The Impact On Those Unfortunate

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, jūkyū-nichi, doyōbi (May,19,Saturday)

(Hebi province) (Shōgo: Noon)

It was a foggy day; Tamari wore a kappa mask. They walked along the side of a river, which was black and muggy, nothing seemed to be living.

"Hey, Tamari?" Said Ko.

Tamari turned to him, the mask of a green kappa. "Yeah?"

"I've been meaning to ask...what, is that noh mask you have exactly?" Asked Ko.

He paused for a second, trying to think of an answer. "It's uh... a memento, from my past."

"But it gives you special powers or something." Said Ko.

Tamari looked down at the ground, sighing. "...have you heard of the "Six Gods"?" Tamari asked.

"Um...that Shikami thing, right?"

"Well, yes...and then No. The church believes in Shikami, the Six Gods are something different." Said Tamari.

Ko looked at him with a puzzled expression. ""

"The Six Gods are said to be the Divine Deities that created this world. It's said that after they had finished the creation of the land and the other three realms, they sealed their powers inside Six Sacred Masks." He spoke.

"This is... "Otoko", God of Humanity and Rebirth."

Ko still held a look of confusion. "Huh..."

He then noticed something bobbing in the water. "Hey look!"

"Hm?" Tamari looked over and saw an old man floating unconscious down the river.

"Wait a sec'; I'll be back-" Quickly he jumped in, swimming over to the man and dragging him back to shore.

Together, Tamari and Ko pulled the man up onto the path.

The old man was rotund, with white hair and a beard.

He wore a dirty donza* that was torn in several places. (Fishermans coat) *

"Hak...ack... ugh…"

He slowly opened his eyes; they were a creamy white and glossed over.

"Hello? Who's there?"

"My name is Ko, and this is Tamari. He pulled you out of the river." Said Ko.

The man looked over in Ko's direction. "I thank you for saving me, if not for you this may have been my last trip…*cough! *"

"Where do you live?" Asked Tamari. "We can take you back..."

"It's just a way's up the river, not far."

Tamari lifted up the old man, slinging his arm over his shoulder. "Alright, we'll get you there."


As they walked down the path Tamari spotted a rundown home in front of a small lake.

"Do you live with anyone?" Asked Tamari.

"Yes, I live with my wife Pāru."

"Wait, then what's your name?" Asked Ko.

"My name is Kujira." He replied. "Apologies for not mentioning before."

Tamari let him down. "We're here."

Kujira walked slowly over to the doorway, calling inside. "Pāru? Are ya home?"

A woman in rags came running out, hugging him tightly.

"Where were you!? I was so worried!" She cried.

"I fell into the river, my apologies... I lost the boat." Said Kujira.

She brushed his hair back, placing her hands on his cheeks. "Oh, don't worry about that, I'm just glad you're safe."

Kujira turned back to Tamari and Ko. "If not for these two, I wouldn't have made it back."

Pāru jumped back, astonished. "Ah! A Kappa!"

Kujira raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Tamari quickly took off his Kappa mask. "No! No! It's just a mask."

"Hm; I'd like you to show these boys some gratitude." Said Kujira.

Kujira felt for her face, kissing her forehead; he then turned back to Tamari and Ko.

"She'll show you inside. Sorry I can't join you; I must be going back out."

As he walked away Pāru reached out to him. "B-Be safe!"

Then turning back, she invited them inside.


"I don't have much, but would you like some herbal tea?" Asked Pāru.

"That would be nice, thank you." Said Tamari calmly.

Ko plopped himself down at the table. "Do you have anything else? I'm starving!"

Tamari scowled at Ko, causing him to shrink into his seat.

Pāru looked over her shoulder. "Sorry, I'm afraid we don't have much of anything these days."

She spoke as she worked brewing the tea.

"You see, my husband used to gather fish for us to eat and sell at the town that's not too far from here. But about a month ago the lake turned black, and the water became like sludge, nothing seems to be living anymore.

Now all Kujira does is spend hours if not days out on his boat with nothing to show for; he'll die before he ever catches anything. *Sigh*...He's too stubborn."

Tamari looked around the room, noticing that there wasn't much left of the house. He sighed, standing up from the table.

"Well, I think we should be going."

"Wait, I haven't even gotten my tea." Said Ko.

Tamari grabbed Ko by the arm and yanked him up. "Ah!"

"Wait, you don't have to go so soon." Pāru said.

Tamari bowed respectfully. "I thank you for your hospitality, but we really should be getting on our way."

Pāru waved goodbye as they left. "Well, you're always welcome here! Take care!"

"Hey, where are we going?" Asked Ko.

