A Child's Burden (Part 2)

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, jūsan-nichi, kayōbi (June,13,Tuesday) (Hitsuji province)

(Gogo: Afternoon)

From inside the genkan, Futan tended to her sick father.

She soaked rags in water and draped them across his body.

The girl made sure her movements were careful and precise.

"It'll be okay Father..." She said placing the rags. "You'll be well soon."

He grabbed her hand as she set down another reg. "Father?" She said surprised.

His eyes were covered by a wet rag; his black hair slicked back.

He spoke with a soft yet desperate tone; "Futan, the water... it does not work."

"But I'm sure that it should be healing you. Perhaps I should collect more..."

She began to get up before he tightened his grip.

"No!" He shouted.

"Ah! Father, you're hurting me!"

He stopped; gently releasing her arm, removing the rag covering his eyes.

They were cold and menacing; black with slit white pupils.

"No..." He said calmly. "What I require is blood..."

"Blood?" She asked, a fear in her voice.

"Yes... Cough, cough! Hack!" He covered his mouth as he vomited up a black liquid.

Futan came to his side, holding him. "Father are you alright!?"

He looked to her; a weakened tone crept its way out of his lips.

"Bring me, the blood of... those..travelers…" He said.

"I-I couldn't! They're my friends!" She said.

He raised his hand up to her face, stroking her hair. "You..love your father; don't you?"

Her head sank in despair; gripping the rag she held. "...Yes, Father."

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, jūsan-nichi, kayōbi (June,13,Tuesday) (Hitsuji province) (Yoru: Night)

Tamari and Senshi raced through the forest trading blows; each on the brink of exhaustion.

Senshi jumped off a large rock; coming down with a heavy stomp that shook the earth.

"Why don't you just give up?" She yelled.

Tamari jumped back, grabbing onto a tree limb.

"Come on, at least let me win this one." He said jokingly.

Racing forward, she aimed for the tree with a kick.

"Nope! Shishigami Style: Kurēn no gurēsu*" (Crane's grace)*

"Oh crap." Tamari jumped out of the way as she struck the tree vertically with her foot, sending an explosion of debris skyward.

He jumped to another tree as fragments of the bark fell from the sky.

She leaped into the air, jumping off the many pieces of wood.

Closing in on Tamari in a manner of moments; she stood before him.

"Shishigami Style: Doragonfangu*" (Dragon fang)*

She struck his chest, launching Tamari back hundreds of feet into the side of a small bluff.

Tamari scratched his head as he recovered from her blow.

"Ugh, jeez; when did she become this strong?"

Senshi suddenly appeared behind Tamari. "Stronger than you think~!" She said playfully.

"What!? Ah!" He yelped.

He escaped up onto the bluff side as Senshi chased after him.

They fought up the bluff, sending chunks of rock flying.

"Come on Tamari!" Yelled Senshi. "I know you can do better than this!"

She kicked him in the chest. "Gah!!" Yelled Tamari.

Sending him up to the top of the bluff. He landed unharmed but fatigued.

"Hah, if I didn't block that kick..." He panted.

Senshi landed on the edge of the bluff; the moon behind her, the wind blowing past her black hair.

"Time to end this." She was on him in an instant.

"Wait!" Shouted Tamari.

She aimed her strike for his chest. "Doragonfangu!"

In that moment Tamari reacted almost unconsciously.

His hand curled into a half fist, shooting up her chest.

(Kishin Style: Nikutai-teki te-)* (Physical stru-)*

A wave of fear and surprise came over Senshi.

His hand was inches away from striking her when a rock fell on his head. /Bonk!/

"Gack!" Tamari fell over unconscious, leaving a confused and panicked Senshi, still standing.

"I... W-what was that!?" She asked.


Tamari awoke with a mellow pain from his head, which lay on Senshi's lap.

"You finally awake?" She asked.

"Wha!? Yes!" He shouted as he jumped up from his position.

Senshi looked at him disappointingly. "Hmf, I was kinda enjoyin' that...'' Mumbled Senshi.

He felt another sharp pain from his head.

"Gah... W-what did you say?" He asked, rubbing his head.

"Nothin'." She replied.

Tamari sat down next to her on the edge of the bluff.

"Soooo what happened? Did I win?" He asked.

"You..." She hesitated for a moment. "...You lost. Obviously."

"Damn, and I was so close too." He said disappointed.

"But man have you gotten strong." He grinned.

"You're one to talk." She said. "You're nothin like that lonely wimp I knew before."

"Our sparring must've helped."

"By "sparring" you mean how you picked fights with my bullies, then we got into fights when I told you not to?" He remarked. "Yeah, I guess we've both changed."

"More than you know..." She replied drearily.

He stared into the horizon; a gentle breeze blowing past his dark brown hair, the moon illuminating his sea blue eyes.

Senshi's cheeks became slightly red as she watched him.

"You cut your hair since we last met." He said.

"Huh? Yeah, I did..." She said with her face growing dim.


Senshi kneeled at the shore of a river; her tears slowly falling from her face.

In her hand, a pair of dull shears, which she used to roughly cut her hair.


"Sorry I didn't mention it earlier; I thought maybe you didn't want to talk about it."

He said with his gaze still fixed on the horizon.

"Well, I didn't think you would notice..." She said shyly.

Her cheeks grew red as she turned away. "It-It's okay, I know it doesn't look very pretty..."

"No, I... I like it." He said abruptly.

"Wha-?" She turned to him, a confused look across her face.

He looked into her soft green eyes. "I like it; your hair. I think it looks nice."

He said with a faint smile.


"I... Well, I didn't ask for your opinion!" Shouted Senshi as she stood back up.

Tamari got up as well, scratching his head.

"R-right, sorry. It's pretty late, we should head back."

He turned away. "I guess I'll see you back at camp..." He jumped off the bluff-side leaving her.

When he was finally out of sight; Senshi blushed, curling her hair.

"He likes my hair..." She smiled.


Tamari arrived back at the camp, finding an unknown figure gathering blood from Ko's motionless body.

"Ko!" He shouted; Tamari rushed the figure, grabbing it by the throat. "What did you do to him!?"

It struggled to break free from his grasp, clawing and hammering its hands on his arm. "Ngh, let me go!" It screamed.

It was the voice of a girl. Tamari loosened his grip. "Wha... Futan?"

She took out a knife. "Ngh..gah!" Stabbing his right arm; freeing herself.

"Ah!" Tamari dropped her, grabbing his arm.

She turned away, running back into the genkan.