# 44: Preparations and Departure.

# 44: Preparations and Departure.


The days following Tri-chan's emergence was hectic, there was a lot to do on the supernatural side and there was a lot to do on normal side.

I used up all my sick days due to, the fact that I got kidnapped... We had to fake a report.

Now I have to deal with the work piled up at school, there's also the finals and the graduation for the third years.

"I quit!" I slammed my letter to Sona's desk. I am not quiting because of the workload, I am getting ready to leave this world.

"You need to give a two weeks notice and you need to give it to the principal sensei." I gave her a look that made her quiet and take the letter.

We both know who runs this school...


While I handled the school relatively easily, I also need to speak with Asia.

My parents would be okay with me going on a travel, as long as I don't give them the details but Asia is different.

I kinda want her to come with be then again she has friends of her own here and she's still studying.

I put her to that school, and now taking her off school just because I want company during my travels sounds rather selfish.

"Asia, we need to talk." Seeing my serious expression she sat down.

She's quite afraid about our relationship, the main reason we're even together is because I didn't know how to reject a woman.

I mean Rossweisse was living far away from me thus it was easy to avoid her but I couldn't leave Asia alone.

She's also aware of it and scared that I would leave her. It's probably the reason she agreed to harem when I asked before.

"Yes, Jacob?" She ask hesitantly seeing I am not taking.

"I got distracted sorry. The thing is I am going on a travel which may or may not take years. I wanted to ask if you want to come along?

I mean we're dating and living together but you have a life of your own and I want you to finish your education..."

"Can it wait?"

"Not sure, Rizevan already sent an insult filled message to that other world. We don't know when they will reach here?" I explained while pulling my fez out.

Asia quirked an eyebrow seeing my fez, I wear it in the house sometimes.

"This thing has traces of time travel on it, I couldn't pick it up before but I can now. This also has a warning about ExE which is now confirmed as that other world. If I got a warning about this from the future I can't really stay lax." Asia nodded with an understanding expression before she looked me in the eye.

"I need some time to think about this. I would like to come with you but as you said, I have a life of my own." I nodded and patted her head.

It's good that she's not depending on me anymore. I guess living without me during my kidnapping helped as well.

Afterward I took her to bed, I need to prove her how much I love her, and words are insufficient at this point.


While I was finishing up on my personal matters, I was also stocking up on resources.

I am turning my savings into gold, and giving Asia access to my bank account just in case she decided to stay, she refused it before but now she can't.

I am stocking up on entertainment in the form of anime and mangas. Ophis is definitely not letting me go, I am not going to take her with me though.

The only reason she's not latching on me at the moment is because Tri-chan is keeping her occupied and she somehow talked her into the idol business.

Thankfully Tri-chan isn't childish in mentality (most of the time) otherwise it would be troublesome.

Although I am making sure that Ophis will stay here, there's no reason for me to not prepare stuff for her eventual moving over.

I bought some seeds for trees, bananas mostly. Dragons of this world loves bananas, I also got a seed for Dragon Apple Tree.

I am going to plant them in my dimension and blast them with life force to grow them up.

The dimension itself is weird, I was expecting to being able to create whatever I want inside it but it didn't work like that.

I can modify the terrain and build houses out of stone and such but I need to bring stuff from outside.

Anyway, lastly I did my final testing with the Multiverse travel. Being a timelord is helping me immensely.


"Jacob, thank you for coming. We heard you're quiting from Kuoh Academy." Sirzechs greets me with a smile. He's happy that I am quiting thus away from his sister.

"Jacob, don't leave me with the mess you created! I NEED HELP." I ignore Azazel.

"Well, jokes aside please do share your reason for this abrupt decision." Michael is the calmest as always.

Sittinf down I did the same explanation I did to Asia. No one needs to know that my journey is to another world.

"If time travel is possible then... No changing the time line would be unwise." Great, Michael is depressed. He probably wanted to save The Biblical God.

"Yeah, changing fixed events like death are a no go. Especially if they're big like death of Big G." He nodded ruefully.

"Jacob, sincr you're leaving can you show me what's behind that illusion. I heard Asia taling about it the other day." Azazel asks, he seemed to be reaching acceptance stage.

Smirking I lower the power of Axii, they can't handle the real deal. The jaws of the three droped.

I spy Grayfia on the side hiding a blush on the side. Azazel and Sirzechs are just mumbling about being straight to re-assure themselves.

Seeing Michael's wings are flickering I put Axii back in full power. What the fuck Michael?!

"I see, Jacob I must sadly inform you that we can't have you meet any angels without covering yourself." Michael is the first one to pull himself together.


"That's a face inviting trouble from other gods. Be sure to not show anyone." Azazel warns.

Seeing me acting bashful Sirzechs asked. "Who?"

"ASAO-SAMA!" I couldn't answer due to Nyx breaking through the windows and jumping on me.

"Nyx! Calm down."

"No, please show your face again I will do anything!" Seeing that she's not calming I showed her my face while chocking her unconscious.

"Now that she delivered herself I can finally change her memories." Muttering to myself I got to work and made sure she is not obsessed with my face.

"Finally, she's been stalking me ever since death of Rizevan." I teleported her back to her palace.

"What?"Turning around I see the other four giving me a weird look.


"Jacob, I decided to come with you." Asia told me over dinner, right on time too since I am leaving tonight.

"Well, what can I say good timing." Since she gave me an answer I divulged the secrets of my journey and gave her the Bleach Manga.

Yes, this place has it but there's no anime adaptation...

Asia cutely pouted at me later for not telling we won't be losing any time on this side and we can travel for years if we want.

That night I transferred her to my dimension and casted the Multiverse Travel magic, causing a vortex beneath my feet.

'I guess it was a bad idea to cast it there.' I think about it while falling into the vortex.