A Bouquet Of Thieves

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, nijūichi-nichi, getsuyōbi (May,21,Monday)

(Hitsuji province) (Asa: Morning)

The day was long, and Ko sat on the porch of the Ryokan* that he and Tamari had stayed the earlier night. Tamari had gone out to do errands, leaving Ko alone. (Inn)*


"Hey Ko, I need to do a few things in the village, think you can take care of the room for me?" Asked Tamari.

"Okay but bring me something back!" Said Ko.

"Only if our room's in one piece when I get back." He said as he walked out.


Ko stared silently at the swaying trees and the flowing grass as the day passed.

He was bored out of his mind.

"Ugh… Why did Tamari have to up and leave?"

Ko jumped to his feet. "There's nothing to do here! Ngh!"

He kicked a rock. /Crack!/ "Ouch!"

Grabbing his foot, he fell to the ground. "Argh…"

A girl his age peeked out from behind the ryokan, giggling as he made a fool of himself.

"Huh? Who's there?!" Ko yelled.

She came out from behind the Ryokan crossing her arms while holding her hands together.

She had light brown hair, innocently yellow eyes; she wore a pink Yukata Kimono. A sweetly shy looking girl.

"Oh- um, hey, it's okay. My name's Ko, what's yours?" Ko asked politely.

Her voice was incredibly soft and quiet. "My... name is Chīsai."

A slight brush of red touched Ko's cheeks; he looked away, awkwardly trying to make conversation. "Soooo do you live around here?"

Chīsai pointed at the ryokan.

"You live at the inn?" Asked Ko.

Chīsai nodded. "My Grandpa… owns… the ryokan."

She fiddled with her hair nervously as they talked.

"Me and my friend Tamari were just staying here for a bit, but we're planning on leaving tonight." Said Ko.

Chīsai looked down sadly at the ground.

"But I still have a while, Tamari's gone to do some groceries or something, he won't be back for a while." Said Ko nervously.

She cracked a warm smile.

"Do you know anywhere we could have fun? Asked Ko.

She pointed to a meadow on the edge of town.


When they arrived, Ko noticed a meadow filled with all sorts of flowers: Ume (Plum Blossoms), Hanashobu (Irises), Koyo (Autumn colors), Fuji (Wisteria) and Bara (Roses).

Ko had never seen anything so beautiful.

Chīsai picked a flower, admiring it. "I come here...when I want to be...alone."

"Oh, that's neat- Sometimes I like to be alone too-"

Ko started walking down the small hill, but lost his footing, tumbling down. "Ah! Oof! Gah!"

Chīsai laughed as Ko hit the bottom of the hill. "Ha ha ha!"

Ko looked up at her dazed and bruised. "Hey! that's not funny!"

She stopped covering her mouth. "Mgf!"

"S-sorry... Are you okay? She asked running down.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I've had worse." He said, shaking himself off.

"Hehe..." She giggled.

Ko got to his feet. "Come on, let's go explore!"

Grabbing her hand, he led her through the meadow.

Chīsai's body tingled as they held hands, Ko's hand was warm and comforting, she had never felt this way before.


They ran through the meadow, watching the clouds, looking at bugs, animals and picking flowers.

Ko stopped, pointing to a beautiful pink flower. "What flower is this? He asked.

"They're called... Kaneshons*, they're the flower of…" (Carnation)*

"Yeah? Of what?" He asked.

She looked at him nervously, her cheeks reddening. "Love… They are rare, so... we must be lucky to find one."

She leaned over to smell the flower; some of her hair fell over her face, which she brushed away. At that moment Ko felt a warm feeling inside.

"Chīsai, I..."

As he was about to speak, someone called out for Chīsai in the distance.

"Chīsai! Chīsai! Where are you girl?"

She turned to Ko. "It's my grandpa...I need to go."

Ko called out. "Wait!"

She stopped, turning around.

He stuck out his hand, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, avoiding eye contact.

"Um, for you..."

She nervously took the flowers from him, turning away, running back up the hill.

Disappearing out of sight; leaving Ko silently alone in the meadow.

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, nijūichi-nichi, getsuyōbi (May,21,Monday)

(Hitsuji province) (Shōgo: Noon)

Ko once again found himself sitting on the porch of the inn, waiting for Tamari to return. He wished to see Chīsai again.