"To the lake. We're going to find out what's the cause of this." Said Tamari.


Arriving at the lake they noticed a stream running down the side of the mountain.

"There must be a spring at the top…" Tamari said.

"You mean we have to walk all the way up there?" Whined Ko.

"Sigh...come on."

As they walked around the lake, Ko saw Kujira solemnly fishing on the shore. He felt sadness at Kujira's isolation, reminding him of the loneliness he once knew long ago.


Ko then refocused himself, turned away, and started up the mountain.

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, jūkyū-nichi, doyōbi (May,19,Saturday) (Hebi province)

(Gogo: Afternoon)

Ko stumbled his way up the mountain. "Huff...puff... How much until we reach the top?"

Tamari looked over his shoulder; down at him. "Just a little bit farther."

As they climbed, they came upon a large red torii* covered in seals written with the kanji (Purge). It was broken, and there was an eerie silence. (Gate)*

A cold shiver crept its way up Ko's spine. "What is this place?" He asked.

"This is an area with a high spiritual presence; demons will appear here more commonly than most places. So be quiet and keep your head down." Said Tamari.

Ko swallowed hard and crept slowly behind Tamari.

As they walked, Ko heard strange noises and saw things staring at them from the darkness of the woods. It was frightening, he had only ever known the fear of men, never the danger of the supernatural. It was a new feeling; one he hated.

/Crack!/ Ko jumped at the sudden noise. "Eep!"

"Don't worry, those are just "Chikuma"*; don't pay them any attention, they won't harm you unless you do." Tamari said calmly. (Third ranked demons) *

Ko held onto himself; goosebumps covering his skin. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

A creepy feeling came over Tamari. "What I find strange is why we haven't been attacked by any "Taikuma"* or even the deadly "Tsukuma"*!"

"Makes you wonder where they all went…" (Second and first ranked demons) *

"Yeah… Huh? Tamari?"

Tamari had disappeared, Ko grew increasingly scared.

He soon jumped out from a bush. "BOO!"

Ko jumped out of his skin as he became as white as a daikon. "AHHHHH!"

Tamari fell back laughing hysterically. "Ha ha ha! You should have seen your face!"

"Stop it!" Yelled Ko. "Let's just get to the top already!"


As they reached the summit the sun began to fall; they noticed that many trees had been topped over and the ground had been uprooted. A thick miasmic smog hung in the air, growing stronger as they approached their destination.

Ko retched at the nauseating stench. "Bleh...ugh… What is that?"

Tamari stood at the summit, looking down at Ko.

"Why don't you come up here and find out." He spoke.

Ko ran up to meet Tamari. "Huh? What..."

"I guess we found out where all the demons went." Said Tamari.

At the summit there was a large pool in which water descended from, flowing down into the lake. In the middle of the pool was a large mass of masks, black liquid oozed from them, polluting the water.

He walked up to the pool, looking down into the reflectionless water. "This is what was causing the lake to die."

"So, if we get rid of the masks will the lake be cured?" Asked Ko.

"I guess will just have to find out, won't we?"

Tamari took out his red malas prayer necklace, wrapping it around his arm. He placed his hand on the masks and chanted.

"Anata no oshoku o issō!"* (Purge Thy Corruption) *

The masks began to glow and disintegrate; the entire pool glowed as well; following into the stream, down the mountain.

"Anata no oshoku o issō!"

Ko watched as the whole mountain began to glow a dazzling blue light, illuminating the night.

/Whomp!/ Tamari had fallen over exhausted. "Whew...That took a lot out of me."

Ko starred as the water rippled in the pond, clear as the sky. "Wow..."

Tamari looked up, deep in thought.

Ko was halfway down the path when he shouted out. "Come on Tamari! Let's head back!"

"Huh? I'm coming! Don't rush me!" Tamari got up, running after Ko.


As they reached the bottom of the mountain, they noticed lights coming from Kujira's house. When they got to the front they found Kujira, sitting down on the porch.

He heard them coming; he stood up, expecting them.

"Tamari? Ko? Is that you?" He asked.

"Who else?" Replied Tamari.

"I thought you boys would come back. You better come in, because I just reeled in the biggest catch of my life!" He said cheerfully.

"Really? That's amazing!" Said Ko.

"No thank you, we wouldn't want to impose…," Said Tamari.

"Oh come on, no need to be shy. Pāru will cook it up, we can't eat it just the two of us!"

Ko jumped up with excitement. "Great! I've been waiting for a good meal!"

As they walked in, Tamari nudged Ko smiling, Ko looked at Tamari and laughed.

Then they all sat down and enjoyed a satisfying dinner.