A Perfect life is only a Dream (Part 3)

The afternoon was cool, relaxing; a calm and warm feeling as the sun set over the horizon.

Senshi found herself at the local hot springs; she sat silently reflecting as the hot, yet soothing water enveloped her. She sighed, leaning back.

/That scroll… Those charges… Why did my head hurt when I read them? /

She tried searching her brain for any semblance of an answer; /That's not the Tamari I know… Was there some sort of mistake? /

The voice returned once again to her, pounding on her skull like a hammer.

"Not mistaken, but forgotten…"

Senshi tensed up, holding herself as goosebumps creeped their way up her skin.

/Agrh! W-what is that…/ She thought to herself.

/What's wrong with my hea-/

"Did you hear about the recent suicide?" Said a voice from a few feet away.

Senshi paused, looking over to see who it was.

Six feet away from her, behind a corner near the edge of the pool there were two older girls; they sat washing each other's backs as they talked.

"Uh huh, the whole village knows about it." Replied the blond-haired girl.

"Yeah, it didn't happen too long ago I heard." Said the brown-haired girl, grabbing a bucket of water.

The blond-haired girl scrubbed the other girl's back. "They said he cut his throat."

"Really? I heard he slashed his wrists." She replied.

"Ah, my bad, he stabbed himself a bunch in the chest." The brown girl added.

"Kind of overkill if you ask me…" She said in a mockingly comical manner.

"Well, I don't really care much;" said the brown-haired girl. "He wasn't very nice."

"Too bad about his son though…" she added. "I heard he was the one who reported it."

Senshi silently crept in closer, /Son…?/ a towel over her head as she floated.

The brown-haired girl's head sank, "Yeah, too bad about Tamari-kun…" her demeanor disheartened.

/Wha- Tamari!?/

Suddenly, her head began to throb; "Ah- agrh!" She screamed.

Her hands clasped her skull, pulling at her hair as the pressure increased.

"Ah- ah- AHHHHH!"


Senshi found herself in the doorway of a darkened genkan; the cold wind scattered the autumn leaves behind her as she peered in.

She stepped forward automatically, calling out, "Tamari...?" as if she already knew who was there.

The room was silent; furniture lay thrown about the floor; stains of blood smeared across the wall; a scent of death permeated the room.

The moon cast pools of light, yet her vision was still obscured.

The figure inside the room moved into the light; "...Senshi?" said Tamari.

His yukata had been stained with blood, still fresh; his hair was ruffled and clumped, his eyes were distant and dreamy.

Senshi looked down, noticing the body behind him; many knives and other objects stabbed into its chest.

Before Tamari could say another word, she turned away, fear taking hold.

She ran; she ran as fast as her legs could take her, away from that horrid place, away from him.


She awoke slowly; the two girls from before held her calling out her name; "Senshi! Senshi, wake up! Are you okay!?"

She looked up at them dazed, blinking erratically; "I… huh?" she had been taken out of the pool and a towel placed around her.

The blond-haired girl slowly let go of her; "You passed out in the spring." she said with concern.

"You should be careful," said the brown-haired girl. "a little girl like you needs to be cautious when bathing in hot water."

Senshi quickly made her way to her feet, drying herself off.

"Wait a sec'," said the blond girl. "You shouldn't get up so quickly."

"I'll be fine," she replied. "There's somewhere I need to go."

She grabbed her clothes, /Why has Tamari been convicted of murder, yet his father committed suicide? / Running out of the hot springs,

/A-and that night… What was that? A memory? I need to see that scroll again; I need to get back to the Magistrate office! / And into the night.