A Child’s Burden

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, jūsan-nichi, kayōbi (June,13,Tuesday) (Hitsuji province)

(Gozen nakaba: Mid-Morning)

The day was long; Tamari, Senshi and Ko felt like they had been walking for an eternity.

Deciding to take a short break they stopped at a nearby stream when they noticed a small girl in a raggedy red Komon Kimono.

She collected water from the stream, but she was having a difficult time carrying the buckets. As she struggled; her feet clumsily tripped over each other until she fell forward.

Before she landed Tamari held out his hand stopping her.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

She looked up at him, a confused and surprised expression. "Huh? Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trouble you." She said.

"No, It's fine. Do you need any help?" Asked Tamari politely.

The girl turned away shyly, looking over to the several other buckets near the stream

"Well, it would be nice…" She replied.

Tamari turned to Senshi and Ko. "Hey guys, come help carry buckets."

"Wha, do we have to?" Whined Ko.

/Smack!/ Senshi slapped Ko on the back. "Come on Ko, it'll be fun! Think of it as a little bit of balance training." Said Senshi.

"Ugh…" Groaned Ko.


As the girl carried her bucket Tamari carried two larger buckets behind her; Senshi balanced several buckets on her arms and head.

"Hmf, showoff…" Mumbled Tamari.

"Hey guys, look at me!" Shouted Ko.

He had grabbed the biggest bucket and was holding it over his head.

He laughed, boasting his strength. "Ha ha! I'm the strongest! Ah...w-wait!"

He lost his balance, falling on his back, tipping the bucket and drenching himself in water.


"Hey! Don't spill the water, it's important!" Shouted the girl.

"Ugh… owch, come on..." Moaned Ko as he lifted himself back up.

"Just carry the buckets Ko, you don't need to make a fool of yourself." Said Tamari sternly.

"Heh heh..." Snickered Senshi.

Ko pouted, crossing his arms. "Hmf!"


They soon arrived at a genkan*. (Small Home)*

The girl stopped in front of the doorway. "Okay. Here we are, my home."

They set their buckets down; Tamari stepped forward. "If you need..."

"Wait! Don't come any closer!" She shouted.

"Wha, how come?" He asked.

"Because it's rude; and my dad's in there! He's sick so I can't have you bothering him!"

"But we're so tired! I want a place to sleep!" Complained Ko rudely.

"You can sleep out here!" She protested.

"No!" Shouted Ko. "We carried your stupid buckets so…"

Senshi placed her hand over Ko's mouth, silencing him, bowing.

"Thank you very much." She asked, looking down at Ko. "Isn't that right Ko?"

"Mmmmhhhh, Mrrrrrhhhh!"

The girl bowed as well. "Thank you for understanding. I'll be back in soon."

She headed inside the genkan as they unpacked.

"Ngh..I'm so sore...Do we always have to walk all the time?" Complained Ko.

"Well, if we hope to get anywhere, we do." Replied Tamari.

"It's not so bad, it builds good leg muscles." Senshi Added.

Ko squeezed his legs in curiosity. "Hmmm…"

The girl came back out; with her, she carried a straw basket and small box. "Okay, I'm done. Thanks for waiting, can I help with anything?"

"Yeah, food would be nice!" Shouted Ko.

Tamari smacked Ko over the head. /Wack!/ "Ow!"

"A small amount would be appreciated." Said Tamari politely.

"Well, you're in luck, I have some onigiri* in this basket right here!" She said happily. (Rice balls)*


As they all sat together eating, the little girl studied them.

"Are...are you guys Bōken*or something?" She asked. (Adventures)*

"No, not exactly…" Said Tamari nervously.

Ko jumped up proudly, but with a stuffed face. "Wrr dmon sllers! /Gulp!/

"We've even taken on the Imperial Guard!"

The girl's mouth gaped open in awe. "Really? That must have been scary!"

"Meh, it was okay; we just came to stop this idiot from getting himself executed." Remarked Senshi.

"What!?" She gasped.

