Don't Underestimate Humans!

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, yokka, nichiyōbi (June,4,Sunday) (Hitsuji province)

(Shōgo: Noon)

As the storm raged, Tentō and Tamari stared each other down; measuring up.

Sweat slid down Tentō's neck; he was practically frozen, terrified by the bloodlust this man raidated. "Ngh..."

Tamari stood silent; he held out his hand, inviting an attack. "Come."

Tentō took a stance, preparing himself. "Rgh... Don't you mock me!!"

/Smack! Smack! Smack! /

"Hell Dance: Shawā no Hikari!*" (Shower of Light)* He shouted.

/Boom! Boom! Boom!/

Lightning rained down on Tamari, he quickly dodged the streaks of light.

He jumped, launching his naginata at Tentō.

"Wha!?" It shot through his side, stabbing into the roof. "Ngh, grah!" Shouted Tentō.

"You'll pay for that! Hell Dance: Danshingu Raitoningu!*" (Dancing lightning)*

Tentō smacked another drum; instantly he was on Tamari, throwing him back against the temple roof, crashing through. /Boom!/

"Argh!" Tamari stood up, recomposing himself; suddenly, he was engulfed in a bubble of water.

"Hell Dance: Mizu Hitsugi*" (Water Coffin)*

"Ngh, wha!?"

Ame came out from the temple, brushing himself off. "You remember me, correct?"

Tamari struggled from within his watery prison, but he couldn't escape. Much worse, the pressure from within the bubble was beginning to crush him.

"Haha! What was I so afraid of? He was indeed just a regular human!" Said Tentō stepping down on the temple roof.

"You were afraid of him, brother?" Asked Ame mockingly.

"No! You are mistaken, I merely jest. No one would be afraid of this, nobody!"

He smacked a drum; a bolt of lightning struck the bubble; electrocuting Tamari.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!" Screamed Tamari.

"Ame, you go find the brat. I shall deal with him." Said Tentō.

"Hm, as you wish brother." Ame left, jumping off the temple to find Ko.

Tentō stepped up to the bubble, smirking. "Hehe, I thought you were a monster... But you are merely a ma..."

In that moment Tamari looked up, a sinister grin across his face.

"Wha!?" Said Tentō. /Pop! Crack!/

He turned around; the metal blade of the naginata crackled with electricity.

He looked up, noticing the clouds centering around them.

"No!" He ran to grab it, but before he could reach the weapon... /BOOM!/

The temple roof was destroyed by a large crack of lightning; they fell through, landing inside the temple.

"Ngh...Shit!" Said Tentō as he picked himself up.

He felt an ominous aura behind him as he turned around. /Crick! Crack!/

Tamari cracked his neck as he lifted his weapon out of the ground. /Shunk!/

"Keh, that's better." Said Tamari ominously. "Now come on..." He took a stance. "Let's rock."


Running around, Ko dodged the constant barrage of high-speed water streams.

"Stop your useless attempt at evading! Just give in and I will make it painless!" Yelled an irritated Ame.

"Wha? No! Why would I even consider stopping?!" Shouted Ko.

"Tch... Have it your way then." Ame circled his arm; water flowed out of the hisaku, creating a ring around him; he made several other rings, engulfing himself in a spiraling vortex of water.

"Hell Dance: Mizu no Mantoru*! (Water's Mantle)*

Ame shot at Ko with incredible speed. "Gah!" Yelled Ko as he jumped behind a tree.

/Crash!/ The tree was easily cut through; Ko poked his head out from behind the stump.


"Even water can cut through the hardest of rock If focused at high speeds."

He shot around the temple courtyard, leaving a trail of destruction.

Ko ran; escaping into the forest, but Ame easily cut through the trees like a razor blade. Leaving nothing in his path.

"Heh, hiding is futile. Imagine myself as thousands of swords... coming for your neck." Smirked Ame.

He stopped, scanning the area for Ko. "Hm..."

Ko jumped out from the top of a tree, aiming his tanto at Ame. "Yaaaaahhhhh!!" He yelled.

/Bam!/ He stabbed his blade down on the mass of water. "Ngh...!"

