# 50: Thrid Magic and Finish

# 50: Thrid Magic.

[AN: I really wanted to, come back after fixing my problem but once I stopped writing my mind kept wandering here...

It's really annoying that I keep thinking about plot, so I decided to write what I can*shrugs* at least the ending didn't change but it got shortened to extreme.]

[I am writing for fun anyway*shrugs*]


"Have you handled Waver, Asia?" I ask my girlfriend over the telepathic link.

"Yes, he is indisposed and won't be joining the war." She informs me.

"You didn't kill him did you?" I ask

"Relax he is just in a coma. Although I did steal the artifact from Archibald anyway." She informs on the telepathic link.

Yes, that is a thing now, I don't know if it's because time lords are psychic or is it because Asia regenerated using my energy.


We have already summoned our servants, thank to the deal I made with root, we summoned them earlier than anyone.

She basically asked me to win the war and my status as an singularity will take care of her problem which is fine with me.

She even gave me the third magic as an early payment which is nice because now the only thing that limiting my output is my body.

I resolved myself to not trust anyone else but the deal was too good to refuse. There's no secret soul injury or shit like that anymore.

Anyway like I said we already summoned our servants, Asia summoned Saint Martha...

Not much surprise there, I left them their own devices after seeing Martha.

I have a feeling we won't get along.

So, Asia and Rider are going to Japan, they already took care of that serial killer.

They're also planting bomb in key locations to handle the war once it starts.

Cloak of darkness is such a cheat letting Asia sneak in wherever she wants.

I on the other hand am in Germany.


"Hello there!" Blasting the doors of the Einzbern caslte I stroll inside.

"GENERAL KENOBI!" Is that Irisviel? God she's cute.

I can see Kiritsugu trying to restraint Irisviel who wanted to throw more star wars references.

I didn't even know they had star wars in this universe...

"What is the meaning of this?!" Finally Acht makes his appearance.

"I am kinda robbing this family." I explain.

Acth stopped for a second, his inhuman logic trying to process what I just said.

Too bad before he could make sense of what's going on he froze in time forever. I did kill him later on but he will never know.

Turning around I see Kiritsugu already armed and ready to fight. He did recognized the time manipulation I made.

"Well, I can explain..." I raise a finger.


"So, you're telling me there's a anti humanity level being inside that grail and it will get out if we don't destroy it." Kiritsugu summarizes.

"Essentially." I nod.

"But where is your proof?" Irisviel asks.

Grinning I take out Fate Series out of my inventory, Fate Zero to be exact.

*One Fate/Zero Anime Later*

"Kiritsugu wait!" Irisviel yells at her husband who is about to commit suicide.

It seems anime wad too much on his poor soul.

"My life was a fucking joke!" Kiritsugu yells as he pulls the trigger.



"Now that everyone done with their existential crisis. Can we focus on the war and end it quickly?" I ask Irisviel and now bound Kiritsugu.

I had to stop the time to save his life, he is still suicidal though. Irisviel has her work cut out for her.

"We're going to summon King Arthur, work with your servants and knock this thing in a couple days." Iri explains the plan.

"It's King Artoria but whatever it's like you said, but first we need to save you by transefering your soul to another body."

"You can't do that without the thrid magic and you killed the guy who made me." Irisviel points out, pouting at the end.

She didn't like Acth but she still saw him as relative in the end.


"Da Vinci-chan how's it going?" At my call Da Vinci manifests next to me.

Yes I got her, I don't know if root pulled something but she is my servant.

"No problems I can make another body for Irisviel here... Or just make another grail it's not that hard." Well, I think I am going to keep her.

I need a brain like that on my side.

"So how are we going to handle the war?" Kiritsugu asks eventually.


*Boom* An explosion occurs in a certain church, killing two priests.

*Boom* An explosion occurs in a hotel but this time it disintegrates the entire building along with whoever left in it.(Archibald)

*Boom* An random part of the sewer explodes, taking Kariya with it.

*Boom* Tokiomi Tohsaka's room disappears in explosion taking the man with him.

*Boom* Matou family manor explodes just for shits and giggles.

We are at the top of the Einzbern castle in this town. I didn't even bother learning it's name.

We're watching the explosions going all over the city.

