A Perfect life is only a Dream

The day was bright and content; the birds perched in the trees sang their sweet songs to the world. The red maple trees swayed in the wind, the morning's dew dripping off their leaves.

On the outskirts of the city "Kotoamatsu" stood a moderately sized village; not many lived there but its population was stable with a growing agriculture.

On the southside of the village there was a genkan; it was sturdy, but old; moss covering half the house, with pieces of broken wood splintering off the sides. In front there was a small river with a grove of maple trees to the left and in the back of the house.

A small boy poked his head out the right-side window of the genkan; his dark brown hair was messy and covered in dust and dirt.

His youthful skin was rough and covered in bruises.

The boy was young, about twelve; his physique was skinny and starved; his sea blue eyes giving off the only spark of light within this empty child. He wore a dirty dark green yukata with silver linings around the sleeves, neck and shorts.

"Ngh...come on..." he grunted, lifting his foot over the windowsill, "Ah...Made it!"

Making his way over, only to fall to the ground. "Agh!"

He rubbed his head as a shadow creeped over him. "Huh?"

Looking up, he noticed a small girl staring down at him. Her hair was long, down to the middle of her back. It was a slick black, with streaks of violet running through it, creating vertical claw patterns.

Her eyes were a soft innocent green; a pair of black dots lining the south-east and south-west of her eyes. She wore an elegant pink kimono with patterns of red maple trees and white and black Neko*.

She looked to be eleven; her body was dainty and petite, but her hands and feet were callused and covered in dirt and dried mud. (Cats)*

She bent over, her nose inches from his face. "Tamari Uchirōku, what are you doin' down there?" She asked with a stern expression, her nose scrunched.

He looked up at her, a tired reply leaving his lips. "Hi Senshi…"

Standing up, he brushed himself off. "What do you want this time?" He asked sarcastically.

"Ah! How rude, I just wanted to play!" She said, shaking her fists.

Tamari raised an eyebrow, "Last time you said that we burned down Mr. Kinto's dango shop."

"Awww, but wasn't that fun?" She asked jokingly.

He looked at her with an annoyed disgust, "Ugh, but we got into a lot of trouble. My Father even-" Tamari paused, his expression went flat. "He-"

"Hm? What's wrong?" Asked Senshi.

Tamari racked his brain for the answer, but there was nothing; it was as if it had been ripped from his mind, only a blank void remained.

"N-nothing...It's nothing." He replied.

She held out her hand, "Come on, let's go down to the village square." She said. "They're preparing for the moon festival."

Tamari sighed, "Oh, alright..." he took her hand; and together they ran north of the house, further into the village.


Making their way to the festival grounds they gazed upon the many vendors and games lining the alleys and roads.

"Hey, look! It's Mr. Kinto!" Pointed Senshi; they ran over to a small stand selling all sorts of sweets.

"Hiya Mr. Kinto!" Greeted Senshi, a happy grin touching her lips.

The old man manning the stand turned around; he was in his late sixties, his features stern and rough; a white stubble beard hugged his neck and chin. He wore a red bandana on his head; along with a blue yukata, and two pegged sandals; his hands were cracked and hard.

"The hell do you two hambones want?" He said with a grunt.

"That's not very nice," Pouted Senshi.

"Nice to see you too Sir…" Groaned Tamari.

"You numbskulls betta not be expectin' to buy anything!" He barked, "After what happened to my last stand, I got nothin' left to buy more lumber!"

"Well can I still have something?" Asked Tamari, "It was lead-belly's fault in the first place; tipping the cooking pot over and setting fire to the stand."

"Hey, I just wanted to see what they tasted like before they were boiled!" She protested.

Kinto scratched his head, "Ugh, I just wish they'd get that new marketplace built." He sighed. "When's your Pa gonna get it finished?"

"He-he's very busy these days," pleaded Tamari.

"Oh yeah?" Said Kinto, head cocked, one eye positioned on Tamari. "Where's he now?"

