Those forgotten days, I’d wish would return…

Maple leaves silently fell, landing softly in an autumn lake. The setting sun shone over the horizon, reflecting off the glistening water. There was a calm in the air, as a gentle breeze blew through the halls of a mountain temple.

Along the roof of the temple voices could be heard as two young men conversed. That of a sixteen-year-old boy with shaggy brown, and a rough look to him.

Beside him stood a twenty-year-old man; his hair was short and black, with blue tips. He wore dark blue glass with black stripes, an intellectual air about him.

"And then Master Koino, made me practice swinging like- a hundred more times!"

"Quite the grind he put you through, hm?" Laughed the black-haired man.

The boy plopped down onto the roof from his standing position, "I'm tellin' ya Uraken- sometimes I wonder if he's out to get me-" he sighed. "Training is such a hassle."

"Then tell me, Tamari…" Uraken smiled, "What was your reason for becoming a monk…?" He asked.

Tamari grew silent, "Well, I didn't really become one cause I wanted to..."


Tamari shuffled around, "Back in my village there was... an accident." He clenched his heart. "I- I hurt someone, and cause of that, I was told to come to the temple."

"Hm, I see..." Uraken looked at him solemnly, "You had no place to go..."

Tamari quickly turned to him, "B-but because of that I was able to meet you! And Master Ataeru!" he corrected.

Uraken chuckled, "I'm flattered you think of me so dearly." He spoke.

"Um haha- yeah," laughed Tamari nervously. "But- what about you? Why did you wanna become a monk?" he asked.

Uraken looked to the horizon, breathing in the autumn air; "Will you keep a secret for me?"

Tamari excitedly shook his head, "Hm hm hm!"

"Heh-" He sighed, "I have... been here for a long time... I arrived at a younger age than even you, Tamari."

He slowly looked up to the sky, "When I was an infant my family was captured by a very cruel group of people. We weren't considered human to them, so we were sold and auctioned off as objects and things to be collected."

He slowly lifted his hakama, revealing a brand on the right side of his torso. It spelled the kanji for: "dorei"* (Slave)*

"Oh..." Tamari's expression grew dim.

"One night, I heard an ear-splitting noise come from outside my cell." He shifted his legs, "There were screams, and yelling, people saying to run."

"I quickly took cover and hid under bundles of animal hide." He said, his voice quiet. "The next morning when I awoke, my cell had been demolished."

"And ever since then I haven't been able to forget what happened."

He faintly smiled, "You could call it a miracle..."


A young Uraken walked out from his confines, to find a field of slaughtered corpses, the ground stained with the blood and the entrails of his captors. He looked around and soon fell back, horrified at what stood before him.

He breathed heavily as he slowly got to his feet, placing his small hand upon the outside wall of the cell, wherein an enormous claw mark had been made.


Uraken sighed, "However- I know it was anything but-"

"W-were you the only one?" Tamari stuttered. "What about your family..."

Uraken didn't say anything, but Tamari already knew his answer.

There was a moment of silence between them.

He sighed, "...You asked me for my reason for becoming a monk?" Then he spoke.

Uraken stood up triumphantly. "I wish to study and learn more about this world, its history, its secrets, and the creatures known as the akuma."

His eyes shone brightly to Tamari, like stars in the night sky. "Will you help me on my journey, young Tamari?"

Tamari smiled a big grin, "Of course!" He leaped in the air. "I'll be right here with you!"

They laughed together on the roof when another man yelled up to them from the ground.

He was six-foot tall, broad shoulders with a muscular build. His hair was shaven near to the point of baldness, a common trait of a monk. His eyes were an amber brown. and he had strong features for a twenty-two-year-old, but he carried an air of strength and trust.

"Hey you two! Get down from there it's almost time to train!" The man shouted.

Uraken sighed, "As expected of Mr. number one. We simply can't get away from you."

"Awww come on, Budomo! Can't you tell Koino we'll train more tomorrow!?" Tamari whined.

Budomo scratched his head sighing, "You know Master doesn't mean to pick on you, he just pushes you to be the best you can be-"

"Hm, well said of a loyal lapdog." Mocked Uraken.

"Yeah!" Tamari stuck his tongue out.

Budomo frowned, "If you aren't coming down on your own, then I'm coming up."

A chill crept up their spines, "Ngh..."

Uraken surrendered and leaped down from the roof. "Hmf."

"Now Tamari, come down and we will all go together." Said Budomo.

"No!" He yelled back, running further up the temple roof. "You'll have to catch me first~!"

Budomo sighed, "You don't go anywhere." He said looking at Uraken.

His eyes glowed a golden brown as he flexed his leg muscles, instantly he leaped up into the air.

Uraken watched as he soared over the temple roof. "I don't believe I'd make it very far..."

Tamari had made a good distance between them when suddenly Budomo touched down in front of him. "Time to train."

Tamari fell back flabbergasted, "I- Wha- how!?"

Budomo hoisted him up onto his shoulder, "Hold on!"

"Wha- Wait!!" Shouted Tamari.


Uraken and Budomo walked side by side along the temple pathway, a tense feeling between the two. "You know I can't keep covering for you." Said Budomo, concerningly. "Some of the things you're doing... some may consider it taboo."

Uraken frowned, "I know... But for my research into the Mask one must take risks, for the march of progress will be made on uncertain soil." He said, "It is for the benefit of us all."

"I understand," he replied. "But the protection of the Mask of Kishin takes priority overall, no matter what curiosities you wish sated."

"Hm..." Uraken frowned. "You sound like Ataeru..."

"As head deshi* of Kishin Temple and your brother, I'll allow you to continue your research without notifying the masters." (Disciple)*

"But-" His voice turned stern, as his posture moved into one of intimidation and command.

"If you are to cause harm to any of our other brothers, or even Tamari..." He grabbed Uraken's collar, "Banishment will be the least of your worries."

Uraken held up his hands, "Noted..."

Uraken tilted his head, *Ahem* "Speaking of, our little Tamari doesn't look too good..."

"Hm?" Budomo looked at Tamari who was lurched over his shoulder, his hands cupped around his mouth. "Ugh... I don't- Mgh-!?"

"Aw- gross!" Budomo yelled, "You couldn't have waited until I set you down!"

"N-no... Mgh!!"

Uraken slowly inched away from the disgusting scene, "As head deshi I'll let you handle this..."

"Wait, Uraken come back!" Budomo yelled.

Tamari faintly looked at Budomo, "Does this mean I get to skip training...?" As he fell back, the lights went out.


Tamari awoke from a deep slumber, his muscles ached, and his head was dizzy. "Where..."

He looked around, he was in a hospital bed. "Am I...?"