"Don't worry Artoria no innocents died in those explosions and I already covered their expenses."

"That's not the point! Also there was an extra, who did you kill?!" She yells.

*Boom!* Mount Fuyuki gets flattened with a mushroom cloud

Right I remember, this place is called Fuyuki!

"And that's the grail... Too bad the temple was nice." I say, my expression filled with bliss over all those explosions.

"I had enough." She attacks and I counter it on reflex.

*Saber dies*



"Hahaha! As I thought it was amusing to watch." Root is currently laughing at my performance in the war.

She has the appearance of Void Shiki.

"Well, I aim to please. Can I keep Da vinci-chan?" I ask with some hope.

"No." She refuses making me sad.


"But I will help you out, I am sending you back to your world but I am going to upgrade your body a little." She comes near and I find myself unable to move.

Remember kids, once you're in the root you're basically powerless and she can do whatever she wants.

"Do I even get a choice?" I ask while looking over to Asia who seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole conversation.

"Nope." with that Root kisses me, I feel like my body is melting.

I don't think it's because of pleasure though... I am pretty sure I melted into liquid.


(Root POV)

"Where did you send him?" I hear an elderly voice, turning around I see that it's Zelrech.

"You have guts to come back here."

"We both know you won't kill me, so where is that maniac?" Is he angry about the explosions.

I thought it was pretty fun.

"I sent him back to his world with a indestructible body ." I inform making Zelrech cough.

"Why do you even help him so much?"

"Author is having trouble keeping up with the book. So I figured I should help him."

"Again with fanfictions why write if you can't finish..." With that Zelrech leaves.

[AN: You wound me Zelrech.]


(MC Pov)

I woke up back in my own house with Asia next to me.

There's also Nyx...

"Nyx why are you here?"

"Asao-sama!? When did you come back?" Didn't I fix her head.

"Why are you here?"

"I heard what Asao-sama did when I was not right in the head and it moved my heart." I am too tired to deal with this.


I checked my new body once I felt like doing something, I am totally indestructible.

My body is made up from energy itself and I have infinite of it, and just the presence of the third magic is enough to put me on the top in conceptual strength.

Now what?

First I gave the Reincarnation pieces to Martha and Mary, tying their life together which is more intimate than marriage.

Then I left DxD, towards ExE.

You see ExE is not another dimension or something like that.

ExE is a planet far away from ours, the reason we cannot reach there is because Dimensional Gap is blanketing Earth or DxD as I call it.

This Dimensional Gap was created by the first gods of DxD because they needed space to out their divine realms and shit.

Then Ophis was born from the Gap scaring the gods shitless, then Great Red came into existence.

By that time they couldn't get rid of it even if they wanted.

DxD is very similar to Bleach in that regard. If Dimensional Gap is destroyed at this point it will merge all the dimensions around Earth creating a new world.

Which is something gods of old didn't want. Even I found this information after looking backwards in time.

Anyway I reached ExE and found that all biological life exterminated.

There are some gods but they're not technically biological life but magical life.

Then there are robots with divinities... I might as well wipe them out.

*pew* *pew* *pew* *pew* *pew* *pew* *pew* *pew* *pew* *pew*

"Wait!" As I was going back to my world I hear someone calling out.

Turning around I founs Kiara from FGO...

"Are you the Chi-Chi-Kami?"


"Fuck you!" She ruined Issei further than it was possible.

"Excuse me!?"

"You hear me right, fuck you!"

"Come fuck me yourself!"...


I woke up in my bed once more, Asia on my chest, Nyx on my left side and Chimune(Breast Goddess) on the right....

Well, she did say fuck me. So why not.

It's been years since that event I carved a path in Dimensional Gap towards space and started the magical verison of space age.

The gods of DxD was overjoyed and left DxD with their realms in tow.

Once they left I closed it off, now there's only Three Factions in here because they didn't want to leave.

I merged Underworld and Heaven in Earth and got rid of Dimensional Gap.

I had to transfer Great Red to my dimension tough... At least that's what everyone believed.

I turned him powerless and had Ophis take her revenge. Small loli showed me how brutal she could be.

After that life was good. I married my three girls, Three Factions offered me the ruling seat but I refused and lived my life however I wanted.