I Just Wanted Some Soba!

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, nijūgo-nichi, kin'yōbi (May,25,Friday) (Yoru: Night)

(Location: The once city of Tsukuyomi) (Usagi province)

Atop a jagged mountain surrounded by barren lands, where no food grows, and no life remains. A land infested with vile beasts of all kinds, stood a black Shiro*. (Japanese castle)*

Centuries old; the Shiro had witnessed countless battles for its supremacy.

The ground in and around it was riddled with the corpses of fallen soldiers so much so that the stench of blood and regret permeated the very soil.

The Shiro's corridors were long and never ending; created to drive any insane who ended adrift, a maze within a maze. Rats and bugs overrun the grounds, spreading disease and providing food for the crows and vultures when there was no decaying cadaver to pick at.

The screams and howls echoed throughout the castle; sounds of wayward beasts devouring each other in desperation of food, in their own savagery.

Those that dare enter the damned place would have rather died a peaceful death for this is the one place where God's hands can never reach you. They are forever trapped to experience a living hell, to suffer torment for all eternity in this desolate tomb.

Deep within the confines of the Shiro lies a grand hall; where the light of day can never reach, only the reflection of the white moon.

In this hall stood six white pillars, cracked and aged; held by six Shuten-dōji* (Mythical Oni)* all depicting a different method of death:

One: Stabbing, two: Striking, three: Poison, four: Drowning, five: Fire, six: Self.

The floors were a marble white, while the ceiling was a dark black; ominous shadows were cast across the floor, dancing and laughing with insanity. At the end of the room sat a throne made of obsidian and gold, spreading out in spikes and thorns.

In this throne sat a man, he wore a long white kimono jacket with plum red and black markings inscribed within its fabrics, depicting a great battle.

He was six foot two, slender yet muscular. His face could not be seen for it was cloaked in darkness.

He stood before five different beings, all obscured by the light of the room. The man spoke with a calm tone but was intimidating in every aspect.

"It seems Taberu has lost his way…" He spoke.

The first to speak up was a small four-foot two girl; she held a rabbit doll. She lay on the shoulder of a massive man; he was muscular, twelve foot six.

"What, that fatso? It's not like we lost much, he deserved to die anyway. He made me sick!" Said the little girl.

She turned to a figure who leaned against a pillar. "You killed him, right Chikara? You did us all a favor!"

Chikara scowled at her. "Shut it Usagi, like I need praise from a brat like you."

She flinched in fear, hugging onto the tall figure.

"Hey, don't bully me! Or I'll have Hakai come and beat you up!"

"Oh? What's wrong, Chikara? Too stubborn to be praised?" Asked a woman who adorned nine long fox tails.

"Fine, I'll take on your little toy." He said looking at the girl. "And shut your mouth, bestial vixen." Snarled Chikara back at the woman.

Usagi stuck her tongue out. "Bleeeh..."

The woman looked away, crossing her arms. "Hmf…"

"Silence." Demanded the silver haired man.

All three of them flinched in fear as an ominous presence filled the room.

"To bicker is a noise that should never touch your lips."

He looked at the tailed woman.

"Nise, reveal to me what you have gathered from your task." He asked.

"A survivor of Kishin Temple carries with him the mask of Otoko..." She replied. "He was the one to defeat Taberu."

The man tapped his fingers on the throne. "...It seems the monk was more clever than I had anticipated… His corpse held true as a vessel for the mask. Now, what of the cult?" He asked.

She bowed before him.

"My apologies, my lord, but Kugutsu was killed. However, we have begun to spread our influence throughout the Japanese government, as well as the church."

The man rested his head comfortably upon his palm.

"Hm, there seems to be a sinner amongst the flock… However, see to it that you properly "acquire" the mask from the boy."

Nise smirked. "With pleasure…" She disappeared into a purple mist.

Silently a small pale girl appeared.

"Um, excuse me my Lord… I'm uh... I'm still searching the four realms for the mask of Onryo, but I haven't found anything…yet." Whimpered the child.

"Have no concern, Yurisa; you will find it in time, I have faith in you." Replied the man.

She quivered nervously. "Yes, my lord! Thank you!"

The child vanished.

