is a tunnel attached to the fireplace sucking the fire.

Although it's not going out, it's an uncomfortable feeling to have your life force sucked out.

I think they decided to capture me after realizing capturing Ophis would be harder.

I mean I wasn't very secretive about my powers even though I only told ORC it's not like spies don't exist.

It was stupidity on my part, which is normal for me at this point. Shaking my head I focused on my soul to materialize my medallion.

I haven't used this little guy in ages, but it does have a direct line to Asia which I used to send my message.

From the look of it, she received it, and there are over 9000 unanswered calls... tapping on it I called her again.

'Jacob, Is that you?!' Asia calls out in surprise, I can hear screams in the background but it doesn't belong to anyone I know.

'Yes, how's it going?' I ask since she didn't sound like she's fighting.

'Not good, Qilippoth attacked Auros Academy right after I got your message we repelled them but they stole the flying city.' Asia takes a breath before continuing.

'Then they attacked Heaven to steal the Fruit of Wisdom and Fruit Of Life and succeeded' What the fuck!

'What did ORC do at the time, I mean I know those Evil Dragons are nigh undefeatable but I gave you guys a head's up.' Don't tell me all those trainings got wasted.

'We were dealing with Ophis's rampage.' The what?

'Can you repeat that?' Did she say Ophis's rampage?

'She kinda went into a rage after hearing you got abducted...' Aww how cute...

'Is the world okay?!' Remember guys Ophis is the second strongest being in this world!

'I absorbed her outburst to my Sacred Gear, I was used to accepting foreign energy thanks to your training. Twilight Healing has a Juggernaut Drive... Who would have thought?' Asia sounded embarrassed there.

'Are you okay?'

'I kinda healed every known and probably unknown disease permanently.' Rip to pharmaceutical companies.

'I said are you okay? I didn't ask about the world.'

'My eyes permanently turned violet but I am unharmed.' Asia informs I can hear the elation in her voice because I asked about her health...

Anime girls are too easy, otherwise, MC's can't lewd them.

'Thank God it's nothing major...'

'...By the way. Is it normal for me to imagine you in purple armor with Ophis on your back traveling the world?' The imagery is ridiculously cute.

'No.' She could have humored me.

'Then what happened next I did warn you guys about Diehauser.'

'Yes, turns out his cousin was killed due to the king piece controversy and he wanted revenge. He is apprehended.' Right, so she was the last supervisor of Kuoh.

'So what are you guys are doing now?' I ask since the screams have doubled.

'Vali, Issei, and Ophis are torturing Rizevan while Azazel is trying to take you out of the core of the ritual that's set to release the Trihexa.' That explains where I am.

'Cool, keep me updated I will see what I can do from here.'

'Ok, by the way, I will torture you in the afterlife if you die.' Scary Asia that's scary.

'Yes ma'am.' With that, I closed the channel, Asia can call me whenever it's needed.


Looking around me I see that the Timeless Prison has finished assimilating in my soul, turning into an internal realm like I planned and I can go in there.

The reason I got my eyes on that it stands in front of the tunnel restricting the flow of life force, shortly trying to keep me alive even though I have infinite life force.

But the thing that drew my attention is that there's someone in there. As clichés go I can guess that it's Trihexa's conciseness.

Trihexa is a being of the same caliber as Great Red and Ophis. If we consider that one of them is a loli and the other is similar to a delinquent biker.

I bet that Trihexa is going to be somewhere between them. With that guess and lack of care for my life, I entered the dimension.

What greeted me was a boy around the ages of 12-13 and he has six wings from different creatures.

"I am actually genderless but I would rather be a girl." and she's able to read inner monologues.

"Not true, I can do this because we're in your soul." That explains it.

"Okay, then why are you here in this dimension?" I ask since she didn't seem the homicidal type.

"I sensed the power and I came here. I wasn't in my right mind at the time." Hold up...

"Can you elaborate on that?" That's like huge news.

"It all started when people started to talk about how I was the most beautiful in existence, sigh then Ishtar happened." Holy shit!

"What did she do?" Why isn't there a version of her that is actually nice from birth?

"I am not sure what it was but she stabbed me with something then I lost my mind.

I have been looking for powerful beings that could help me but in my mindless state I kept killing them and got stronger." Hmm, maybe she went into a frenzy due to Ishtar's meddling and absorbed other beings turning into a Chimera she is today.

"In the end, Biblical God sealed you." I finish for her.

"Yes, I wish to go thank him for that." Her eyes are twinkling so cute.

"Well, he died in a war."

"I see, was it Ishtar?"

"No she and her mythology got wiped out long ago." Thankfully, although it's a pity Ereshkigal would be a better alternative to Hades.

"Good, anyway that energy you have in you cleared my mind and I have been trying to reconstruct my body but your dimension didn't let me have more energy." She said with a chuckle.

"Why are you reconstructing your body?"

"I am gigantic and grotesque. I wanna be small and cute like I was used to be." Well, that's a valid point.


"Sarcasm is a thing." She pouted.


After having some chat with now called Tri-chan, I left the dimension and I willed it to move away so she can finish her business.

'Asia tell Azazel to stop bothering the ritual. I talk no jutsued Trihexa she's on our side now.'

'What is talk no Jutsu?' Right this world doesn't have Naruto I keep forgetting.

'Forget that she's on our side also she's loli so get Ophis ready they'll get along.' Asia made an indiscernible sound before answering.


With this I watched Tri-chan's body as it turned into a golden puddle before it took the shape I saw in the dimension, she gave me a wink before cutting the line between us causing me to wake up.


"I am up!" I jumped out of wherever I am only to hit the ceiling and fall comically.

"Jacob!" Asia hugged me, I just let her do whatever she wants while patting her head.

Looking over I see ORC looking at Asia with smiles, but I can also see the fear in their eyes, I don't need to know what she did to them while I was gone.

Asia herself has changed as well. It's not just the eye color her chest got bigger from whatever happened to her during Ophis's rampage.

[AN: In original Asia's bust grew due to Devil magic and her desire since Issei liked bigger breasts. Here I made the change with Ophis.]

On the side Vali's team is talking with Azazel who is sad about something, there's Bikou they apparently stitched his tail back to him.

I can see Vali poking a dead carcass of something humanoid, I can't tell it's race due to not much of it being left.

"That used to be my grandfather." Vali answers my question.

"I see, Asia where's Ophis?"

"She is talking with Trihexa. She broke out of the seal on her own." As I guessed.

Everyone is shocked about the being that forced Biblical God to sacrifice his power just to seal it, being a cute little girl.

I did have to meditate on things between others and Tri-chan.

She suddenly decided to become an idol while we were talking so Azazel's doing preparations for that.

On the other hand, I got dragged home by Asia who locked the door before jumping on me.

Is she going to cry her eyes out like any other cliché novel?

"Why are your pants still on?" Okay, she's just horny.