Love, Honor and Sacrifice

Snow fell from the sky, blanketing the land in a pure white, inverse to the black void of night, staring down upon them.

At the base of the mountain the lake had frozen over; inside the small genkan* Kujira fed a fire as Pāru closed the windows. (House)*

"Come on, damn- needs more wood" Rushed Kujira. "Get more wood, before the storm gets any worse."

"Wait just a minute." Replied Pāru.

Walking outside she gathered wood from the back of the genkan; looking up she noticed the black ice, covering the mountain. "By the heavens..."

She backed up, spilling a bucket of fish oil. The greenish oil froze; strangely, the oil began to change color, turning clear like water.

"What..." She quickly picked up the wood and headed back. "May the kamis guide them." She prayed, locking the door.


Rōtasu shivered, clinging to herself in the cold; her fingers turning a bluish purple. Her breath was cold and heavy, her inner core near frozen. "Hah...ngh..."

Otōsan came up behind her, laying his inner clothing around her. "Wha?" She looked up at him.

"This shall be over soon..." He said, stepping away; his bare back and chest exposed, revealing a large scar stretching out from his center around his shoulders and torso.

Shinku hissed and gnashed with his fangs furiously; "I have never experienced such utter humiliation! You will die screaming, such as your men!"

Shinku breathed out an enormous amount of smog; but before it could even touch them, it froze, purifying, turning into nothing but cold mist. "Wha- My poison!?"

Otōsan faced Shinku; his blade drawn. "In this land of snow and ice, all manner of liquids and gas are purified such as the white snow."

"Tch... Yet, I can see it takes a considerable toll on whomever the snow falls upon; including your own soldiers." Hissed Shinku.

Otōsan looked back; his remaining men huddled together for warmth; many of them lay still, barely breathing. "Such is the sacrifice they are willing to make..." He responded.

Shinku scoffed at Otōsan's words; "Sacrifice? The death of men holds no meaning; pitiful, and vain; dying like the pathetic rats they are."

"The time for talk is over;" Otōsan rushed forward, met with Shinku's tail. He slid under, stabbing into the beast. Swinging on top he ran up the body, dodging the many deadly heads. He made small pricks in each of the throats; Shinku lashed about, throwing him off.

"Gah! What purpose does it serve struggling?!" He hissed. "My body is impenetrable, the same as the mighty "Kunitsu-Kami"* Orochi!" (Land-bound God) *

Shinku grabbed five trees, swinging them at Otōsan; he jumped over and through the large trunks. Stabbing into one, it froze; he punched the tree, shattering it like glass. The shards shredded Shinku's body even more. "Gaaah!" He cried.

Shinku was exhausted, gasping heavily as black blood dripped from his wounds.

"Yu-you... D-dare defy a God?" He coughed.

"A God you may be, but to the Roikara, you are nothing more than a pathetic worm, wallowing on frozen soil."

Shinku grit his teeth, positively boiling with anger. "Rgh... Don't look down on me!!" He screamed.

He lunged forward, his mouths agape, ready to completely swallow Otōsan; who stood still, his composure as cool as ice.

Suddenly, a burst of ice erupted from Shinku's side, shredding his torso. "AHHH!" He doubled over in pain, looking back at Otōsan. "Wha-"

Otōsan never left Shinku's gaze. "Soon, the blood in your body will be purified and turned to ice. State your last words, if you so have any."

Shinku coughed up blood; a gaze of swords stabbing into Otōsan. "You play the part of the righteous; but you have no pride..." He proclaimed. "When the time comes, you will be like so many... Renouncing your so called "honor", leaving the ones who you stand beside to rot and die." Shinku's body was a mess of ice and blood, he could barely breathe.

"My life is but one, living for the sole purpose of my comrades." Replied Otōsan. "If ever such a time comes, then I shall pray that I die a fate deserving of my treachery."