The man looked at the others. "However, this does not halt our progress. We may have lost Taberu, but our purpose has not faltered."

"May I ask where Mijime and Kumon are?" Asked Chikara. "They rarely show up these days."

"They are currently acting out my will; as should you, now go." Replied the man.

"Tch…" Chikara turned away reluctantly, disappearing into flames.

"Hey! Where's the mutt!?" Asked Usagi abruptly.

"Gappei has gone hunting...," said the man.


A massive wolf-like beast feasted on the carcass of its latest kill, ripping and tearing into the intestines in a repulsive display of savagery.


"It's whereabouts are none of your concern..." He replied. "It will be finished once it's satisfied."

"Good! I wouldn't want poor doggy to get lost!" Said Usagi cheerfully.

The man stared at her blankly.

She waved goodbye, an innocent smile on her face. "Ok! Byeeee!"

The large man walked out of the hall with Usagi, disappearing through the doorway.

When the man was finally alone, a small demon appeared before him. "What of the child…" the man asked.

"Th-the child's will is much stronger then we had anticipated my Lord…" the demon quivered, "his strength alone rivals that of Tsukuma*…" (First rank demons) "He's killed many as we've struggled to restrain him."

"Hmmm…" the man pondered, "Perhaps it's time…"


Down in the depths of the shiro's dungeon lay a young boy; his arms restrained by massive chains, his body beaten and bruised.

"Haaaaah…" he exhaled from a blue tengu mask, spattered with blood.

He clenched his fists, "Rggghh… RAAAAH!" Shaking the walls as debris fell around him.

But it was useless; he fell to his knees. "Grandpa…" he cried.


"…our little Bōtoku finds his purpose…" said the man menacingly.


A younger Tamari stood in the courtyard of a large monastery; he could hear the swaying of the trees and the chirping of birds; creating a calm serene atmosphere. A sense of nostalgia and inner peace appeared within him.

Tamari looked around confused. "Wha- Where am I?"

"Why, you are in training, that's where." Said an old man.

"Huh?" Tamari turned around; before him stood a man in his early sixties.

He was bald with a short trimmed white beard; his stomach was plump but not overweight. He wore an orange and white monk robe, with golden sashes.

"What's wrong Tamari my boy? You seem distracted." He said.

"N-nothing, Master Ataeru! My apologies." Replied Tamari squeamishly.

Ataeru stroked his beard. "Hm, do you remember what we were discussing?" He asked.

Tamari cocked his head. "Um...no?"

Ataeru sighed. "Hah... Then let me ask you this; what are the two fundamental components of our souls?"

"...Yangshī?" Replied Tamari.

"And?" Asked Ataeru.

Tamari closed his eyes; trying his hardest to remember; even smacking his cheeks.

/Slap! Slap!/ "Ugh...Yia..Yen..yun.."

"Yinkō." Answered Ataeru.

"That one!" Pointed Tamari.

"Hm, Yangshī and Yinkō are two sides of the same coin: the currency of the soul. But which is in dominance of the other determines whether you are human or not. Tell me, as a human, what is your dominant?" Asked Ataeru.

"Um, Yangshī?" Replied Tamari.

"Correct. Both demons and humans have a combination of both; but the amount you have of either determines your nature. Now we will practice Yunsei." He spoke.

Ataeru walked over to a weapon rack, picking up a wooden naginata.

"Tamari... do you remember Yunsei? Or do you need another explanation?" He asked.

"Oh, I know. Yunsei is the process of imbuing something with your Yangshī."

Ataeru stepped up to a boulder, smacking it with his weapon. /Tock!/

"Indeed; how we use our Yangshī differs from demons; but in a way is similar. "We" as humans draw out the characteristics of our souls using Yunsei; that is why each imbued weapon is different. But what else can we do besides imbue weapons?" Asked Ataeru.

"We can also use it to make our bodies stronger!" Answered Tamari with confidence.

"Good, you're learning quite well my boy. Has Uraken been teaching you?" Asked Ataeru.

Tamari nodded his head. "Yep. He even taught me about how demons use their Yinkō to cast "Hell Dances!""

"Ha ha, did he now? He always had a fascination with demons. A unique one among the young-ins, I can say that." Said Ataeru.