But the force was too great, and he was thrown back, slamming up against a large tree. /Wham!/ "Gaah!"

"Ha ha ha! You are weak little one, just as any other human. Just as this man was..."

Ame pointed behind Ko.

Ko slowly turned around; he saw a decayed, faceless skeleton. It was missing an arm and its head was bashed in. It wore a green and white monk robe with blue sashes.

Ko stared, a terrified confusion about him. "Wha..who...!?"

"Master Sheno Kado; Head Monk of Kame Temple and Master of the Kame style. A sad pathetic man, who was practically begging to be slaughtered."

Ko turned back. " killed him!" Shouted Ko angrily.

Ame's face grew dim and cold. "...No. It was another… But you will join him soon. Hell dance: Makikomu Shio*" (Engulfing Tide)*

The water that covered Ame shot out, covering the forest in a large wave, pushing Ko back hundreds of feet.


Fatigued and exhausted, Ko struggled to his feet. He was soaked, his clothes clung to his body and his muscles ached.

"Ngh...gah! Hah..hah..." He stood up, looking forward as he held tight to his tanto.

Ko searched the area, looking for Ame. "Hah..hah...where...where'd he go!?"

Water began to slowly rise under Ko. "Wha..."

He looked up, noticing Ame above him. "Hell Dance: Aoi Funka*" (Blue Eruption)*

Suddenly, a large blast of water shot up from underneath Ko, rocketing him into a tree.

"Gaaah!!" He screamed.

He fell to the ground; but before he could catch his breath more eruptions began appearing.

"Ngh..Gah..." He quickly got up; staggering through the forest; avoiding the constant bursts of water. "Ngh..hah...ah!"

"Run run, little rat. You soon will be washed away just like the rest of the filth..." Said Ame as he watched from the sky.

Thought Ko.

He spotted a large log, lifted halfway up by a rock; taking a sharp turn, he bolted for the downed tree.

Thought Ame.

Ko ran up the trunk; as he did, a geyser shot a burst of water from underneath him. Pushing the bottom half of the tree upward, launching Ko.

"Yaaaaaahhhh!!" Yelled Ko as he rocketed toward Ame. "What!?" Shouted Ame.

Ko swung his tanto, slicing Ame's chest open. "Gaah!"

The log fell back, splitting open. /Crash!/

Ko began falling, but before he hit the ground he stopped; water engulfed him as he was imprisoned by a bubble.

(Hell Dance: Mizu Hitsugi* (Water Coffin)*

"Mgh!?" Wheezed Ko as the air was slowly ciphered from his lungs.

"Hah..ha..Hmf, I've got you now, rat..." said Ame as he held his bloodied chest.

Ko tried to grab onto something, anything, so he could pull himself out of the bubble.

"Struggle all you want! Soon you will be nothing more than a mass of pulped meat!" Yelled Ame manically.

Ko reached out to the splintered tree, trying to grab onto a misshapen branch.

Thought Ko.

The bubble tightly squeezed him. "Gaaah!" Ko felt as the last of his air was pushed out of him. His hand fell, tapping the branch.

He slumped over; unmoving.

"Heh heh... Ha ha ha ha ha!!" laughed Ame as he stood before the lifeless child.

The branch began to move, rolling over, before falling on to the bubble. /Pop!/

The water fell flat on the ground, releasing Ko.

/Whomp!/ "Ga! Haaaaaaaa!!" Gasped Ko, as he coughed up what water remained.

Ame looked confuzzled, staring at Ko. "What...why did...How!?"

Ko grabbed the branch; using it to stand up. Not noticing that the water from his hands seemed to be wiping away the dirt that covered the "Branch", revealing a silver finish beneath.

"Wait... That's Kami's Nintai!" Yelled Ame as he pointed at the "Branch".

"What?" Ko looked up at the stick he held; it was completely straight; looking more like a staff than a stick. The end of the staff was a large ring, with six other rings looped around the main; each of the smaller rings had a long dirtied white cloth attached. Inside the main ring was a single arrow point with six edges.