Shinku scowled. "Tch- Then give me your life; prove your conviction!" Screamed Shinku; in one final ditch effort he threw himself at Otōsan; hoping the massive blades of ice would impale him.

Otōsan drew his blade, running forward into the mass of blades. "Orraaaa!"

He jumped, blade drawn; but before he could strike, Shinku was snagged back. His heads hanged by thousands of tiny steel wires. "Gaah-wha... O-Orochi-hel-"

"Mangetsu no midashi"* Shouted Rōtasu. (Full moon beheading) *

She gripped the wires, decapitating Shinku in one swift moment; the eight heads tossed up into the night sky. The body fell like a bag of sand; disintegrating into dust; leaving behind a broken red mask.

"Hah-hah... Otōsan..." She collapsed; she had put everything she had left into that last attack.

Otōsan sheathed his blade, walking over he lifted her up; she was so cold and limp in his arms. "Perhaps, I put you through too much..." He said with a stern gaze.

In her near conscious state, she uttered a few silent words. "You can't die Otōsan- I..."

"..." A small grin touched his lips, as snow fell upon his shoulders. "...Thank you."


Time: 1683 Uzuki, Jūyokka, doyōbi (April,14, Saturday)

(Hinode: Sunrise) (Hebi province)

The sun rose over the valley, a damp mist running through the land. The sky a darkened violet with a touch of clouds drifting slowly across the horizon. The birds chirped naturally, as if the night before was a mere dream.

Men piled dozens of broken masks into a large pool on the summit. Otōsan stood at the edge of the summit; he watched a large fire burn before him, flickering wildly as ash floated upwards into the heavens.

Two soldiers saluted him: a box of red broken mask fragments in their hands. "Don't worry sir, we'll have these delivered to the capital in Okinawa for examination."

"Hmph, give the emperor my full report as well..." He added. The soldiers turned away, heading back down the mountain by horse. He thought in contemplation.

Rōtasu tip-toed her way up to him, a blanket around her shoulders. "O-Otōsan?" She said nervously.

He turned to her, his armor restored and a duteous look upon his face. "...How are you?" He asked.

"Fine," She replied. "A little cold never hurt anyone." /Achoo-/ Her gaze looking down towards her feet. She peeked behind him to the fire. "How come we didn't make a grave?" She asked.

His expression was stern and serious; "...Placing a grave here, would confine their souls to this mountain. A warrior's home is one made of strife and war, but a man's resting place is with his family and loved ones." He turned halfway to the fire; he spoke as if talking to the flame itself.

"These ashes shall carry their souls onto the next life, as I carry their names with me. Honoring their sacrifice is the duty of those who live on. Any less would bring shame not only upon them but us, as well." He turned away, avoiding her innocent gaze.

"Rōtasu, you-"


"Rōtasu, I put you through too much; and for that you have my apologies. My life, as is the Roikara's, is expendable for the sake of our duty. But you-"

Rōtasu held out her hands nervously, excusing him. "No-no! There's no need fo-- I-uh, it's fine! You shouldn't apologize for my sake. "

"..." He faced her, kneeling down. "...You are worth more than the life of any single soldier, worth more than I. So, I ask now of your forgiveness, Lady Rōtasu."

Rōtasu smiled, honest and sincere. Walking closer she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine, Otōsan; if my life is so important then I wish to use it for the sake of the Imperial Guard." She stepped back, and with a stern voice as if addressing him, "Now rise, my Colonel."

He stood before her, saluting, his posture perfect in every aspect. She smiled, hugging him.

He stepped back in surprise. "Wha-"

"Don't ever tell yourself you're not important; because you are to me... to all of us."

He looked down at her, his face puzzled and surprised. "I-"


A little girl hugged him as he lifted her up in the air. "Papa! Papa! Let's go play in the snow!"


"I- ...hmph." He held her, gently as he would a loved one.

The sun rose over the valley; billions of sparkles glistened off the tiny water droplets; creating a white glow of radiance, illuminating the land.