"Yeah, but I'll never be like him; he's a prodigy among prodigies..." said Tamari sadly.

"Ah, don't say that. With dedication and moxie even, you can become your own prodigy. Strong and stable like this blade!" Said Ataeru confidently.

"But your weapon is made of wood. How can it..."

Ataeru drew his naginata. /Shwing!/

The blade moved through the boulder like air, cutting the massive rock effortlessly. /Crash!/

"Is it now? I hadn't noticed." Grinned Ataeru.

"Wah..." Tamari stood in awe as Ataeru walked back to the monastery.

"Jeez, I've got a lot of catching up to do."

Behind Tamari, hundreds of trees slowly slid off their stumps, falling to the ground in a single explosion. /Boom!/

"Gah!" Yelped Tamari.


Tamari awoke with a numbing pain throughout his body, his vision was blurry, but he could see well enough. He was in what looked like a private room.

"Ugh… Jeez I feel like I died…" He said as he sat up.

He looked over, noticing Senshi was sleeping next to him.

"Huh? Senshi?" He said confused.

She slowly opened her eyes. "Hm?..Tamari?"

Realizing he had awoken they stared at each other for a moment before she swiftly got to her knees.

"Oh- um, good morning." She said nervously. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, thanks for asking..." He said, rubbing his head. "Where am I?"

Senshi removed the wet cloth from his forehead. "We're in one of the rooms at the Starved Monk." She said, wringing out the rag; "You've been out for two weeks... It's June..." she said looking down at the bucket of water.

"Oh God... two weeks?" He groaned. "Where's Ko?"

"Right here," replied Ko standing in the doorway. "Thought you up and died-" he snickered.

"Haha... So funny." Glared Tamari.

"Let's not joke about that... I'm sure Tamari's still tired, let's give him time to rest." Said Senshi.

"After two weeks, rest is the last thing I need." Added Tamari.

Ko sat down next to Tamari's futon. "At least let him thank you, before he dozes off again."

"Hm?" Tamari looked over- "What for?"

"After the fight we were both in pretty bad shape; Senshi brought us back here." Replied Ko.

"Don't worry; it wasn't that hard..." she replied quietly.

Tamari looked over to Senshi, smiling.

"Thanks, then... Senshi." He said with a sincere expression.

Senshi's face became flustered; she turned around, hiding it.

"You...you're welcome. Now take it easy, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself anymore."

She walked through the door, closing it behind her.

"Ya know she looked after you the whole time you were asleep." Said Ko.

Tamari looked around the room; noticing the medicine and bandages laid out. "She did, huh..."

For a moment there was silence in the room…

Ko slowly opened his mouth, and spoke; "Hey… about what Taberu said, what-"

Tamari quickly silenced him, "It was nothing, just the ramblings of a madman."

He stood up walking to the door; "…" he noticed the small red yang necklace laying on the table.

"Senshi brought that back for you…" said Ko meekly, "guess that's another thing to thank her for, huh?"

Tamari shifted his head slowly to the side, never meeting Ko's gaze. "Yeah…"

He the reached up grabbing an inu* mask, then slowly walked out the door. (Dog)*

After Tamari had left, Ko sat in silence for a moment.

"…ah! Wait!" He suddenly shouted, "I forgot to tell him about the Imperial Guard!"


Tamari walked through the market with a solemn look on his face; "sigh… I need to get my mind off this…"

He then came across the food stand portion of the market; finding many delicious looking yatai*, some with grilled boar, a few had seasoned fish, others a plethora of different vegetables. (Food stands) *

But something caught his attention; there was an aroma in the air. It was modest but with a subtle sweetness. He walked over to the yatai pushing back the curtain, sitting down at the counter.

There was a man wearing a white and dark blue yukata serving soba noodles.

"One soba bowl please." Asked Tamari.

"Coming right up!" Said the man.

He took out a basket filled with uncooked noodles and placed them in a metal pot over a fire, he then added water and spices and began to cook.

A tasty aroma filled the air, Tamari's stomach growled with hunger.

/Gurgle.../ "Heh, wait one sec' man." Said Tamari as he patted his stomach.