Ame immediately flew up into the air. "Hell Dance: Makikomu Shio*" (Engulfing Tide)*

A wave of water formed, rushing towards Ko. "Ahhh!!" He yelled as he held the staff out.

The wave seemed to part at the point where he held out the staff; the water washed away the dirt, revealing a radiant silver with a jade infused turtle shell design on the pole of the staff. The main ring and the point were made of silver as well, while the six miniature rings were Jade; with the cloth being a beautiful milky white.

Ko stood in awe of the power that the staff held. "Woahhh..."

Thought Ame.

Ko stood triumphant, a newfound sense of confidence.

"Hmf! Hyah! Ha! Ya ta ta ta ta!!" Shouted Ko as he waved the staff around.

"Ha ha! I'm the stro..." /Bonk!/ "Gah!" Yelped Ko as he smacked himself in the head, falling over.


Ame watched in complete silence. A stupidly blank expression across his face. "Perhaps not..."


Tamari and Tentō clashed furiously, shaking the mountain to its very core.

"You certainly are strong! Stronger than most!" Yelled Tentō.

/Smack!/ (Hell Dance: Danshingu Raitoningu!*" (Dancing lightning)*

Tentō shot past Tamari, grabbing his collar, plowing him through the ground.

"Grah!" Shouted Tamari as he was thrown into the side of the mountain. /Boom!/

"But you seem to be running out of steam..." Smirked Tentō.

/Slash!/ Suddenly, the trees of the forest went flying upward.


Tamari jumped up; using the trees as walls, he jumped through the air, coming down on Tentō with his blade.

Tentō slammed into the ground before a single tree fell. /Boom!/

The logs piled on top of him, encasing him in a prison of wood.

Tamari stepped down in front of the crater, waiting. "..."

"Rgh... Hell Dance: Totsuzen Sandā*!" (Sudden Thunder)*

/BOOM!/ The crater erupted with an explosion of debris, completely obliterating the surrounding forest.

"Hah..hah.. Guess I was wrong, eh?" Said Tentō as he walked out of the crater.

Tamari met him with an icy glare. "You talk too much."

Tentō smacked a drum. "Heh, fine then! Come at me, human! Hell Dance: Shawā! no Hikari*" (Shower of Light)*

The sky lit up with flashes of thunder; Tamari raced through the lightning field, dodging the flashes of light. /Crack! Pop!/

He saw a large cloud forming over him. "Ngh..." He threw his naginata at Tentō.

"You think that will work twice!?" Yelled Tentō. He deflected the naginata with his bachi, throwing it off.

At that moment the lighting struck, Tamari jumped, grabbing the weapon in mid-air. A dark aura gathered around his naginata as he came down.

"Wha...No! Hell Dance: Totsuzen Sandā*!" (Sudden Thunder)* Yelled Tentō as he smacked his drums in fear of the oncoming attack.

"Kishin Style: Ten'nosabaki*" (Heavenly Judgement)* Shouted Tamari as he swung down at Tento; lightning striking his blade.

/BOOM!!/ An enormous shockwave rocked the earth; causing the land to uproot and the storm to part.


"Hell Dance: Mizu no Mantoru*! (Water's Mantle)* Shouted Ame as he rushed towards Ko, cutting through the forest.

Ko jumped, trying to evade; but Ame grazed him, leaving large lacerations on his left side.

"Gaah!" Screamed Ko.

Ame circled back around, coming for Ko. "Perish!" He shouted.

"Noo!" Shouted Ko.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Laughed Ame. He came within a few feet of Ko before he grabbed the staff, swinging it widely.

/Smack!/ "Grah!" Shouted Ame as the head of the staff was slammed into the side of his cranium, throwing him back into a tree.


Ko stood confused, blinking his eyes. "Wah?"

Ame brushed himself off, waving hisaku in a sweeping motion. "Rgh...Hell Dance: Aoi Funka*" (Blue Eruption)*

Water began erupting from the ground; Ko ran through the water swinging the staff widely.


Ame jumped back, avoiding Ko's path. "Tch, blasted Kid! Hah!"

A stream of water shot out from his hisaku, Ko jumped back tripping over a rock.

/Whomp!/ "Oof!"

