A Web of Broken hearts and Hollow souls (Part 3)

"Night everlasting-

Crimson blood, falling like rain-

Lord, I pray to you."

"Uraken" stood in horror as Tamari ripped through his men like a wild beast. "Ah…haah…"

He quickly turned away from the monstrosity, leaving his fellow monks for the slaughter.

Running to the temple for safety he looked back for but a brief moment, / splat! / To find a bloodied pulp of a man staining the temple wall, painting Uraken's hakama red.

"Ah- aaaah- ugh!"

Uraken could not contain his disgust as he released the contents of his stomach upon his feet; "Ugh..." he wiped away the frothing filth and retreated to the confines of the temple.

Once inside he hid within a hidden compartment, holding his breath /Wham! / He heard the doorways come crashing down into the main hall.

"Eep!" he squealed.

Heavy footsteps could be heard down the hall as the "beast" drew closer. Heavy chains scared the floor as they rattled and clanged against stone, the beast drawing closer. The air filled with a heavy red smoke, choking your lungs and robbing you of your sight, a sign the beast was nearby.

He slowly opened the lid to the compartment, "..." the coast was clear, he sighed a breath of relief when- / Shk! / a barbed red blade stabbed through him, "Ngh- gah!" he looked behind him, but nothing was there. Chains from all sides wrapped around his limbs, dragging him through the temple screaming. Through the ceiling he was pulled onto the rooftop, where Tamari awaited.

Tamari breathed a dense red fog. Uraken felt as the cold chains slowly burrowed into his skin. "PLEASE STOP! I BEG OF YOU!"

He cried, Tamari showed no emotion, no remorse, no mercy. The chains pulled as Uraken was slowly ripped apart, his wails of agony filling the air.

All that remained was a disgusting lump of a head; "Ah- ah-" incomprehensible groans slithering out from its severed throat. Tamari's jaw gaped open, / CRUNCH! / As he devoured the head whole.


"Tch- that monster!" scoffed Jokujo, "It seems he was too much for those moronic bandits," she turned to the mirror, "...Then I shall have to deal with him myself." walking through.

Senshi starred in utter shock, "Tamari..." watching as he cannibalized the fallen men.


Tamari took notice when Jokujo slowly stepped through a rift in the air, sneering at him with a grin oh so sly. "Beaten these "humans" have you?" she spoke.

He quickly lunged at her but was stopped by an invisible wall. "You forget your place." She spoke. "Remember, this is my wor-"

/ Crack! Crick! CRACK! / Tamari shattered the wall like glass; she quickly jumped back.

"Insolent wretch!" with a flick of her wrist the world bent to her will; mountains crumbled, fields burned, and the sky was torn asunder. "You are nothing but an insignificant insect! Here, I am a God!"

Thunder rained from the sky scorching the earth; Tamari roared, jumping up he lashed his chains, using the magnetic charge to redirect the lighting around him causing the horizon to erupt with divine fury.

Tamari grabbed her throat shoving her back down, his chains locking her in. With an earth-shattering boom they hit the ground. Suddenly the legs of spiders grew from her sides, pushing Tamari off, stabbing into him, spilling a red-hot sludge. He roared, biting down on her shoulder; "AHHH!" she screamed.

She grabbed his horn, wrenching him off of her.

A nasty wound deepened to the bone, lined her shoulder as green blood spilled. "Y-you animal!" she cried.

In a furious motion she flung her hand down, summoning a tornado upon Tamari. "Ngh..." he dug his chains in like spikes, anchoring himself to the earth.

"DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" Jokujo screamed; she then lit the wind aflame, covering the land in hellfire. All the while laughing a sickening cackle.

But, among the hell fire she noticed a shining light. "Wha-!?"

Among the ruined earth stood a bright red sphere. The chains had created a shield around Tamari, protecting him from the fire storm. "His- his strength it- it isn't natural..." Jokujo gasped in astonishment; "It-It's as if I stand before a "Tsukuma*..." (First rank demon) *

The chains began to unravel, revealing Tamari, unharmed. She felt the faint whisper of fear within her mind, she stepped back;

He exhaled, "Haaaaaaaah..." looking up at her with piercing yellow eyes. "No..." she turned away, "NO!" she screamed.

Hundreds of barriers materialized before Tamari; "..." he took a deep breath, pumping up his chest and roared, "RAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" smashing through every single one.

Tamari stepped back, flexing his leg muscles; then, with a single bound he launched himself towards her. She ran but was quickly pulled back, chained by hot steel. "AAAAHHH!" she cried as the metal burned her skin. In desperation she summoned thousands of the undead to aid her; a tsunami of gnashing teeth and clawing hands encompassing Tamari completely.

She held herself as she limped away, shivering in terror. The wails of chaotic madness coming from behind her,

She stopped in her tracks, "..." afraid to turn around; mustering all of her strength she bore witness to what befell behind her.

And what she saw filled her with true despair.

The undead fell, one after the other before Tamari. Enormous gaping jaws had opened themselves around his shoulders and back as he feast upon the souls of the very beings around him. He stood, silently staring at the moon as his skin began flaking away and blood dripped from his wounds.

Soon nothing was left, it was as if he had assimilated with those he had consumed, growing ever stronger; a powerful shidama radiated off him.

A single tear fell from Jokujo's face; "...You...were never human..." she whispered. She slowly held out her arms, embracing the coming end; Tamari slowly exhaled as his chest ripped open, exposing a hideous maw, lined with hundreds of jagged fangs. "...not a demon..." she said.

She slowly stepped towards him, as chains bound her arms and legs, "Ngh-" the fire charring her body.

He dragged her in; she stared into the throat of her demise, softly whispering...

"...You...are a GOD."