As he waited, a woman appeared next to him.

"May I have some Soba please?" She asked.

"Sure, one moment." Replied the cook.

As the man went back to work, Tamari was confused as to who this woman was. She appeared out of nowhere, he hadn't noticed her presence at all.

"Ah! I'm sorry, did I frighten you?" She asked apologetically.

"No! You just took me by surprise, that's all." Replied Tamari.

"Well, that's good. It's nice to meet you, my name is Rōtasu." She spoke.

The woman looked twenty-five, a slim figure with auburn hair down to her shoulders, in a ponytail held up by a platinum pin. She was as tall as he was, wearing pink rimmed glasses, with yellow eyes. A purple iromuji kimono with light blue bonsai tree designs; and a maroon colored scarf with pink lotus shaped earrings.

"Oh, hi. I'm Tamari-" He said, "... Just Tamari..."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you "Just Tamari"." She chuckled.

The man came around with their food, placing it on the counter. "Here you go, that'll be two Dō hansatsu."

Tamari handed him the hansatsu; while Rōtasu looked through her gamaguchi* but couldn't find anything. (Toad mouth purse) *

"Here, I'll pay for her." Tamari gave the hansatsu needed.

"Thanks so much!" She said.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Replied Tamari.

She prayed, preparing to eat. /Clap!/ "Itadakimasu!"

She quickly began devouring the soba viciously. Tamari watched her; awe struck by the ferocity of her appetite.

He thought.

Halfway through she stopped, looking over at Tamari's soba gluttonously.

"Are you going to eat your soba?" She asked with her mouth stuffed with noodles.

It took a few moments for Tamari to register her question. "...Wha? Yes!" He replied.

He lifted up his Inu mask and began to eat.

Almost done she looked up, noticing Tamari looked oddly familiar; "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" Asked Rōtasu as she examined his face.

/Slurp!/ "Huh? No…" Replied Tamari.

"Yeah, I've seen you before... W-were you a famous Kabuki actor?" She asked.

Tamari stared at her with a blank expression.

"...Yep! That's totally it. I just wore my mask because I didn't want to get swamped by fans." He said nervously.

As she stared at him, she noticed the red yang necklace he carried.

"May I ask what the necklace is for?"

"Hm?" He held up the necklace. "Oh, this? It's just something from a fri…"

Before he could finish, two Imperial guards walked into the yatai.

"Lady Rōtasu we finally found you!" Said the first.

Tamari thought.

"Please return, Colonel Otōsan has been looking for you." Urged the second.

"Sorry! I was just soooo hungry. Luckily, Tamari here paid for my soba." Said Rōtasu apologetically.

The guards looked over to Tamari, who hadn't finished his soba bowl yet.

"Lady Rōtasu! This- this is the known criminal Tamari of Kishin temple!" Said the guard.

"He is wanted for murder, theft, conspiracy, and crimes against both the people and the emperor!" Said the second.

She turned to Tamari, her face in utter surprise. "Is this true? Why didn't you tell me?!" She demanded.

"Uh...Slipped my mind?" Said Tamari awkwardly.

"Well, you're going to have to come with us." She demanded as she stood up.

Rōtasu stared at Tamari with a stern expression, he stared back with a blank stupid expression.


After a moment, Tamari zipped out of the yatai running down the market street.

"Hey, come back!" Yelled Rōtasu.

She and the two guards began chasing after him.

"No! You're just going to take me to prison!" Yelled back Tamari.

"But we have all the soba you could eat!"

Tamari hesitated for a moment. "Ah..."

Then snapped back to his senses. "Wait no! It's still prison!"

"Fine, have it your way!" She shouted.

As she ran, she slipped off her kimono.

Tamari shielded his eyes. "Wait! We're in public!"

Revealing a black ninja-yoroi with purple linings.

"Oh..." Stared Tamari. "Huh."

She leaped onto the roof tops, running alongside him.

"Take this, Kunai attack!" /Fling!/

Tamari swiftly jumped out of the way avoiding her kunai.

"Then...exploding orbs!" She yelled.

Rōtasu threw small red balls down at Tamari.

They exploded around the area, but Tamari easily dodged them.

"Heh." He smirked.