"Ngh..rah!" Ko was then trapped in a bubble of water.

But Ko stuck out the staff, cutting the bubble in two. /Pop!/

He fell, landing on a piece of wood. "Huh?" The wood began to slide, moving along the muddied ground, down the mountain.


Ko watched Ame chase after him as he slid down the mountain, increasing in speed.

"Come back you annoying brat!!" Shouted Ame angrily.

Ko stared at him with a stupidly blank expression as he slowly spun around. "Meh."

Ame shot a barrage of water streams at Ko; but he avoided them as he maneuvered around, behind, and over trees and rocks.

"Hell Dance: Makikomu Shio*" (Engulfing Tide)* Shouted Ame.

A tsunami of trees and mud raced towards Ko at extreme speeds. Ko turned around, noticing the impending doom. "Eep!" He bunkered down, increasing his speed.

"Run all you want!! Your end is nigh!" Screamed Ame.

Just before the wave hit him, he slid his way over to a log; ducking down and sliding through as the log was carried along with the wave.


The wave had destroyed everything in its path; Ame examined the ruined forest.

"Hmf, I guess his dumb luck finally ran short...Hack!"

His head lurched back as Ko was behind him, choking him out with the staff.

"Gack! Hack! Mizu no Mantoru*! (Water's Mantle)* Screamed Ame as he gasped for air; but nothing happened.

Ko tightened his hold, yanking harder. "Come on! You didn't really think I was that stupid did you!?"

Ame's eyes began to roll back, when suddenly a shockwave threw Ko off. /Boom!/

"Ahh!" Shouted Ko as he fell to the ground.

Ame looked in the direction of Tentō. "Hah... B-brother!" He sped off, leaving Ko.


Tamari was exhausted; the mountain top had become a barren wasteland. "Hah...hah..."

Tentō stood before him, his bachi had been destroyed and his drum ring damaged.

"Gah..hah..ah...How, how can a human hold so much power!?" He shouted.

Tamari drew his blade; ready to finish Tentō. "Hn!"

(Hell Dance: Aoi Funka*" (Blue Eruption)*

A barrier of water separated the two. Tamari jumped back.

Ame came down to Tentō's side. "Brother...Ngh, I am here..." He said calmly.

Ko caught up with Tamari, carrying Sheno's staff. "Yo!"

"Are you okay?" Asked Tamari.

"Yeah, it was a piece of daifuku." He replied.

Tamari noticed the staff Ko carried. "Wait isn't that..."

"I know- but look, something's happenin'."

Ame cradled Tentō's broken body. "I'm sorry brother..." Apologized Tentō.

"Shhhh... It's okay, we are not beaten yet." Said Ame softly.

Tentō looked up at him. "Yes, we are not defeated, we still have..."

They touched their foreheads together, simultaneously; "Each other..." they said in unison.

They held up their hands, holding them over each other's chests.

Tamari tensed up. "Wait...NO!!"

/Stab!/ A blinding light ensued, illuminating the entire mountain.

Heavy winds began as the clouds centered around one body.

A single man appeared, his hair was short, coming down to his shoulders. Bleached white at the top but with green tips near the bottom, his left eye was blue while his right was yellow; a third eye atop his head glowed green.

He wore a white loincloth, and a white sash that curled its way around his arms. His skin was slightly green while his ears were pointed.

His very being radiated immense strength.

"Gah... Shit, this isn't good." Said Tamari as he shielded his eyes.

The boy closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. "How sad... That I, Kazame, must be reduced to such a state..."

Ko stepped back unconsciously. "Wha..."

He held his hands out. "I shall take my compensation...From your very bodies!!" He shouted as an immense wind pushed back against them.

"Ngh!" Grunted Tamari holding his position.

"Ahhh!" Ko slipped, flying through the air.

"Ah, hang on!" Tamari jumped, grabbing onto Ko's hand.

"Th..thanks!" He said as he touched back down to the ground.

"To be pushed so far by pathetic humans... How disgraceful..."

Kazame held out his hand. (Hell Dance: Kaze no Kōhai* (Wind's Desolation)*

The land was torn asunder as blades of air cut through the earth.

