A Perfect life is only a Dream (Part 4)

She arrived at the magistrate, the moon was full and waxing, casting a pool of light over the building.

Senshi approached the doors, grabbing the handles she pulled, "Ngh- grrrrrrr! hah… Shoot, it won't budge…"

She looked around the building, searching for a way inside. She noticed a small window on the west side, eleven feet off the ground.

/That must lead to the upper storage…/ she thought to herself.

She searched the area looking for something she could step up on to; she noticed a few rocks and began to stack them.

When she was finished, she climbed the rocks; four in total, four feet high.

She held up her hands, the rocks shifting beneath her.

"Ah- ngh- come on…" she said, struggling to get to the window.

Standing on her toes, she barely reached the window, almost grasping the edge; "Gah…just a little more-"

Her support began to crumble as the rocks slid, "Ah- aaaah!" She jumped up, grabbing onto the window ledge; "Haaah…haah.." she looked down "That was close."

She slowly lifted herself up and through the window. Into a space that was dusty and damp; covered in cobwebs and mouse droppings.

Many large shelves lay stacked up against the walls, holding thousands of aged scrolls; the shelves seemed to reach the roof, staring down at her.

The floors creaked and dust fell from the ceiling as she moved through the room, giving off a feeling of rot and decay.

This place seemed so different from the sanitary halls and rooms of the magistrate that she knew; she felt uneasy at the notion.

Lifting up a hatch she jumped down into the west hall. It was quiet; moonlight cast through the windows illuminated the dark hall. An eerie silence stood amongst the rooms, as if something had waited for her.

Moving through the magistrate she heard faint whispers and hushed cries; the stench of regret and anguish permeating the very atmosphere itself.

Moving down many rooms and corridors her senses became confused and dull.

She soon began to worry as she realized she was lost.

The halls were different than before, they seemed to shift and move around her, like they were alive.

The air grew cold and dank; the strange feeling of something watching her now creeping at the back of her mind.

Shivering, she held herself, hoping to keep warm; she then called out in some sudden desperation; "Help…" she squeaked, her voice quiet and weak.

Her cry seemed to echo; many times, she heard it call back to her, until it didn't even sound like her anymore; a twisted cackling followed by the sounds of scratching and gnawing.

She lay scared and alone, her hopes all but lost.

Until she noticed the faint glow of a crimson light; it flickered like a flame, illuminating the end of the hallway.

She slowly got to her feet, limping toward the light; hugging herself with all her strength, her teeth chattered, and her legs buckled.

As she grew closer, the light seemed to take shape; that of a fox tail.

It flicked playfully, inviting her to follow.

She reached out to the flame, but it disappeared. Her hand slowly went back to her body, and she quietly scanned the hall.

The tail appeared again, this time around the corner and down the hall.

She followed, once again reaching the tail, only for it to disappear and reappear again at the end of the hall.

She continued to follow down many long hallways, but her concern only grew as she continued. The building seemed to change, growing darker and more ominous.

Webs hugged the rotting walls and dark rooms looked to lead down long tunnels.

Shadows danced in the corners of her eyes, unknown figures stalking her.

Finally, the flame halted; it slowly died as she entered the storage room.

The moon peered down upon her from the window, a light shining down on her.

The feeling of another presence was stronger than it had ever been. Something was watching her; something was in the room.

She made her way across the room, reaching out to the scrolls.

Her hand softly grasped it, the one she had come for, the scroll that had waited for her.

She unrolled the scroll, her eyes moving towards the charges:

"Tamari Uchirōku:

Charged with parricide-"

"Senshi…?" A voice called out.

She turned to face the voice, taking a step back.


She whispered.