"Ugh… Bet you've never seen this! Smoke bomb!"

She disappeared into a cloud of smoke and suddenly Tamari was covered in smoke as well. But he just took a step to the right, walking out of the cloud.


Her cheeks became flustered with frustration. "Stop avoiding all my attacks!"

"Well maybe they wouldn't be so easy to avoid, if you didn't announce when you're going to use them!" Said Tamari jokingly.

"Sh-Shut up! Don't lecture me! You're a criminal!" She yelled angrily.

"Heh, don't take a master though, to pull one over on you!" He yelled back.

He was beginning to elude her when he noticed a man standing in the middle of the road.


"Rōtasu! Is this the criminal Tamari Uchirōku!?" Shouted the man.

"Yes, Otōsan..." She said meekly.

"Then why has he not been apprehended yet?" He asked.

"It's because she's clumsy and sucks at capturing people." Remarked Tamari.

"I was working on it!" Yelled Rōtasu.

Tamari's hands suddenly became tied as his whole body became constricted.


He looked down; seeing the reflection of hundreds of thin wires wrapped around his body.

"The heck is this!?" He shouted.

"Well, you told me not to announce my intentions; so, I took your advice. And look how well it worked; thanks!" She said cheerfully.

Tamari turned around and saw the man before him, he was six foot one; looking to be in his early forties but he was in an insane physical condition. His hair was a black Chonmage style, and his eyes were a fierce brownish white. He wore a blue and white Karuta with metallic silver lining, he carried a katana and a wakizashi*. (Short katana) *

Tamari turned away, trying to run but he was stopped by Imperial guards. He was surrounded.

Otōsan held his hand up, stopping them. "No; I will deal with him."

The guards backed off, forming a circle around them.

"Well, you'll certainly have a hard time with all that clunky armor on." Smirked Tamari.

Otōsan raised his hand inviting Tamari for an attack.

"Tch. If you say so."

Tamari ran at Otōsan flipping into the air and kicking dust at his eyes, then aiming for his head with a left kick.


Otōsan sidestepped the sand, blocking the left kick, grabbing his foot and slamming Tamari into the ground. /Wham!/

"Ugh..." Moaned Tamari as he picked himself back up.

"Such underhanded tactics are beneath me." Said Otōsan sternly.

"Yeah? Then why am I tied up? Seems pretty underhanded to me."

"..." He stared with a frown.

Otōsan glanced over to Rōtasu. "Yes, sir."

Tamari felt the wires loosen around him, setting him free.

"Ha ha! You're gonna regret that!"

Otōsan loomed over him. "Your rebellious spirit will be broken…"

Tamari lunged at Otōsan, spinning around on his right hand while he kicked at Otōsan; then flipping upward, throwing a kick at his face.

Otōsan swiftly dodged each blow. Tamari struck his chest, ribs and side of his neck, but Otōsan blocked them all.

"Argh… Why do you keep blocking!?" Yelled a frustrated Tamari.

"I don't need to exert myself to defeat someone of your skill level." Replied Otōsan.

He grabbed onto Otōsan's arm trying to flip him, but he wouldn't budge. It was as if he was planted into the ground.

"Ngh, grah..!" Groaned Tamari as he struggled.

"You're finished." Otōsan came down with a hammer fist on Tamari's back. /Wham!/

"Argh!!" Shouted Tamari.

He fell to the ground dropping the red yang necklace.


He tried to retrieve it but was picked back up by Imperial guards and restrained with iron shackles. /Click! Ka-chack!/

"Wait! Stop!" He pleaded.

Otōsan looked down, picking up the necklace.

"This belongs to you? Hm; do not fret, I'll have them place it at your grave." He spoke.

He then tucked the necklace away.


"Tamari of Kishin Temple!" Shouted Otōsan.

"Ngh…can't help but get into trouble can I?"He remarked. "This is why I wear a mask…"

Otōsan pulled out a scroll, reading from it.

"For the crimes of the destruction of Kishin Temple; as well as both the murders of the head monk Ataeru and the Shogun. Including the many atrocities, you have committed on your path of bloodshed; you are hereby sentenced to public execution!" Read Otōsan.

"Wait- what!?" Yelled Tamari.