Tamari reached his hand out to Ko. "Ko! The staff!" He shouted.

Ko just stared at him in a panic. "Wah!?"

"Ugh!" He quickly grabbed both Ko and the staff, stabbing it onto the ground. /Wham!/

In a split-second Tamari took out his malas beads, praying.

"Namu Amida Butsu!"

The staff began to glow green; the six white cloths stretched out, creating a barrier around them.

"Ngh..." Grunted Tamari as the ground was ripped apart around them.

"Take the malas and stay here!" Tamari turned, running toward Kazame.

"Tamari wait!" Shouted Ko.

He rushed Kazame; jumping into the air, coming down hard.

/Clang!/ "What!?

His blade stopped a foot away from him as if an invisible wall stood between them.

"Is that your best? How pitiful. Hell Dance: Funsai Geiru*" (Crushing Gale)*

Tamari was sent crashing into the ground. "Gaah!!"

His body sunk deeper into the earth; it felt like the ocean was on top of him, pulverizing his body. "Ngh..."

"Tamari I'm coming!" Yelled Ko as he raced to help.

"Futile..." (Hell Dance: Kaze no Kōhai* (Wind's Desolation)*

Ko was launched back as his body was shredded. "GAAAAAHHH!!" Screamed Ko.

"Ko!" With all his might, he struggled to his feet.

"Ngh...gah..Grah! RAAAAHHH!!" He jumped up to Kazame, furiously slashing with his blade.

/Clang! Bang! Clang!/

No matter how hard he tried, his blade couldn't reach him.

"You truly are weak; just like all miserable humans... Such a pathetic existence.

Hell Dance: Tengoku no Kōru*" (Heaven's Call)*

The clouds gathered; a small tornado came crashing down on Tamari; sending him through a hell of pain and suffering.

His screams of anguish were drowned out by the very sound of the storm.

The storm dissipated; as Ko held up the staff, protecting Tamari. Neither of them could truly stand; bloodied and exhausted they stood before Kazame; a heavy storm began to form around them again.

"Ugh..Tamari, get up... We can still do this...," said Ko.

Tamari slowly rose. "Then- cough! Hack!" He covered his mouth; looking down at his hand he saw blood. "I-I'm not going to last much longer... I need to end this now, but...I can't seem to touch him."

"Yeah, his defense seems impenetrable...," said Ko.

"But..there must be some way! There has to be!" Said Tamari.

"He's gotta have some kind of weak point, right?!" Shouted Ko.

Thought Tamari.


A younger Tamari stood in the courtyard of a temple, standing in front of a large tree.

A bald man wearing a black monk robe and white sashes stood at the end of a long line of younger men. He was bald, around his neck lay a necklace made of dark blue beads. His body was well built.

The man raised his arm. "Alright you lot, you will be practicing on these Pinus thunbergii* trees here!" (Black Pine)*

He took a wooden naginata from a weapons rack, walking up to a tree.

"Listen well! Each shield has a weak point! If you want to break through the enemies' defense, you'll need to find that weakness! Find the chink in their armor!"

"Yes, Master Koino!" Shouted the young men.

Master Koino circled the grounds. "The motion is made with both your back and shoulder muscles." He shouted. "A novice would use only his arms, but a master uses his whole body; plant your feet! Tighten the core of your body!"

Tamari took a stance, taking his weapon and stabbing into the tree. "Haaah!" /Tok!/

It didn't break through. "Hmf."

He tried again, thrusting even harder into the tree. "Hyyyaaaah!!" /Tok!/

"Ugh..." He looked at the other students, many of them had made dents in their trees.

"Hah, okay. You can do this..." He stepped back, and with all his strength he stabbed into the tree. /Tack!/

/Crack, snap!/ His naginata snapped, breaking in two.

He fell forward, landing on his chest.

/Whomp!/ The other students looked at him, laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!" Mocked the students.

Koino walked over to him, picking up his broken weapon. "Sigh, Tamari... Remove yourself from my grounds... You're a disgrace."

"But Master Koino, wait! I can still-" Pleaded Tamari.