He heard a commotion from around the building.

"Have you seen my granddaughter? She's small with light brown hair, wearing a pink kimono! Anyone please!?" Yelled Chīsai's Grandfather.

He stood up and began to search around the Ryokan for clues; soon he came across a trail of flower petals.

He thought.

He bent down picking them up. "...The bouquet! She must have ripped off the petals so I could find her!"

The trail led into the forest behind the ryokan, soon Ko was running through the woods following the trail of petals.


As the trail ended, Ko felt exhausted, his legs ached, and his lungs felt heavy.

He was scared he might never find her. He took a break at a nearby waterfall; he had just bent down to take a drink when he heard noises coming from above.

He jumped up, latching onto the small crevices and foot holds, he began to climb. Stealthily making his way up to the top; he peered over a rock.

There were three men arguing around a fire, while Chīsai lay tied and gagged next to them.

A tall thin man with tan short hair and gray eyes spoke. "What do ya mean you didn't leave a ransom note!?"

Another shorter man argued with him, his hair was a blackish brown shaggy, with brown eyes. "I mean I didn't leave a note, Sora!"

"You had one job, Umi!" Yelled Sora.

"Well excuse me! I didn't see you do anything!" Shouted Umi.

Sora turned away nervously. "Well, I was uh… planning our next plan of action!"

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" Asked Umi.

"We're going to ransom her!" Said Sora.

Umi looked at him with a stupid expression. "That's what we were already going to do!"

"Well now we can't do it because of you!"

"Face it, Chikyū's the only one who did anything! At least he carried the girl!"

Umi pointed to a very large, tall and strong looking man; he was bald with blue eyes.

"I'm glad I helped." He said.

"He's a meathead, it's the only thing he's good for!" Shouted Sora.

Chikyū slumped over, disheartened. "Awww…"

"How are we supposed to be bandits if we can't even leave a ransom note!" Said Sora.

"Don't you talk that way about Chikyū! He didn't do anything to you!"

Umi jumped on Sora, trying to bite his ears.

"Get off of me! Argh!!" Yelled Sora struggling to throw Umi off.

Umi spoke as he gnawed on Sora's ear. "Make me!"

Chikyū tried to calm them down, taking Umi off Sora. "Guys...let's be friends."

Ko watched them from his position. He thought.

Ko took off his shirt, tying it around his neck. Then he grabbed a long stick and stuffed some sand in his pockets. He jumped on the rock and in the loudest voice he could muster.

"Halt! Villains!"

The men stopped, looking upward, the sun shone behind Ko, casting a shadow over the men.

"It is I! Ko the brave! Slayer of demons! Vanquisher of armies! Even the mighty Emperor bows before my uhh...might!" Shouted Ko.

Sora looked up at Ko, struggling to get a good read on him. "Hey, have you ever heard of Ko the brave before?"

Chikyū scratched his head; trying to come up with an answer. "Uh...nope...well maybe."

Umi quivered in fear, pointing at the intimidating presence Ko brought.

"We must not have heard of him because he kills all those that learn of him!"

The men cowered before Ko.

"Heh, let the girl go and I might let you live!" Grinned Ko.

Sora brought Chīsai forward "Alright, here! Just let us live, please we beg of you!"

She looked relieved to see Ko.

"Back away!" Shouted Ko. The men stepped back from Chīsai.

"Now, I will come down there and take her to the authorities…Gah!"

Ko slipped off the rock falling on the ground. /Bonk!/ "Ouch…"

"Wait... It's just a kid!" Said Sora.

"Yeah! He's not some brave hero!" Added Umi.

Ko stared with a blank expression. "Uh…"

He quickly grabbed the sand in his pants, throwing it in their eyes.

"Smoke screen!" He shouted.

"Argh! My eyes!" Shouted Sora.

Ko untied Chīsai. "Th-thank you!" She said.

"Thank later, run now!" Shouted Ko.

Umi noticed that both Ko and the girl were gone. "Crap, the girl! He's taken her!"

"Maybe, we should go after them." Said Chikyū.

Both Sora and Umi looked at each other. "Right!"

As Ko and Chīsai ran she felt safe again in his presence, like nothing could cause her harm. Suddenly, Ko stopped abruptly in front of Chīsai, causing her to ram her nose into his head.

