Alone, I cry for you-

"Tormented, alone-

the path growing ever darker-

must you continue?"

The false world collapsed as the demon fed off the corpse of its creator.

He let out an ear-splitting howl at the hollow moon; its fragmented reflection gazing down upon him as it fell to the earth.

Suddenly, an immense pain shot through Tamari's body; he screamed in agony, his bones cracking and snapping in half, ripping themselves apart only to grow back; Tamari growing to that of twice his size. His skin ripped open as two large red eyes tore out from his forehead.

The crimson smoke gathered around his body, creating two large halos centered around his back.

"Haaaah... Haaaaaah..."

Just then, the boundaries broke through, connecting Tamari's world... with that of Senshi's.


(A tad earlier)

The trees restraining Senshi began to wither and die, releasing her. "Whew..." she leapt down rubbing her wrists and ankles.

The Shikagami had disappeared, blinding her from the happenings of the other side. A feeling of deep worry lay in the pit of her gut;

The forest fell away like a shadow, exposing a large genkan; it was old and worn-down; cobwebs and moss covering every inch of the interior. "…A house?"

Senshi stood within the main hall; six columns lined the walls and two staircases led up to the second floor. An eerie silence hung in the air, but the barrier was soon broken. Shattering that silence into a tumultuous explosion of noise.

"Gah!" She covered her ears as the breach opened, torn asunder by a monstrous hand; a baleful Tamari emerging from the void. A wave of blood poured out from beneath his feet, covering the genkan's floor.

Senshi stepped back, a deep fear coursing through her body at the mere sight of this horrid creature. she thought.

He fell to his knees before her, "Rgh..." not yet acknowledging her existence, tending to his wounds.

<…wha? It- it's hurt…> She noticed a small amulet dangle from the demon's neck; stained with blood hung a white mask shaped amulet.

"Wait..." She slowly approached him, holding out her hand; "Tamari?"

She touched him for a moment, "...!?" his gaze turned to her, a ferocity in his eyes, one that shook Senshi to her very core. "H-hah-"

"Roar!" He lashed out at her, instantly she was maimed in a crimson display of savagery. Blood abandoning her body, reaching out, if trying to escape its prison of flesh.

She screamed in pain, "AHHHHH!" falling back towards the center of the hall.

She clutched her chest to no avail; the wound was deep, coming close to reaching her internal organs. "Haah... Ahh... Haaah..." Her Gi ruined with her scarlet blood, her mind raced as she went into shock.

She coughed up a puddle of red, her body trembling with pain as she stared into the eyes of her assailant. "Haah...T-'s me-" *cough *

He was cold, and lifeless… A hollow soul, trapped inside a demonic shell. He reached out his hand to her, she raised hers in-kind. "Tamari...?" but she soon felt a sense of dread. "...!?"

She watched as blood slowly lifted itself up, rising into the air, embracing Tamari. She watched as her blood was used to heal his wounds, her life...for his. "S-stop, please!" She cried, "What's wrong with you!?" pleading for her life.

He approached her as she lay upon death's door, staring up at him as one would the night sky.

"Haaah... Haaah..." Her final words slowly escaping her lips, *cough *

"T-Tamari... come..." *cough * "Back to me..."

A small tear fell as she closed her eyes; Tamari's hand silently fell, delivering the final killing blow-

/ Boom! / The hall erupted in an explosion of debris.

But Tamari tensed up, his instincts blaring signals of danger.

"..." He stepped back; something wasn't right- "Rgh..." a bright light illuminated the dark hall, blinding Tamari as he shielded his eyes. "Ngh!?"

"My apologies for interrupting your closing act Hon," said a smugly confident voice. The debris resided revealing a red barrier, covered in kanji, enclosing Senshi.

A tall woman wearing a black Tomesode with pink lotus appeared before her; long crimson hair, nine fox tails and ears atop her head. A white kitsune mask covering her face.

"But it appears you've been granted an encore." she smirked.