"Enough!" Shouted Master Koino. "Leave; before you dishonor yourself and your family any further."

"Tch..." Tamari turned away, running back behind the temple.


A few hours had gone by since training had begun; you could hear the disciples hard at work in the courtyard. Meanwhile, a sweat soaked Tamari stood alone in the forest; in his bruised hands he held a makeshift naginata. Continuously striking a tree next to a shallow stream.


"Ha!" /Tok!/

"I'll show them!"

"Ha!" /Tok!/

"I'll get super strong! And kick all their butts!"

"HA!" /TOK!/

He stopped, taking a breath. "Gah..hah...hah.."

"Training, are we? Little Tamari...," said a voice.

"Huh?" Tamari looked upward, noticing a young man sitting in a tree.

He looked to be nineteen, compared to Tamari, who was fifteen.

He was five foot eleven, short black hair with blue tips. He wore a purplish black and white hakama with white sashes and blue beads. He also wore a pair of dark blue glasses with black stripes. His irises were a dark purple, his pupils, the shape of a white seven-sided star. He was skinny but well built.

"Ah! Uraken! What are you doing up there?" Asked Tamari nervously.

"Oh, just reading a book... An excellent way to spend your time if you ask me." He replied.

"You're not training?"

"No, their methods are much too simple. I prefer a challenge, don't you?"

Tamari looked down at the ground nervously. "Um...I guess."

"Hm." He shut his book, hopping down from the tree.

"Well, let me instruct you on a more advanced technique I learned."

He took the naginata from Tamari's hands.

"A blade may be unstoppable and strong, but against an unbreakable shield it will be rendered pointless. However, every shield has its weak point."

"But that's what I've been trying to find out!" Whined Tamari.

"Ah, but you are aiming for a weakness that already exists. If used properly, you may create your own weak point in any shield, no matter how strong."

"Wah!? Really!? SHOW ME SHOW ME!!" Cheered Tamari as he jumped up and down excitedly.

"Calm down, calm down. Now watch."

Placing his left foot first, Uraken took the naginata; he stepped forward with his right foot, thrusting the naginata while twisting his arm and shoulder simultaneously.


A small gust of wind swirled around the edge of the blade as it shot forward. "Incredibly simple, yet infinitely stronger..."

"But if it's so simple how come they don't use it back at the temple?" Questioned Tamari.

"Because they do not believe in change," he said with a disappoving demeanor. "It frightens them…"


He turned back to Tamari, "Here…" handing him the pole. "Give it a go."

"…" Tamari gulped, looking squeamish.

"Just breathe..." Uraken assured, "feel the flow within your body move through you..."

Tamari thrusted forward, turning his blade as he did. "Hah!" /Tack!/

The blade dug into the wood, bursting through the other side.

"Ha ha! I did it!" Cheered Tamari.

Uraken grinned, "Subarashi..."


Tamari rushed forward; racing toward Kazame.

"You still persist? Then you wish to perish that quickly..."

(Hell Dance: Kaze no Kōhai* (Wind's Desolation)*

The earth was torn to pieces as blades of wind shot at Tamari; he dodged them, barley; taking heavy damage. "Gah! Ngh..."


"Elegantly done." Said Uraken.

"Now I can show everyone and Master Koino who's really the disgrace!" Shouted Tamari.

"Perhaps you should, but perhaps you shouldn't. Keeping one's strengths hidden is a virtue." He spoke.

"Really? But why can't I show them? I really want to..." Whined Tamari.

"Well, you don't have to listen to me..." He replied.

"Hmf... Then you do it!" Shouted Tamari.


"If I'm not gonna show people, I want you to show me the move yourself!"

Uraken sighed; Tamari handed him the weapon, but he waved him away.


Uraken walked up to a large boulder; his eyes seemed to glow for a second, until he tapped the bounder with his finger.

/Tap! Twist!/ Nothing happened.

"See! You should have taken the naginata!" Protested Tamari.

"One does not always need a blade, when they are the blade themselves." He smiled.

From the point where he touched the boulder there was a slight yellow spark, it flickered for a second then it started to crack; breaking in a spiral motion, it grew outward; spreading, until. /Crack! Boom!/

The entire boulder shattered, leaving a beautiful sculpture of a Begonia.

