A Web of Broken hearts and Hollow souls (Part 2)

Senshi and the Jorōgumo watched from a Shikagami* as Tamari was brutally tortured.

*(Viewing mirror)

"TAMARI!!" Screamed Senshi as she desperately fought her restraints. "You murder! You killed him, you monster!"

The Shikagami went dark as she turned to her. "Oh hush, he wouldn't die over something like "that"." She sneered, "No... That "thing" is the only "true" monster among us..."


A touch of darkness within a cold embrace…

Tamari fell through the endless void; his soul lost in a sea of despair and sorrow.

"Ngh..." he could feel the presence of a light, alone within the abyss. Reaching out his hand he grasped at nothing but felt his footing once again.

The earth was wet and flowed fluidly, as if he rested atop the ocean surface. He stood among the gentle waves, listening, for a sound, a sign...

He heard the crashing of waves, the descent of water; he walked in the direction of the noise.

Coming to a stop he stood at the edge of a waterfall. It centered the ocean, a large hole spanning miles, peering into the depths. Tamari kneeled down, holding his hand out, feeling for the surface.

He touched the slightest warmth of a fire, quietly burning in the dark. His hand journeyed to his face; he felt the warmth on his skin.

He sighed, turning away. "…"

Standing silently, he felt the breeze swiftly pass him; he took a deep breath. "Sigh~" he stepped backward, and then fell into the chasm.

A world of pressure came upon him, like he was falling from the sky. His muscles grew as his hair and body returned to normal. It was an odd sensation, like waking up with sore limbs.

Tamari soon found himself in the woods. The trees swayed with the night wind; a sense of nostalgia creeped its way into Tamari's heart. "Where-?"

He spun his head around, overlooking a grand city. A towering silver and blue Shiro stood among the sky, as the thousands of lights danced along the horizon.

A single word ran through Tamari's head at the sight:

Carried with the night air was the smell of smoke; a sense of dread came upon Tamari. He turned to the source, "The temple..."

Tamari ran through the woods, making his way to the top of the mountain; gazing upon a familiar scene: a temple engulfed in hellfire. The smell of burning bodies hung in the air, as the shadows of demons danced and laughed at the chaos. "No..."

Tamari stepped back, "No-no-no-no- not again!"

He heard the faint cry of his master; "Tamari!"

"Ataeru!" Tamari felt the grip of his naginata and quickly leapt into action. "Haaaah!"

He slammed through the gates, to find his fellow monks fallen before him. His master on death's door, soon to be finished by the demonic invaders. "Get away from him!" Shouted Tamari.

He lunged at the demons, they surrounded Tamari, but he swept his weapon around him, throwing them back. He ran, throwing his weapon into a demon, stabbing through. It screamed in pain; Tamari used the pole arm to jump up onto the roofs.

Three more demons attacked, but Tamari swiftly dodged. Then using his naginata he locked the demon's arm in a hold, throwing him around like a ragdoll. After dispatching the other two he threw the demon into the air, impaling him.

Shifting his weight, he used the demon like a large hammer shattering the roof of the temple. Sending an avalanche of rock and debris onto the surrounding demons.

Tamari focused his yangshi; a golden blue light surrounded him. "wheeeeew..." he took a deep breath. "Haaaaaaaaaaah!" Jumping from the gate he slammed his naginata into the ground, creating an earth-shattering quake, rocking the entirety of the temple.

But his assault seemed to do nothing to the present threat; with every defeated foe two more would take its place.

Tamari's mind soon was lost in his rage; his muscles screamed with pain and his lungs burned with fatigue.

His bloodlust and hatred overtaking him as he unleashed a storm of madness and carnage.

After hours of unending combat Tamari stopped. His blade slid off the final demon, caked in blood. His body gave out; he fell to his knees amongst the sea of corpses. The sky seemed to rain blood as Tamari looked up to the night moon, gasping for air.

He sighed, "Haaah..." filling his body with breath.

"Tamari..." he heard a voice.

Tamari turned to the fallen demon, "...What..."

The demon held its hand up in desperation, as if begging for its life. "Tamari... why?"

Tamari's sight seemed to focus, as if a veil was lifted. He soon found himself not in a decimated temple, but in a blood-soaked massacre.

The bodies of demons were nowhere in sight, only the butchered remains of his fellow monks.

"Wha... No- I..."

The demon spoke to him, "Tamari... why have you done this to us my boy?" tears falling from its face, "Was this not your home? Were we not... your family?"

The final curtain soon lifted from its face, revealing that of his master, Ataeru.

Tamari dropped his weapon, looking at his blood-stained hands. "Ah- ah- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!"

He screamed to the heavens, his cries echoing throughout the valley.

He held up the body of his master, tears sliding from his face. "Master! Master... I-"

/ Ka-chack! /

Tamari felt the touch of cold iron clamp around his neck and hands. "...?"

He stared into the face of his beloved friend; "U-Uraken!" he exclaimed.

"Silence demon." He demanded.

"No... Uraken- I..."

Uraken drew his naginata, a mirror image of Tamari's. "For the destruction of Kishin temple, and the slaughter of "our" fellow monks..." he stated.

Tamari stood, "No- you've- you've got it all wrong!" the other monks shackled him in chains. "I'm not a demon!" he shouted.

Uraken raised his blade to the blackened sky, "the demon Tamari Uchirōku shall be exorcized!"

Tamari's head was thrown down, awaiting its fate. "No! Please! Uraken!" Tamari thrashed against his restraints, screaming for Uraken's forgiveness.

"May the Gods grant mercy upon this cursed soul, Namu Amida Butsu."

"NO!!!" Uraken's blade came down with a screaming swing, striking like lightning.

/ Slash! /

Tamari's head sank…

but did not fall; a large gash maiming his neck.

Something then snapped from within Tamari.

His tears began to run red with blood; he slowly looked to the sky, silently crying.

"What?" Exclaimed Uraken. "K-kill him!"

The remaining monks stabbed Tamari with their blades, penetrating his vital organs.

Tamari took a deep breath; "Haaaaaah…" Exhaling a sickening red smoke.

The chains began to rattle and shake, flying from their hands, burrowing into Tamari's skin. His hair grew out, turning jet black, reaching down to his back.

His eyes blazed an ominous yellow as his pupils became slit and black as the void.

His hands tore open as sharp nails protruded from his fingers; his teeth grew, becoming like razors. His skin ripped, and cracked as it darkened, a red glow emanating from his wounds.

A single yellow horn protruded from the right side of his head, a disgusting scar upon his face.

"What in the name of Buddha…" the monks stepped back in fear.

Tamari's back tensed, suddenly the smoke took form; striking out like pikes it screwed through the surrounding men. Goring their heads; hanging them in a gruesome display of savagery.

"Demon!" screamed the monks, "Monster! Kill it!" They charged Tamari with their weapons, attacking from all sides. The chains around Tamari struck out, binding their necks as he once was.

Tamari released a low growl; suddenly the men began to choke; their bodies decaying as their blood left them. An ominously dark energy began to ooze out from Tamari, his shidama turning a pitch black. The chains fell from the lifeless men as he shook them off.

Tamari's body stiffened; like child's-play he broke free from his shackles. He stepped forward, his chest expanded, and with a single breath he roared.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" shaking the heavens themselves.