# 48: Bleached Lives.

# 48: Bleached Lives.


"You sure we can leave?" Asia asks unsurely.

The gods have yet to release me from this world but I found a workaround to leaving. I hit my head to a wall when I discovered it.

"Yeah, this time it's even more secure, let's enter the dimension first." I say with a blank face, my voice dripping with depression.

"Wait, you're going to travel inside the dimension away from their influence right?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.


"Why didn't you do it before?"

"It didn't occur to me. Who would think that would work?" I say with a nervous chuckle.

Asia just patted my shoulder before entering the dimension, I followed her afterward and we left RWBY and traveled to Bleach, thankfully without anyone stopping us.


We arrived just in front of Urahara's shop, not where I was aiming for but appreciated none the less.

Since we're in the right place I called out Asia. She was getting bored inside the dimension.

Turning to the side we see the man himself looking at us with his jaw gaping open, me specifically.

"Something on my face?" I joke.

"No, nothing at all. Can I interest you in some of my wares?" Urahara snaps back to his jovial tone.

I spy Yoruichi moving inside the shop probably to warn the rest. Although her eyes lingered on me for a while for some reason.

"Relax, Urahara. I am not here for you but, I might require your assistance." I say while getting inside the shop.

I do have Bleach manga with me, Asia already read it. Also, Return By Death in my hands cuts off all future possibilities and makes the past unchangeable unless I change it myself.

I am basically a singularity. Thus Yhwach can't see me in his visions, due to that he won't be adding me in his calculations and I can just warn Soul Society.

I don't even need to stay here until he arrives, his visions are already screwed.

I decided to cut Aizen's plot early on. I will have Urahara fix Rukia's soul and plant a fake Hōgyoku in her to fool him.

Once he reveals his betrayal we already will have Hōgyoku with us and he will only have the unfinished one he created.

The reason I am even bothering with all of this is that I also want to get a Zanpakutō.

If I put a stop to Aizen's plot with Urahara and Yoruichi's help I can shamelessly ask for my own Zanpakutō, even Asia can get one.

Once I have one, I can research it until I can make it myself. Then I don't have many reasons to stay here.

It's not like my family is here nor do I have to stay here to help the plot of this world.

I am just passing by.


"So, what can this humble candy shop owner do for you?" Urahara asks.

We are sitting in his shop drinking tea while I am petting Yoruichi, yes somehow Yoruichi sat on my lap and I couldn't help myself.

"Well, I wanted to create something of this caliber but unfortunately it wasn't durable enough." I sigh while passing the prototype I made based off on King Piece.

Urahara took it and looked at it for a while before his eyebrows shot up.

"May I ask why are you creating something like this?" To his question, I pointed out Asia.

"You already know I am not human. I rather not outlive my loved ones." This caused some shock to Asia who didn't know about my plan.

She has been following me because we are roaming to get stronger, I never mentioned this to her.


"What? You thought I would just let you die? You can't get rid of me unless you're serious about it." We just look at each other's eyes, Asia's gaze filled with love and I fear that she might jump on me here.

"While it's all nice and lovely can we go back to our topic?" Seeing things getting a bit too pink for his tastes Urahara intervenes.

"Right, can you help me?"

"I need to see why this thing failed. I can't see any problems with it. I will do my best but, I need to know how you're going to pay me?" He finishes with a grin which caused Yoruichi to jump on his face and deliver a kick (paw hit?)

"Well, I think this should be an adequate payment." I chuckled and put Bleach Manga on the table.

While Urahara was looking at it, I took Yoruichi back in my lap. She's looking at it as well.

I especially opened the page where she reveals her human form to Ichigo for her to read.

"So you knew?" She sighs.

"Yeah, but what is up with your clinging?" I can't help but ask.

It's not that I mind.

"Your soul feels warm. I just want to turn you into my pillow." That is not weird at all...

"Okay..." I turn to look at Asia who somehow pulled out two knives. Is she stepping to the realm of yandere?

"You do realize that I have a girlfriend right?" Yoruichi turns to look at Asia.

Seeing her knives she sends her a kitten version of a smug smile which Asia returns.

Afterward, Yoruichi fell asleep on my lap without Asia bothering her.

"Urahara what just happened?" I ask the only other person in the room.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Sigh...


"Do you have any other plans other than making an artifact that can change races?" Urahara asks.

It's been a couple of days since we came here, I showed how the piece worked to him and why does it explode.

He did indeed have a solution, and we are working on it. The main problem is apparently caused by spiritual energy.

Reatsu, Reishi or whatever that's called in this world. As a man who has mastery over soul manipulation, Urahara has multiple ways to fix the problem.

I am just learning from him, he became very open after learning our origins, and the fact that Yhwach being fucked over by my mere presence helped as well.

"I kinda want a Zanpakutō, but it would be hard to get one." I admit.

"Well, I decided to recover the Hōgyoku inside Rukia's soul. Although we still need to follow the 'plot' since her powers would take longer to recover due to my previous meddling." Urahara explained.

"So, then we'll use this to get you and Yoruichi pardons while I and Asia get our own Zanpakutō?" He nodded with a satisfied expression before he corrected my statement.

"Zanpakutō is easy to handle, I have some Asauchi laying around. I got them while I was running away from Soul Society. Also, it's not like I don't know how to make them." Well, that solves our problems.

"Do I still need to help Soul Society because I rather not get involved with those stuck-up idiots unless I have to? I am doing that just for the Zanpaktou."

"Hahaha don't worry you don't even need to leave this shop." He laughs.

"Phew, thanks, man. Let's go with your plan then."

"While it all sounds good on paper, I can't just give you Asauchi. Your soul is fundamentally different from what I know.

Asia-chan already has a thing in her soul, not to mention we will be turning her to your race.

So unless you allow me to pick apart your soul and see how it ticks I can't really give you an Asauchi.

Then again you also need to fix your soul as much as you can first, like I said you're pretty much alien to me unless you let me get in there things I can so is very limited.

I mean your soul is a mess. Infinite energy source but limited output, HERESY!" He even slammed his palm to the table...

"Well, may your soul rest in peace Jacob." Yoruichi jokes... Did she joke?