Kabuki class (Session 4) "Abilities of the soul: Part 3"

"H-hey again, students..." Said Tamari with a tired expression.

*Yawn* "Your teacher didn't get much sleep last night..." He said looking down at the floor.

Tamari clumsily stepped up to the blackboard; drawing up a black soul.

"First, we will be discussing what a "Hell Dance" is..." He yawned.

"A "Hell Dance" is the term used for when a demon uses their..." He waited for an answer.

The class made no sound; waiting for someone to answer.

"Correct." He replied.

The students looked at eachother. "But, Mr. Uchirōru... We didn't say anything."

He ignored them; continuing to write on the board. "A Hell Dance is a technique or magic used when a demon uses its Yinkooo..." He said, beginning to nod off.

"Where Yangshi is an "internal" force; used to imbue and strengthen... Yinko is an "external" force; since demons have no need to strengthen their bodies..."

At this point, Tamari's writing had turned to unintelligent scribbles.

"What do you mean when you say external force?" Asked a girl.

*Yawn* "Good...question..." He said.

He scribbled out some sketches of what appeared to be elements and other symbols.

"An external force is anything that affects the environment around them or the people within it..." He said.

"Like fire?" Asked a student.

"Mhmm" Replied Tamari.

"Or lightning?" Said another.


"Mind control?"

"Probably." He replied.

"What about things like space and time? Or the souls of the living and dead?" Asked another.

He turned around, back to the blackboard. "Well, a Hell Dance like that would either take a "very" powerful demon to cast or the divine power of the Six Gods." He said drawing what appeared to be a neko* with two tails. (Cat)*

"What are the six Gods?" Asked a student.

"That, we will go over another day..." Replied Tamari.

"For today, let us focus on the last lesson of the soul. "Shidama"."

He drew a stick body, then covering it with a bubble like circle.

"Now, what..." *Yawn* "Is, Shidama?" He asked.

The class stood silent. "The eternal soul of a being." Said a voice.

The class looked around; peeking out of the room they saw an old man mopping the floor.

He wore a grayish brown janitors uniform; he had black heavy duty boots on and carried with him a large key ring as well as many tools attached to his belt.

He was plump but not overweight; with a short trimmed white beard. Around his neck he wore a yellow and orange bandana; and on his bald head, a short black and red baseball cap with the words; "The Kishin clubbers!" embroidered on it.

"Correct." Said Tamari. "Now..." *Yawn* "What is Shidama also used for..."

"Findin' and readin' the strength and nature of a person's soul." He replied with a grin.

The students jaws dropped; how could this common janitor know so much? Who was he?

"Good, now can you tell me...Zzzzz" Tamari fell over onto his desk.

"AH! Mr. Uchirōku!" Shouted the class.

They ran to his side; but he had completely passed out from exhaustion.

"W-what do we do?" Asked a student.

"He needs help!" Replied another.

"But where do we take him?" Added a student.

"I'll tell ya what we do!" Said the old man. "We get good ol' Tamari here up to the nurse!"

"But where is the nurse's office?" Asked a light brown haired girl.

The man scratched his beard. "Hmmm-

I don't rightly remember... Hold on a sec."

The man closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. /Ba-dump!/

His consciousness spread out across the school; he could see the souls of all who walked the halls and stood in the classrooms. He could hear their breath and feel their heartbeats clear as day. On the second floor he noticed a black soul; it crackled and popped like a flame, flickering with Yinko.

"Hm, I see..." He said opening his eyes; a solemn look across his face.

"See what?" Asked the girl.

"Nothin." He replied. "It's on the second floor; now take Tamari young..."

"Chīsai." Said the girl.

"Hmf, good." He turned to a blond haired boy wearing a red yang necklace. "And she'll need someone strong to help her..."

"Mitsu, sir." Replied the boy.

"Heh, I'll need both of you proud youngins to help Tamari-boy up to the Nurse's."

He bent down, patting Tamari's cheek. "Come on, wake up lad." He said.