"Woah!!" Shouted Tamari in awe.

Uraken smiled fondly at Tamari's admiration. "Beautiful, is it not?" He said.


Tamari jumped up, aiming to strike. "Haaaaahhh!!"

But Kazame flicked his wrist. "Fall." (Hell Dance: Funsai Geiru*" (Crushing Gale)*

The pressure came crashing down on Tamari's shoulders; he stabbed his naginata into the ground, keeping himself from falling. "Ngh..."


"Hey, do you think Master Ateru will be proud of me?" Asked Tamari happily.

Uraken's face grew dim. "..."

"Ur-Uraken?" Asked Tamari concerned.

He turned back to Tamari with a happy face. "Of course, he will, you're his favorite student after all."

"Wha? No! You are Uraken!" Shouted Tamari Sternly.

He smiled. "Heh, thank you... Little Tamari."


Tamari jumped up, raising his naginata to strike.

"Tch... Why do you continue to fight!? You are trash! Die! Like all the rest!!" Shouted Kazame.

Tamari turned his naginata; Ko watched as the very atmosphere began to warp and circle around his blade. "Haaah!!"

"Ah! Stay back! You are nothing! Hell Dance: Tengoku no Kōru*" (Heaven's Call)* Shouted Kazame.

The storm came crashing down on Tamari, but it began swirling around him as he continued forward.

"Why are you so strong!? You are human!!" Screamed Kazame.

"Because humans have the will to keep going; they have the heart to never back down, no matter the odds..."

He jumped, carrying with him the might of heaven and hell. "A demon like you who looks down on humans could never understand that!" Shouted Tamari.

"What!? No!?" Kazame held his hands up in fear.

The clouds centered around him as Tamari himself became the eye of the storm.

"Don't underestimate Humans!!" He Roared.


"Hey Uraken, what's this move's um, "technique's" name?" Asked Tamari.

"Hm? Oh, my apologies. Its name is..."


"Kishin Style: Jigoku Nejire!*" (Hell's Distortion)* Yelled Tamari.

His blade stabbed through Kazame; warping his body completely; destroying both their masks in an immense explosion of debris that shook the valley.

The clouds parted, exposing the blinding light of the sun.

Ko saw Tamari; he looked like he was floating, flying in the sky; like a Tennin*, if only for a moment. (Angel)*

Tamari fell back to the earth; landing, bruised, bloodied and exhausted.

Ko came running up to meet him. "Tamari! You did it! Ha ha! You really did it!!" He cheered.

Tamari looked up at him as the sun stung his eyes. "Yeah..ouch..that's great. Now carry me home please."


They made their way back to the ryokan; Tamari saw people cheering for the return of the sun.

"Ha ha! No more rain!" Cheered a man.

"Yes, it is a miracle!"

"Praise Shikami!" Shouted a woman.

"..." Tamari turned away.

He noticed the little girl running around cheering as tiny sprouts were growing in the garden, he cracked an honest smile, relieving his sour mood.

Arriving at the Ryokan, Ko yelled inside. "Senshi, We're back!" Shouted Ko.

Tamari looked around. "Senshi?"

"...Hehe, thank you Mr. Neko... I will try some of your dango..." Mumbled Senshi as she slept.

They stared at her with blank expressions.

"Uhhhh…" Stared Tamari nervously.

Ko walked over to her, smacking her head. "Wake up!" He shouted.

She punched Ko square in the jaw, sending him flying. /Wham!/ "Gack!"

Waking slowly, she opened her eyes.

"Mmmmm! Good morning!" She said with a chipper smile.

"Ugh...It's noon." Moaned Ko as he laid upside down against the wall.

"Did I miss anything interesting?" She asked.

Tamari looked to Ko, and he to Tamari; they both grinned.

"Nah, it was pretty boring." Smirked Tamari.


The land slowly began to illuminate with the warm, vibrant glow of the sun. Atop the mountain where the temple once lived, sat a single grave. A slow green incense burned; a haloed staff memorialized, and a soul, finally at peace.