Tamari looked over to Senshi peeved. "I told you it wasn't my fault! How was I supposed to know that the Imperial guard would show up at the one yatai I happened to be eating at!?"

"Well, you could have just run away." Said Ko.

"I tried that, but the samurai guy came and captured me!" Shouted Tamari.

The little girl looked disheartened. "Wow...That sounds like so much fun…"

"Yeah, but that was only after we killed the Shogun." Said Ko.

"The Shogun!?!" The girl screamed.

"Hey, I "defeated" the Shogun… And shut up about that, it's one of the reasons we're fugitives." Said Tamari.

"Speaking of which, the Shogun is a pretty powerful person; shouldn't there be more of an effect on the populace?" Asked Senshi.

"Well, the one we fought was only one of five." Tamari replied.

"They're based in the key cities of Japan; Ebisu, Hachiman, Kotoamatsu, Tenjin and Sarutahiko. Along with the ten Daimyo, all protected by the Asahi*. So, they didn't lose anything that they couldn't replace." Said Tamari. (Japanese Military)*

"The Asahi?" Asked the girl.

"Hm? You don't know about them?" Asked Ko.

"No, I haven't gone much of anywhere in my life. Sorry for being so ignorant." She replied.

Taking a bite of his Onigiri, Tamari spoke.

"No, it's okay. Ko didn't mean it like that." He said.

"The Asahi is the main military and our defense against foreign threats, under the control of the Shogun and Daimyo. Instead of the direct control of the Emperor like the Imperial Guard, known as the "Roikara", which is used for dealing with demonic or spiritual threats as well as hunting down criminals."

"Like us!" Said Ko.

"Sigh, yes Ko. "Like us"." Said Tamari sarcastically.

"Is that why we keep moving from place to place?" Asked Senshi as she ruffled through the basket, looking for more Onigiri.

"You're half right." Replied Tamari.

A disheartened and sad expression crawled its way onto the girl's face. "Wow, there are so many amazing places to see; but… I have to stay here and take care of my father." She said sadly.

"Your father?" Asked Tamari.

"Yes, he's badly hurt. And I have to tend to him most of the day."

A sad empathetic gaze came across Ko's face.


A little boy ran into an old, decrepit home; with him he carried a bucket of hot water and herbs.

"Mama! Papa! I bought herbs and hot water from town to help cure your fever!" The boy said excitedly.

The man and woman looked at him, their complexion pale and sickly. You could see stains of blood across their clothes, and they were coughing profusely.

The boy stared with a confused and disheartened look. "Mama...? Papa?"

"That's very…cough! ...nice of you Ko…" said the man taking the bucket.

"You're such a sweet child…cough!" Said the woman sincerely.

The boy grinned, a happy and childish smile. "Heheh!"


Thought Ko.

"Is that what the water was for?" Asked Tamari.

"Yes, it's said to have healing properties." She answered.

"Huh!?" Ko sprung up. "Really!? Ha ha! He ran over, jumping into the stream. "Sores be gone!"


"Wait!" The girl shouted.

Ko slowly stood in the stream, his skin a bluish purple.

Senshi popped her head out of the basket. "Ko?"

"You okay buddy?" Asked Tamari.

Ko looked at them shivering. "W-w-why is... it...it. so, c-c-c-c-cold?"

"Well, it's still water." Said the girl.

"Must be hard carrying all those buckets everyday huh?" Asked Tamari.

"...yes, it is...Oh!"


The girl bowed. "Forgive my rudeness, my name is Futan."

Tamari grinned. "Heh, well my name's Tamari, that's Senshi and the frozen moron is Ko." He said pointing over to him.

Ko waved slowly, shivering and chattering.

Futan giggled to herself, when she heard a moan come from inside the house.

She turned around towards the noise. "Sorry, I need to go. My father needs me."

She placed the small box on the ground, which carried a tantalizing aroma.

"Here, you can have these Imagawayaki*. I'll be back soon!"