Tamari sleepily stood up with the help of the old man; stumbling to his feet.

"Hm, not gettin' enough sleep eh?" Said the old man. He nudged Tamari's shoulder. "Senshi keepin ya up too late hm?" He snickered.

"Um, Mister?" Asked Chīsai.

"Huh?" He said looking back down at them. "Oh, right. Get on up there now." He said moving them along. "And tell em' that Mr. Ataeru sent ya."

The two of them began stumbling they're way down the hall with Tamari in tow.


Soon arriving at the Nurse's office they peered inside. "Hello?" Said Chīsai.

"Oh?" Replied a voice. "Don't be scared, come in... I don't bite." Beckoned the voice.

The two of them walked inside; the room was fairly big. With a desk in the middle right corner of the room and a bed in the top left. There was a curtain the hung by a chain system in the ceiling; it moved out in two ways: one covering the bed and the other the medicine counter where they noticed the silhouette of a woman.

"Mr. Ataeru said to bring him here." Said Mitsu.

"Did he now?" Said the woman. "Lay him on the bed." She said pointing to it.

Chīsai and Mitsu nodded, moving Tamari over and placing him down. "Hope ya get better." Said Mitsu.

"Please come back tomorrow." Said Chīsai.

"Thank you children..." Said the woman. "You can help yourself to a lollipop if you so wish~" She said.

The two kids walked over to the desk taking one each. They bowed to the lady behind the curtain. "Thank you" They said politely.

They moved towards the door and the woman waved goodbye. "Ciao~"


Tamari slowly opened his eyes; finding himself in a pale greenish room. There was a white curtain draped around the bed; his body ached. He had been stripped of his main suit leaving his dress shirt.

"I- what happened?" He asked.

"You seemed to have taken a quick nap..." Said a voice.


The curtain was moved back; out from it came a woman. She looked to be twenty seven; her hair was a crimson red; she fancied a black Dahlia hair pin on the right side of her head. She wore a white nurse's outfit with sakura designs; her eyes were a deep pink and her skin was smooth and silky. Her nails were finely trimmed and she was in excellent shape. But what Tamari noticed is that she had two fox ears perked up on top of her head; they were red like her hair but the inner fur was a pink color. She had nine long red tails with pink ends as well.

"You-you're..." Tamari stuttered.

She sat down next to him. "Beautiful?" She answered. "Yes, I get that often..."

"A demon..." Gulped Tamari.

"Hm?" She looked at him puzzled. "Did you not know? Edohon* is a mixed school." (Name of school)*

"N-no..." He replied. "I'm new here..."

"Ah, you must be Mr. Uchirōku. A pleasure to make your acquaintance... My name is Nise Aishī."

She held out her hand; Tamari took it, shaking it nervously.

"I can understand your concern; newer teachers are given classes with human students." She said.

"Demons can be difficult to handle... If you so desire; I can change my appearance to better accommodate you."

A purple mist covered her body; when the mist dissolved her tail and ears were gone.

"N-no... You didn't have to do that." He said. "I've just had a little bit of trouble with demons in the past is all..." He said scratching his head.

"Make no mistake; I am of akuma blood... But I am still a person, as are you." She smiled.

Tamari cracked a warm smile. "Heh, yeah."

"Now, you seem to have received a few bruises when you fell..." She said bending over to look at Tamari's forehead.

"I- I did?" He replied.

As she moved closer his eyes slowly made their way down her curved figure; halting at her sizeable cleavage. "Uhm...uhhh" He tried looking away as his cheeks turned red.

"Hm." She smiled, snapping her fingers; purple mist formed around Tamari, turning into bandages.

"There..." She smiled. "Now you can be on your way."

Tamari stood up, picking up his suit he walked to the door. "Thank you; I'll remember what you told me." He bowed.

"That pleases me. I wish you the best with your class." She grinned.

"Thank you." He replied.

She waved goodbye as he left. "Ciao~"