Day 1: Mid-Morning

(Time: 1683 Hazuki, hatsuka, kin'yōbi (August 20, Friday) (Tora province)

The city of Hachiman, home of one of the five shogun. A city once known for its militaristic prowess and strategic geographical advantage.

However, in these times of peace, it has become a city of music and festivals. The streets bustling with dancing and laughter; vendors lining every corner of its crossways shoveling out their special made fest-food and hand-crafted goodies.

With a population of one million, eight hundred thousand; they find their entertainment at the grand Shiro in the heart of the city. Home of the Shogun it spans a tenth of the city's size; with a large circular shape, used for tournaments and music concerts. It is a city, where the music never stops playing, and the heart never stops pounding.

Tamari and Ko followed Shiyoshi through the streets with Senshi quietly bringing up the rear.

"I'd heard that Hachiman held many festivals within the year, but this is excessive." Said Tamari.

"Don't be that way man," Added Ko, "We could use some fun after what we've been through- Right Senshi?"

Senshi didn't respond, she just looked up and nodded.

Tamari noticed this but said nothing, believing space was what she desired.

Shiyoshi smiled, "Trust me, I know you'll all love it~!"

She stopped in the middle of the street, carriages, and people walking past them.

"I present to you Hachiman's main attraction!" She said this, doing a spin beforehand- "The Uta No Tatakai! Held once every three years!"* (Song of Battle) *

Before them stood the Shogun's Shiro, which encompassed a massive stadium. The roar of the crowd could be heard from inside as people flooded into the entrance.

"A tournament? Not what I thought you meant when you said "Idea"." Tamari said skeptically. "Shouldn't we be taking some time off from, you know- fighting?"

"Awww don't say that..." Pouted Shiyobi, "It's the city's biggest event, it's even church sponsored." She winked.

"I don't know- it might be fun?" Said Ko.

"That may be said, but if there isn't money to be made, there's not much of a point." Tamari said, beginning to turn around.

Just before he left, Shiyobi called out to him, "Oh, did I forget to mention..." She said, a mischievous air about her. "The winner... gets a wish~"

Tamari stopped, looking back. "...Wish?"

"Thas right~" She snickered. "The Shogun will grant any wish the winner desires, doesn't matter who it is..."

"Any wish huh..." Tamari said curiously. "And the tournament's open to anyone?"

"Yep~ Lots of strong people come from all over to compete~"

Senshi took interest in her words, "Strong people..." she clenched her fists. "Maybe I could..."

"Hm?" Ko looked back at her; but she avoided his gaze. "..."


Ko and Senshi sat together outside of Tamari's room, a silence between them.

It had been three weeks since the mountain and Senshi hadn't spoken much about it.

Curious to know Ko poked at Senshi; she didn't say anything, just hopelessly stared at the floor.

"...Hey-" He said quietly, "Back at that mountain... what- what happened to you two...?"

Senshi took a deep breath and sighed, "The truth..." She said, "That's what."

Ko fumbled his thumbs, "Um... could you-?"

She wiped her face with her hands, "We- "I" was forced to relive some of my past I thought I had forgotten, that I- didn't even know existed..."

She leaned her head against the wall, "...A Tamari I didn't know existed."

Her voice was weak and full of remorse, like she blamed herself yet felt angry at him.

"The Tamari I thought I knew... he- he wasn't even-" She pulled at her hair, "Ugh..."

Ko softly placed his hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her.

But she lifted his hand off of her, "Before you found him at the peak..."

Ko had told her about finding Tamari, but hadn't mentioned anything of what Nise had done, believing that to be something better kept to himself.

"It's murky but...I saw "It"." She held herself, "Some... THING." gripping at her arms.

"Thing?" Ko asked, confused.

"I-it was this demon, this- horrifying monster..." she shivered, terrified at the very thought. "And I..." *Gulp* She looked Ko dead in the eyes, "I think it was Tamari..."

"What..." Ko looked through the doorway, where Tamari was resting. "You don't mean..." He thought back to what Nise had said,


"There are many forces at play that would use what lies within Tamari to their own means; lest they have him killed first..."


Her words had begun to make more sense; was it something to do with Tamari becoming a demon?

"Before we left Ebisu, Tenshu had told me about there being a deep void within Tamari..." Senshi said, "I- I think this is what she had meant. But- I couldn't-"

"Hey- calm down," Ko said, holding her arms. "He's still here though, he's still the same old Tamari we know-"

"But- he isn't the same- He isn't even human! He nearly killed me!" Tears began to run down her cheeks, "I... I was supposed to be there for him, but I couldn't even do that-"

She fell into Ko's arms, "I don't even know anymore! I'm just so- useless…"

"..." Ko slowly placed his arms around her, as she cried into his chest.


"Alright, my back's feeling pretty good anyway, let's go check out this tournament," Tamari said walking forward.

Ko looked back at Senshi, staring off into the distance.

He tugged at her Gi, "Hey, it's okay-" He said, "Let's go-"

She grabbed her arm and nodded, walking forward with him.

"Alrighty~!" Cheered Shiyobi, "Right this way please!"

She then led them to the entrance of the stadium.