Pray For The Lost

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, yōka, mokuyōbi (June,8,Thursday) (Gogo: Afternoon)

(Location: The city of Ebisu) (Hitsuji province)

As Tamari looked up, Otōsan loomed over him, the scorching sun blinding Tamari.

Otōsan drew his wakizashi, and as he did, a large crowd gathered around them.

"What's going on?" Asked a citizen.

"It's an execution!"

"Isn't that Tamari Uchirōku?" Asked another.

"The Monk of Madness..."

"Hey, let's... let's think about this!" Said Tamari nervously.

"Silence. You may say your final prayers." Said Otōsan grimly.

"Uh, wait! I'm innocent! It wasn't me!" He yelled, panicking.

"Wait, maybe we should stop!" Said Rōtasu.

"No. This man has sealed his fate." Replied Otōsan.

Otōsan raised his blade to the sky, the sun reflecting off the metal, shining down on Tamari's neck.

"Stop, you're making a mistake!" Shouted Tamari.

Otōsan came down with lightning speed; the blade inches away from Tamari's neck when… /Crash!/

Otōsan stopped; both him and Tamari stared down the market path.


They watched as soldiers were thrown into the air, as something came at them with alarming speed.

"Prepare yourselves men!" Shouted a guard. "Get ready!"

/Boom! Bam!/ "Gah!" "Ahhh!" "Aiyeeee!"

It made quick work of the guards, mowing them down. "It's coming!" Yelled Rōtasu.

"Wha..what is it!?" Shouted Otōsan.

She stuttered. "It's-its..."

"Bwaaa!" Shouted Senshi as she squeezed her way through the crowd.

"Senshi!? What are you doing here!?" Yelled Tamari.

Otōsan looked down at Tamari. "Y-you know this woman?"

"Yeah, unfortunately…" He replied.

"What do you mean unfortunately!? I told you to take it easy and now look at what you got yourself into!" Said Senshi angrily.

"Senshi listen, I can explain!" Pleaded Tamari.

"No! I don't want to hear it; I always have to get you out of trouble and here I am again." She replied.

Otōsan and Rōtasu watched the two bicker, wondering what they had gotten themselves into.

"If you plan on aiding him, you will be considered a criminal yourself." Said Otōsan threateningly.

Ko stumbled out of the crowd exhausted. "Hah...hah...Senshi… You shouldn't run so fast…"

"What now? Who is this!?" Yelled Otōsan, pointing at Ko.

"Ehehe, sorry Ko. Tamari, we need to go." Said Senshi.

"Come on, I just got here!" Complained Ko.

She walked over to the two guards holding Tamari, punching one in the gut as she backhanded the other unconscious. /Smack!/

"What!? No!" Shouted Otōsan.

She grabbed Tamari, slinging him over her shoulder.

"See ya guys later!" She said cheerfully.

"Senshi wait, get the yang necklace from him!" Shouted Tamari.

"Wait, why's he got it?" She asked.

He looked at her, annoyed. "Just grab it!"

Walking over to Otōsan she snatched away the necklace. /Yoink!/

"Wha!? That's evidence!" Yelled Otōsan.

Otōsan slashed with his sword; she tossed Tamari in the air.

"Sigh… I just wanted some soba." He moaned as he flew through the air.

She dodged Otōsan's blade, jumping onto the roof, catching Tamari.

"Ko, now's the time!" Yelled Senshi.

"Right!" Ko took out three paper balls, throwing them on the ground, covering the market with smoke.

"Cough! Cough! Hey, don't steal my moves!" Yelled Rōtasu.

He dashed off, along with Senshi.

"Rōtasu! Do not let them escape!" Yelled Otōsan.

"Right!" She jumped onto the roof chasing after them.

"Hey uh, we got some company." Said Tamari.

Senshi turned around, looking behind her. "Hm?"

Suddenly, she was ensnared with wires, dropping Tamari. /Whomp!/ "Oof!"

"Nice try, but it's over now." Smirked Rōtasu.

Senshi tried to break the wires, struggling with all her might. "Ngh!! Ahhh!! Graah!!"

"Hmf, keep struggling; these wires are made of sand steel; you can't hope to break them."

"Hah ah...Ko, help please." She asked.

Ko jumped in front of Rōtasu; a greenish red powder in his hand.

"Take this, Wasabi infused Yatsufusa* powder!" (Type of pepper) *


He threw the powdery substance in her face, staining her glasses.

"Uh, Ko? She wears glasses." Said Tamari.

"Wha?" He looked back at her, noticing Rōtasu's caked lenses.

"Dang it! Argh!!" He moaned.

"What is this?" Questioned Rōtasu, wiping the powder off her glasses. /Sniff! Sniff!/

Her face began to grow red, as beads of sweat dripped from her forehead.

"Ah...wha-whah...What dd yu...gah! AHHH!! Wht u do!!?!?" She screamed.

"Ha ha! Score one for Ko!!" He cheered, jumping into the air.

"Hey Ko, little help?" Asked Senshi.

Ko ran over, helping Senshi out of the wires as Rōtasu sweated literal gallons of sweat, coughing on the ground.

"Alright, time to split!" Said Senshi as she picked up Tamari, running away.

"Wha!? Hey! Wait up for me!" Yelled Ko, struggling behind.

Rōtasu lay writhing in spicy agony as she watched them fade away in the distance.



Otōsan stood in the street, handling the fiasco that had occurred; Rōtasu appeared kneeling behind him.

"I see they escaped..." He said calmly.

"Yas...thay..dd..." She replied, her lips and tongue swollen.

"Hm? What's wrong with your voice?" He asked, turning around.

Rōtasu had taken off a few layers of clothing as her face was still beat red.

