A Long Rest, Finally Awoken-

Tamari awoke to the bustling sound of women moving medical supplies in and out of hospital rooms. He lay in a private room with two windows behind him; beside his bed was a table with bandages, surgical equipment, and medicines.

"Wha...?" He looked down and noticed his chest had been covered in bandages; he felt his face and pulled off the gauze that was wrapped around his head.

A woman walked past the doorway, she paused for a moment. "Oh!" Noticing Tamari was awake.

He tried to get out of bed, but the nurse stopped him. "Please sir, stay there; it's not good for you to move-"

Tamari gently pushed her aside, "Thank you, but I'm fine." He got to his feet, stretching his arms. "Hey, where am I?"

The woman rang a bell on the wall, "You're at Rabendā hospital, In Hachiman city." She said, "you've been out for quite a while..."

Tamari rubbed his head, "...How long is it this time..." he sighed.

Just then a doctor came through the door, "Ah I see you're finally awake: Tamari Uchirōku-"

Tamari immediately tensed up.

The nurse flinched in fear, but the doctor quickly calmed her, "Now now, it's okay- You can go Hemay."

She bowed and left the room. The doctor walked over to the wall picking up a scroll. "There's no need to be so hostile." He said. "Rabendā is a church sponsored hospital; we give treatment to whomever comes through our doors. Only a few chosen know of your stay here; confidentiality is our main principle."

Tamari sat back down, "The church huh..." His posture still on guard.

"Yes, you were at death's door when you came in." He sat down on a chair against the wall, crossing his right leg over his left. "It's been about two months now since then."

Tamari almost choked on his tongue. "T-t-t-two months!?"

"I'm afraid so, I say it's a miracle that you were able to recover as well as you did."

The door slowly creaked open, "Why, I'm afraid if it was not for her, we would have lost you."


Into the room walked a long white-haired woman, with streaks of dark purple. She looked to be twenty-two, same as Tamari. She wore a white and silver shrine maiden's outfit with some inspirations of European nuns. A hood lay over her head, but her hair peaked out from the bottom, which adored three gold ribbons.

She was about five-foot five, slender but still held some of her curves. Over her eyes lay a gold cloth with small red jewels glittering across its fabrics. In her hands she carried a necklace with a gold amulet in the shape of a mask with six faces.

"It is a joy of Shikami to see that you have recovered Tamari-" She smiled.

Tamari's expression grew slightly awkward. Shiyobi..." He said.

The doctor sat back, "You know Nisō Shiyobi?" He asked surprised.

"We have some history..." He said, crossing his arms.

"Oh, don't pout Tamari," She giggled, "You know I find it cute~"

"Don't say that- it's creepy." Replied Tamari.

The doctor watched them bicker, a thick atmosphere filling the room. *Ahem*

"Well..." The doctor stood up, "As I was saying, you came to us in pretty bad shape. But because of Shiyobi you've nearly made a full recovery."

"Then may I leave?" Asked Tamari.

He looked over his charts, "Well after one or two more checks, I think you'll be fine. Just sit tight and Shiyobi will see to the rest." He said walking out the door.

"Wait- don't leave me with her!" He yelled, "You don't know what she'll do to me!"

She placed her fingers to her lips, "Tamari, don't be silly." She giggled, "You haven't seemed to mind it so far~"

"Wait, you don't mean..." Tamari turned pale, "You've been-"

"Please strip." She said politely.



After a very awkward checkup, Tamari sat quietly on the bed as Shiyobi sat next to him. Her arms placed around his back, a purple glow emitting from her hands.

Tamari watched as his wounds began to close up, "I had almost forgotten you could heal without prayer beads..." He joked, "Makes me look like a first-aid kit."

Shiyobi grinned, "Ever since I was young, I was always nervous when I tended to others." She lowered her hands, beginning to take Tamari's bandages off. "But with you, I never felt that way."

"Got a lot of practice on me, didn't you?" He sighed.


A younger Tamari came battered and bruised, stumbling onto the pathway of a church, where a younger Shiyobi who had been watering flowers, noticed him. Their eyes met as Tamari fell to the ground; Shiyobi quickly ran over to him, laying him upon her lap.


"It seems so long ago you ended up at my doorstep, I guess some things never change."

Tamari cracked a smile, "Heh, yeah- Thanks for always patching me up, even when no one else would. How could I..."

"You can pledge your soul to Shikami!" She quickly replied.

Tamari frowned, "I'll pass."

Shiyobi fell over in rejection. "Hmf-" She pouted.

"Well, I was able to heal most of them. But there are still a few scars around your upper chest, arms and neck I wasn't able to get. I wish I could do more..."

"A few new ones never hurt." Tamari stood up, "I think I'll manage." He winked.


Tamari made his way to the reception desk. "I'd like my things back please-" he said.

"Of course, sir," said the woman at the desk. "Can I please have "Noh's" belongings brought to the front." She asked another.

"Real original." Tamari thought.

Soon the other woman placed his mask, naginata, amulet and a collection of items on the desk.

"Where's my hakama?" He asked, puzzled.

The women nervously looked away, "Well you see, it was in unsuitable conditions. So, we..."

"You threw away my hakama..." A vein bulged on his forehead, "Those were official temple-"

The woman quickly tried to recover, "However, we can always offer you a yukata in exchange for your discarded clothing." she said, a bead of sweat dripping from her forehead.

Tamari clenched his fist, "If you think I'll buy your cheap-"


"I think sky blue is a splendid color on you sir, thank you for choosing from our own personal line."

Tamari grumbled, "And how much will this cost?"

"Nothing, sir" Said the hospital's tailor; "All our services are free for patients."

"Oh- Well that's a relief" He sighed, "Maybe this church hospital thing isn't so bad-" he said looking in the mirror.

The tailor then pulled up what looked like a list of expenses. "However, there is a food cost on your tab for the two months you've stayed with us."

"Wha- but I didn't- how much is it...?"

"About two hundred Kin* sir." (Gold)*

Tamari turned to him slowly in a one eighty fashion. "WHAT."

The tailor seemed to shrink down behind his desk, "It seems another transaction was made just a few moments ago in fact."

He seemed to hover over to the tailor, looming over him. "WHERE ARE THEY." He asked.


The doors of the cafeteria swung open as Tamari charged through. "Okay you two! Party's over!" He shouted.

Ko and Senshi dropped their latest meal as they saw Tamari steaming yet standing.

"Tamari!!" Cried Ko, as he hugged him- "W-we waited so l-long for you to w-wake up!"

"Wha-" Tamari, completely forgetting about the bill, softly hugged Ko back. "Y-yeah, I'm back- Um, sorry to keep you waiting." He chuckled. "But let me talk to Senshi too-"

Senshi stood silently by her table; arms crossed behind her back. "..." An unease about her.

Tamari moved away from Ko, "Hey- I'm glad to see you're okay." He said with a heartwarming smile.

Senshi stepped back, looking away; "...Yeah, you too-" she said disconcertingly, an almost fearful tone in her voice.

Tamari's smile dimmed a little. "W-well, I'm happy we're all together again-" He said, "And I'm still in one piece."

Ko spoke up, "Oh it wasn't just you- We all were pretty banged up." He turned to Senshi, "Especially, Se-"

But she stopped him from saying anymore. "It's not good to talk with food in your mouth." She said sternly to Ko.

"But I don't- Gah!" He yelped as Senshi pinched his neck.

Tamari scratched his head, "Ah crap- That's right!" He slumped over, "How am I going to pay back two hundred Kin's worth!?"

From within the doorway Shiyobi appeared, "I think I may have an idea." She smiled.