Tamari opened his mouth to answer, "He's-"

But his mind was faster than his mouth, calling out to him with a single voice, reaching from the depths of his soul.

"He's out drinking again…"

"W-what?" Tamari touched his head, a slow throb engulfing his skull.

"Eh? What was that?"

"He- he's out at the jobsite." Said Tamari timidly.

Kinto looked him over, eyes stern and cynical. "Is that so…"

Sweat slid down his back like rain; "Yes sir," he gulped.

"Hm, well alright then," Grunted Kinto; he turned around looking through his stand.

"I think I got somethin' for ya here…"

Senshi jumped up and down, poking Tamari's arm impatiently as her smile grew.

Kinto turned around, "Here ya go," he placed in their hands two sticks each; Tamari stared frightened at his, and Senshi's jaw dropped.

"Um, Sir? What's this?" Asked Tamari.

"Eh? It's a candied squid!" Said Kinto, as if the question was instead an insult.

It was a reddish orange; the legs curled like hair; the body was shriveled, giving off a fishy yet sugary aroma.

Senshi picked at the legs, like it was some newfound creature she had discovered.

"We eat it?" She said looking up at him.

"Is the sky blue?" Kinto replied, crossing his arms.

Senshi looked up, but Tamari shoved the squids into both their mouths. "Mgh!"

"It tastes great!" He said, with a mouth full of slimy, yet oddly crunchy squid.

Kinto smiled, "I knew you'd like em'."

He turned around, taking out more, handing them to him and Senshi. "Give em' to your friends. I want you to spread the word…"

Tamari gulped, the squid slithering its way down his throat. "Ugh, but what about the other candy? Or your dango?"

Kinto sighed, "Business has been tough these days," he leaned back against his cart. "After we became independent in sixteen-twenty-three, we barely trade with anyone anymore. Everything comes from China which is then circulated through the house of "Byakuri"."

Kinto lit a pipe, taking a long drag. He looked up at them, "But you kids shouldn't have to worry about those things." he said with a sad, tired look in his eyes.

"Go on now, enjoy the grub."

Tamari bowed, "Thank you Sir," Senshi was still picking at her second squid; he took her hand pulling her away.


They stood in front of a small pond on the edge of the square.

Senshi ate her squid approvingly, "Ya know, these are pretty good." her mouth wide open for all to see. "Tastes like Kimchi."

Tamari winced at the grotesque mulch she so lovingly chewed; "Uh huh… But what are we gonna do with all this squid?"

She pointed over to a group of kids playing with some "Temari balls"; he walked over, holding up the sticks. "H-hey, um… Want some squid?"

They looked at him, confused at the very fact of the question.

Tamari looked down, "Uh… they're good..." nervously quivering.

"Tell them it's from Kinto!" Shouted Senshi.

"It's from Mr. Kinto?" Asked a kid.

"Y-yeah, he wanted to promote these new-"

A kid took a squid, "I guess I could try it…" taking a bite. "Huh, it's pretty good!"

"Really?" asked another kid. "I'll try one too," said another.

They took what he had offered, "Th-thank you," bowed Tamari.

"Hey if you want, why don't you come play with us."

Tamari lifted his head, a look of surprise.


"Sure," replied the kid.

"But I don't have a Temari ball with me," apologized Tamari.

He placed his hand on Tamari's shoulder, a pleasant smile on his face. "It's fine, we can play later if you want."

"I- think I may have one at my house!" he quickly replied.

"Oh, alright then," he smiled. "Well, I look forward to play "Kemari" with you, Tamari."

"Hehe..." Chucked Tamari, turning away, he ran back to Senshi.

"Senshi! Senshi! You'll never guess what just happe-"

Before he could finish, the voice returned once again; only this time with many: "Freak" "Cursed Child" "Demon" "I can't believe he killed his own-"

Tamari stopped in his tracks; "I- no…" he looked back, but the boys were gone.

He gulped, swallowing his concern, turning back to Senshi.