"My tong ish" She replied.

"Hm, then take this water. We will speak only when you can."

He held out a canteen; she quickly snatched it, chugging the water.

"Gaaahh, Ahhhh!! Yeeeeesssss!!" She cried as the life-giving water hit her taste buds.

"Uhh, yes. You're welcome." He said awkwardly watching her.

Rōtasu straightened herself out, performing dogeza* in apology.

(A form of bowing) *

"My most humble apologies sir, but I let them escape. I will take any necessary form of punishment to make amends." She said sternly.

He turned away from her, crossing his arms behind his back.

"No, you are not at fault. It is my mistake, for I did not expect that he would have allies."

He spoke.

"There is still another day, we will capture him and bring him to justice! Mobilize the guard, we're going after them!"

She stood up, bowing again. "Yes, sir!"

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, yōka, mokuyōbi (June,8,Thursday) (Hirusagari: Mid-Afternoon)

(Location: The city of Ebisu) (Hitsuji province)

Tamari and Ko packed for the road when they were interrupted by Senshi.

"I-I'd like to travel with you- If you'd have me..." She said bowing.

Tamari looked up with a tired expression. "No."

She slumped over, her demeanor changing to one of doubtful hope. "But- I could..."

"We're going to be heading into some dangerous places. I'd rather you not come."

"But- I've learned to fight; I can be of use to you- Like with the Shogun."

"She has a point." Said Ko.

Tamari glanced at him; Ko went back to packing.

He looked at her with a sad, empathetic look. "I'm sorry, I can't…"

Senshi turned away, "You know I waited for you to come back after you left..." She said, her voice meek and quiet. "You said you would return, but you never did... I thought you had forgotten about me..."

He turned to her. "Senshi...I.."

"And when I heard the news of Kishin Temple..." her eyes began to well up with tears. "I thought you were..."

Tamari stood in silence, refusing to look anymore.

"Let her go." Said Tenshu as she stood in the door with Ryōken. "You owe her that much."

Tamari clenched his fists. "...I can't, the path I walk is not one you would wish to travel. I have to do this alone-"

He looked at the ground, trying to avoid her gaze. "I-I'm sorry... but no…"


A red mark formed across his cheek, but Tamari seemed unfazed by it.

Tenshu touched his face with her left hand, a sincere look about her.

"I know what happened to you isn't something you'd wish anyone else to go through."

Spoke Tenshu. "But she's grown, she's not the little girl you once knew. I know what you plan to do, and you can't do this alone- so let her stay by your side."

He looked up at the ceiling, then down at the floor, muttering something under his breath. "Ok…"

Senshi bowed her head, flustered. "Thank you very much for letting me accompany you."

He looked at her regretfully, "Yeah, sure... Welcome to the club."

Tamari straightened himself out. " We're leaving town tonight. Soon it'll be crawling with those Imperial clowns."

"Before you go, I have something for all of you." Said Tenshu picking up a few items.

"What?" Asked Ko curiously.

"For you Ko, a samurai's breastplate."

She placed the breastplate on Ko. It barely fit him, much too big.

The plate was Azure Blue with gold linings, a jade dragon inscribed on its chest.

"Uh...Thanks?" Said Ko.

Tenshu smiled, rubbing Ko's head. "You'll grow into it."

She turned to Senshi. "For Senshi, a special talisman to call Ryōken if you may ever need him."

The talisman had the kanji (summon) inscribed, a crescent moon pattern on it. She hung it around her neck, whispering something in her ear.

She bowed. "T-thank you very much!"

Ryōken snuggled up to her as he licked her face. "Woof!"

"But don't use it all the time, I still need Ryōken to help me at the shop. Only in emergencies-" Tenshu sternly.

"Senshi winked, sticking her tongue out the side. "Oh- Kay~"

"And finally, for you Tamari, a special amulet."

She placed it around his neck. He held it up to the light looking at it: it was small and white, almost looking like a mask…

"What does it do?" He asked.

She looked at him obliviously. "I don't know." She shrugged.

"Alright, time to go! If you're not customers, get out!"

"Wha!? Hey!" Yelled Tamari as they were pushed out onto the streets.

"Rude…," said Ko.

"So where are we going to go first?" Asked Senshi.

Tamari stood up, brushing himself off.

"We're going to pay our respects…" He spoke.

Ko and Senshi looked at him, confused. "Huh?"


They arrived at a cemetery; dozens of graves stood silently among the grim and saddening atmosphere. Tamari walked over to a single stone tablet.

"This is where Maketa was buried." He said quietly.

"You mean that boy with the blue yin necklace?" Asked Ko.

"Yes. Tenshu told me where he was, and I thought we should pay our respects before we leave." He said with a solemn look.

They all walked over to the grave, kneeling.

"I hope you're happy wherever you are." Said Senshi.

"I'm sorry we couldn't save your brother; I hope both of you are together again." Said Ko.

Tamari put out some incense, placing it near the grave.

He then took out his red malas*, giving a prayer. (Prayer Beads) *

"Anata no tamashī ga yasuraka ni nemureru yō ni"*. (May your soul rest in peace) *

He stood up, turning away. "Namu amida butsu."

Senshi watched as he gave his blessing, recalling what Tenshu had whispered to her.

"There is a deep void that lives within his heart. He needs you to look after him; be there to bring him back, should he ever lose himself."

She shivered in the cold, confidently looking at the setting sun. "Hmf! I've got this!"

"What was that?" Asked Tamari.

"N-nothing!" She replied, "Hey! Wait up! Don't you dare leave without me!" She shouted running after them.

They walked, leaving the grave behind; an incense burned a slow flame, as the setting sun reflected off the pair of blue yin and red yang necklaces alongside the grave; reunited once again.