(Sponge like cakes with red bean paste)*

"Don't worry, we're not going anywhere." Grinned Tamari.

She smiled, turning away.

Senshi crept her way over to the box, peeking inside. "Can I have some?" She asked, drooling.

Ko jumped out of the river, still chattering. "Me t-t-t-t-too!"

/Bonk! Bam!/ Tamari smacked them on the head with his naginata; shooing them away.

"Wait your turn!" He shouted.

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, jūsan-nichi, kayōbi (June,13,Tuesday)

(Hitsuji province) (Gogo: Afternoon)

Tamari could hear noises coming from the genkan as they settled in for the night. But he brushed them off, focusing on unpacking.

As Tamari unpacked, Ko gouged himself on Imagawayaki in a display of revolting ferocity. "Ahh, these are soooooo good!" He shouted in bean filled ecstasy.

Tamari stared at Ko in disgust as his mouth dripped with bean paste.

"Wt?" He said stuffing his face.

Tamari walked over, shooing Ko away from the delectable sweets. "Get out of there pig!"

"Eeep!" Yelped Ko, scurrying away.

He ran off down to the stream; most likely to wash off the stains.

"Sigh…" /Tap tap!/

"Hm?" Tamari turned around to find Senshi nervously poking at his back.

Her face was beat red, and she wiggled in place as she tapped her two pointer fingers together.

Thought Tamari.

"Um..ah..uh...Tamari?" She said anxiously.

"Yeah?" He asked.

Her face grew even redder as a plume of steam came out of her head. "Ah! Well, w-we have..some time... t-to..ourselves.."

Tamari cocked his head, waiting for her to finish. "Uh Huh?" He said confused.

"Since it's been a while since we've seen each other..." She down at her feet, "A-and it'd be my first time, but w-would you like t-too..?

Tamari starred with a blank look, processing the information. <...> "Yes."


Tamari and Senshi stood alone in the darkened forest; the only light coming from the fireflies that occasionally flickered.

They held a stance with the back of their right hands against each other and their left folded behind their backs, with their legs positioned in a solid bend. They stood silently still, waiting for the other to make a move.



Instantaneously, Senshi twisted her right around; trying to throw Tamari down. But he jumped up, about to strike her with a kick to the face. She ducked; spinning around on her hand she came at him with a barrage of kicks.

He stepped back, avoiding the blows; grabbing her leg he threw her into a tree. But Senshi flipped back; clinging to the tree on all fours she leaped like a wild beast. Striking Tamari in the side with her fist.

"Gaah!" Shouted Tamari.

"Ha ha! First blood! You might as well give up now!" Cheered Senshi.

"Tch." Tamari elbowed her back, sending her to the ground. /Wham!/

"Don't get cocky!" He laughed.

Before he could land a second strike she spun around; sweeping him off his feet. Before he hit the ground he flipped over; landing on his hands he leaped back, moving further into the forest.

"Where you goin'?" She shouted as she followed him.

"Why don't you come and find out?" He shouted back.

The trees shook with the force of every blow as they moved through the forest.

"I haven't had this much fun in a long time!" She said excitedly as she jumped from a tree limb.

She came down on Tamari with a kick, but he held out his hand stopping her.

"Heh, neither have I." He replied.


Ko slept peacefully under the swaying trees. His mouth and shirt stained with bean paste; his hair slightly damp and ruffled. His mouth hung open as his eyes lay closed; he was at peace.

Among the shadows of the night another emerged; it moved closer to him; swiftly, silently. A quiet flow off killing intent flowed of the shadow as it drew its blade; aimed for Ko's heart. Ko turned over in his sleep; the shadow hesitated for a moment, stepping back. Ko's face contorted in an unpleasant manner.

"Ngh, Maya..no..." He mumbled in his dreamy state.

The shadow paused for a moment. "..."

Finally, it lifted its blade up over the sleeping boy; the moon's light reflecting off the silver steel. Such an ominously beautiful light; in an instant, the light was extinguished, and the blade fell.