/Bonk!/ "Ouch!"

"Oooo, sorry about that! I'm uh...I'm kinda lost…? Where's the Ryokan?"

Chīsai pointed north, nursing her nose, an irritated look on her face.

"Cool, thanks!" Said Ko.

Unexpectedly, Umi came jumping out of a tree like a monkey.

"Ha ha! I've got you now!"

"Chīsai duck!" Shouted Ko.

He took the stick and smacked Umi in the face. "Gahh!"

Sending him tumbling backward.

Sora and Chikyū came out and cornered Ko side by side.

"We have you now! Nowhere to run!" Said Sora.

Chikyū swung his fists at Ko, who quickly dodged causing him to hit Sora.

/Wham!/ "Argh!"

Chikyū picked up Sora. "Uh...sorry Sora."

Dazed and cross eyed, Sora regained his coordination. "Ugh… just get them!"

Ko ran with Chīsai behind him, nearing the edge of the forest; but the bandits were close behind them. Ko noticed a large tree, telling Chīsai to hide. He began climbing.

"Hey! Idiots!" He shouted. "What, where!?" Asked Sora.

Umi facepalmed. "Sigh...Sora he's talkin' about us…"

"That's not very nice…" Said Chikyū.

"Hey! Respect your elders!" Shouted Sora. "Umi get him!"

"With pleasure!" Replied Umi.

He began to climb the tree with abnormal speed. "I'm gonna get you kid!"

"Shoot!" Ko backed up against the trunk of the tree.

Umi made his way up, cornering Ko. "Ha! I have you now!"

"Nope!" Ko kicked Umi in the face, knocking him out of the tree.

"Gahh!" /Wham!/ "Ouch…"

Sora shook his fist angrily at Ko. "I'll get you brat! Chikyū, knock down the tree!"

"Can do." /Wham! Slam!/

Chikyū began smashing away at the tree, turning it to shreds.

"Oh No! Don't bring down the tree! Anything but that!" Teased Ko.

"Yes! Once you're down here with us, will teach you a lesson!" Shouted Sora smugly.

Umi stood up, rubbing his head. "...Yeah...ouch."

The tree began to shake and fall. "Yes! Time now for...," Shouted Sora.

The bandits looked up at Ko, who was grinning devilishly.

"Oh crap…" Groaned Sora.

The tree came crashing down on top of them. /Boom!/

Trapping them underneath its weight.

"Ugh… Ngh… I can't get up, I'm stuck!" Yelled Sora. "Umi help me out of here!"

"I'm stuck in here too you idiot!" Yelled Umi.

Chikyū looked at them, hooking his hands. "At least we're together…"

They looked at Chikyū with an annoyed expression. "Shut up!"

Ko and Chīsai stuck their tongues out at them. "Nya! Nya! Bakas!!"

They ran away laughing, leaving the bandits under the tree.

"Sigh...Maybe we shouldn't ransom people and just steal valuables…" Said Umi.

"Yeah, and ransom valuables instead!" Remarked Sora.

Chikyū's demeanor changed, his expression becoming dignified. "I recommend the prospect of discontinuing our life of delinquency; and instead committing to better ourselves in today's modern society."

Sora and Umi looked at each, then back at Chikyū. "Naaah!"


Ko and Chīsai finally reached the Inn.

Chīsai looked at Ko, holding his hand. "Thank you...for saving me…"

Ko blushed, awkwardly looking away. "Nah, it was nothing. All in a day's work!"

"I wish I could thank you…" She said shyly.

"No thanks is necessary, except maybe some food..."

Chīsai leaned in, kissing Ko; she turned away, running off to her grandfather's house.

Ko stood in the street, completely frozen. "Ah...ah…"

Tamari had then returned from his trip.

"Hey, I'm back! Anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

Ko stood dumbstruck, staring off into space. "I...girl...kiss…"

Tamari grinned, nudging Ko. "Ah… A ladies' man huh? Well stop standing in the road like a lovestruck idiot and come in." He snickered.

"I'll cook you some rice I got as a reward for my job; and you can tell me all about it."


Later the next day, Chīsai peeked inside the ryokan for Ko; but he was gone.

She felt a sinking sorrow in her chest; but she noticed something on the porch.

It was a Kaneshon. She gently picked the flower up and smelling it, she smiled.