# 49: Pressure Training.

# 49: Pressure Training.


"So, what do people do for fun in this world?" I ask Yoruichi next to me.

"Nothing different shopping, movies, amusement parks, etc." She answered.

"Amusement park!" Asia squeals, then I remembered that I never took her to one.

Not that I have been to one neither.

My life has always been boring in my previous life, I am one of those people that lived like sheep and was satisfied with it.

"Well, the amusement park it is. Thank you Yoruichi, we'll come back on our own." I tell her.

Yoruichi just smirked and intertwined her arm with mine at the same time as Asia.

I turned to my girlfriend who's looking really smug about my suffering.

"Really Asia?" She cutely nodded.

What did she and Yoruichi talk about that enabled this? I have a feeling I don't want to know.

With two girls in my arms one older and one younger than me, we went to the amusement park.

High-speed rides and rollercoasters are kind of useless to us even if we dulled our senses, so we stuck tamer attractions.

Asia was hooked on cotton candy, she claimed one sold here tastes better. Yoruichi gorged herself on seafood.

It was a fun day all and all.

It made me realize that I have been forgetting to take joy from small things...

God, I am becoming like my father!


"You see Jacob-kun, your soul is a mess, I will do my best to patch things up but I am not a God." Urahara informs.

"Why is it a mess?" I ask, I don't remember having an injury to my soul, then again Urahara is an expert in this.

Without answering Urahara wore some gloves with flaming skulls on them, isn't that the one that separates the soul from the body...

"Don't move this won't hurt." With a punch, I was ejected out of my body.

Now in my soul form I look over myself, my skin has a bunch of stitch marks all over it, some parts have different colored skin.

There are some cracks here and there that glows with energy which I recognize as my regeneration energy.

It looks disgusting but kind of makes sense. It's probably due to mutagens.

It's not like there was some authority on souls in the Witcher world that can catch this type of side effect.

Urahara is approaching me as he explains."As you can see, your soul is a mess. Like someone took a bunch of different clothes and stitched them together.

The only reason you're even alive is the same reason why you're like this." With that, he pointed at my chest where the main glow is coming from.

I don't have a chain similar to other souls, but I am tied to my body with that regeneration energy.

"I am like this because I became a timelord?" I ask confusedly.

"Not really but from what understand, this wasn't a natural transformation. Yes, you indeed achieved this form and it worked wonderfully. But, any decent Shinigami can open these stitches back up." I wince hearing his verdict.

There are not many people versed in soul manipulation back in DxD. Otherwise, people wouldn't die from Sacred Gear extractions. Some gods can do it but they're rare as well.

"So what am I to do?"

"Well, I will teach you soul arts and you will temper your soul through training in this form." While he is speaking I saw Yoruichi in her human form tying up my physical body...

"Ehh what is she doing?" Hearing my Urahara turned to look at Yoruichi and turned back to me.

"Well, this energy source of yours is tied to your body unlike us. So more energy you spend in your soul form your body will spend energy as well even though it won't be moving around." He furrowed his brows.


"It would be a waste not to collect it!" And he grinned.

"I see..." I have a feeling I will hate this guy in the future.

"Wait wouldn't this also harm Asia?" I mean I want to turn her like me but if that's going to injure her...

"No, these stitches and cracks appeared due to you changing yourself extensively, without the proper tools to boot. After we finish the Reincarnation Piece Asia-chan won't have any hidden injuries or weaknesses like you." Thank god.

With this my spiritual training begun.


"Feel the pressure Ja-kun!" Urahara yells while increasing the spiritual pressure after seeing me get used to it.

He is also reading manga while eating chips...

Urahara concluded that I can close up the cracks by withstanding spiritual pressure. I have been enduring his for the past week.

Meanwhile, Yoruichi is teaching Asia the normal way of Spiritual Arts instead of getting tortured like me.

To be honest it's not that bad, whenever I feel like I am about to fall my infinite energy sends a pulse through my soul to heal me up.

While that's happening it also slowly closing the cracks, but the pressure needs to be increased since I keep getting used to it.

Every time this happens my output increases as well. Although I want to go to Type-Moon to get third magic just to be on the safer side.

I'll go there after I am done with this place, maybe I can make a deal with root or something...

"So, what's the situation with our orange-haired protagonist?" I ask.

"Ahh, he is being trained by Rukia-chan. I already retrieved the Hōgyoku, but my calculations, Ichigo is still going to need to interfere before she gets executed." Urahara boredly explains before going back to his manga.

He is reading the Arrancar arc at the moment.


"Ahh, this is awesome." I float in the hot springs Urahara built.

If I remember this one is the imitation of the one in Zero Squad. The one Ichigo used during his training there.

"Isn't it?" Hearing the all too familiar teasing tone I get up only to get tackled by Yoruichi.

She's been clingy as they come, and to my horror, Asia is not stopping her from this.

It's like Asia knows Yoruichi is no threat.

Going on dates is good and all, I am bathing here. "Yoruichi, can I have some privacy?"

"Sigh I will turn to my cat form is that okay?" Seeing me not caving she sighs and doesn't leave anyway!

"So, how's life?" Not knowing what to talk about. This is the bane of my existence.

At least to my luck, Yoruichi as an senior lady of many years has lots of topics to speak about.

So I let her guide the conversations, which took some sort of weight off my shoulders.

Although she did punch me when I called her senior citizen to piss her off...


"This is the extend of my abilities Ja-kun. I hope you find a way to fix yourself completely." Urahara informs as he pulls his pressure away.

I am on the ground sweaty and all. I didn't know souls could sweat... Urahara used all his pressure, that thing is terrifying to an untrained soul like me.

I am pretty sure I would have died if not for my infinite energy, anyway I got up with a groan and reach my body.

It's been a while since I used this bad boy...

Getting inside I can already feel the difference, it feels smooth. My movements, breathing and even my senses feel much better. "Wow."

"Right, imagine how it's going to be once you fix yourself completely. Anyway come on let's handle Asia-chan's evolution."

"Please don't treat my girlfriend like she's pokemon."

"Ah sorry, too late." Urahara pulls out a candy that looks similar to the ones in pokemon game...

"Let's just get over with this." Sighing I take if and fill it with my energy.

Asia just needs to eat this and she will regenerate to become a time lord.

Since we're not the usual time lords, her number of regenerations are tied to me.

Getting near the girls, I can see Asia is in meditation. Yoruichi keeping an eye on her.

"How is she doing?" Seein Asia like this I asked, lately she was able to go into Sign Boosted Balance Breaker on her own.

"Well, she somehow managed to advance her Sacred Gear thingy. She's been like this for a while." We decided for her to wake up.

Urahara is explaining the theory behind Kido. As I was guessing Kido and such would pass as Senjutsu in DxD which wasn't hard to pick up.

Around thirty minutes later Asia woke up to see everyone looking at her.


"Nothing we just finished the evolution candy." Urahara says, and ends up getting puched by Yoruichi.

Asia's eyes got wide open and she jumped to me directly. Chuckling I gave her the candy.

After some light shows Asia regenerated becoming a time lady.

"Well, since you guys don't have anything left to do here..." Yoruichi starts talking.

"When are you guys leaving?" Only to get cut by Urahara.

"Relax man. We will leave tomorrow."

"It's not that we don't want you here. Ichigo will come to train soon, we might have needed to relocate you guys. Who knows what kind of influence you would be on him."

"Got it, got it." Seriously, you talk about your students once and this happens.