Day 1: Noon

The Stadium was a mix of corridors and rooms all centered around the large stage in the middle. The Shogun's Shiro sitting on the north side as the entrance lay at the south.

Large towers stood at the South, East and West sides of the walls overlooking the stadium. The seating came in levels, growing smaller as they reached the top, where only the rich and those with high status would stay.

The stadium's structure and foundation were built to last and to take heavy damage, yet the architecture was beautiful; covered in redwood and imported stone. The Shogun's Shiro sat halfway through the stadium's wall; a balcony could be seen near the top of the Shiro where the Shogun could watch.

Many flooded onto the stadium stage; Tamari and Senshi among them.

Tamari wore a red fox mask to his face; one he had procured at the local vendors.

"They're not going to register us?" Asked Tamari, "This is where Shiyobi said to go, right?"

Senshi nodded, looking around, measuring the other contestants up.


They had just made their way inside, "Okay, just enter through there and you'll be right where you need to be~" She said, pointing down a long hallway.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go grab myself a seat-" Said Ko. "Good luck you guys-"

"Thanks, just don't get lost." Replied Tamari.

"I'll go with him don't worry," Shiyobi smiled, "Oh, and I almost forgot- here's a change of clothes; wouldn't want you to fight in those hospital gowns-"

She handed him a hakama: it was dark blue on top with a white bottom half, black sashes tied around its waist.

"Oh thanks," he said, taking the clothes.

"Tehe~ You're welcome." She giggled, "Have fun, but if you're ever hurt just give me a holler~"

"Noted-" he said, waving goodbye.


Tamari watched as spectators began to line the seats of the stadium; "Jeez, there's got to be about three to four hundred thousand." He said, "What do you think?"

She ignored him, noticing a man watching from the Shiro's balcony; "The Shogun..." She muttered.

"Huh?" Tamari looked up, noticing him too- "Oh-"

The man was very extravagant looking, in his early forties he wore a large red yukata covered in gold and silver sashes. The cuffs and collar had gems embroidered into them. He wore what looked like a cape on his back, that glistened in the sunlight; in the middle was a kanji that said, "Ō"* (King) * His sandals were snow white, and he wore large sunglasses that looked to be made of gemstone.

He walked up to a staff placed in the middle of the balcony, "Ahem..." he slicked back his golden hair, which came down to his shoulders.

"I welcome all you cool cats and kittens to this year's Uta No Tatakai!!" His voice danced around the stadium, amplified by the staff he held in his hand.

The crowd cheered, shooting small fireworks into the air in celebration. Tamari watched as even women cheered for the man, throwing pieces of their own clothing onto the stage. "I love you Ishiro Gakuto!" They screamed.

"Give me a break..." He scoffed.

"Okay, okay- I know you're all excited as I am." He said, calming the crowd. "But I'm gonna need you to simmer down now, so we can get down to business,"

The crowd began to quiet, "Thank you... very much~" he said, doing a look around the stadium.

"Now I know all you lovely folk down there on stage wanna strut your stuff, but before you show us your moves, you gotta show us your tunes-"

There was a small commotion between the contestants, "Tunes?", "What does he mean?"

The crowd began to cheer, "Sing!" "Sing!"

"Ha ha ha, you know it~!" Ishiro laughed, "We're in the city of music baby, and if you wanna fight you gotta show us your DY-NO-MIGHT!" He said doing a spin and striking a pose.

"Sing...?" Tamari questioned, "Shiyobi didn't say anything about this..."

"Oh, and did I mention- Depending on how well you do, you get first pick at your spot in the lineup!!" Ishiro shouted.

"Wait what-" Tamari said, surprised. "What kind of a rule is that!?"

He grabbed the staff, "Just step on up to the "maiku" and let that windpipe howl! Maestro, give me a beat!"

Different colored lights flashed over Ishiro as a funky beat began to play-

"We're no strangers to love…" he sang, his voice deep like thunder. "You know the rules and so do I!"

The contestants watched in total shock as the crowd cheered in delight.

"This guy can't be serious…" groaned Tamari.

Senshi almost let out a chuckle.

The lights flashed all around the stadium, "I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling, gotta make you- UNDERSTAND!!"

The crowd roared with excitement, "Never gonna give you up!"

"Never gonna let you down-" Sang Ishiro, "Never gonna run around and-"

"Desert you!" The crowd cheered.

"Heh, well- if anything..." Sighed Tamari, "He certainly knows how to get a crowd going."

Ishiro spun around, striking a pose, pointing to the sky- "Yeah!" He shouted, "Hah-hah- That's what I'm talkin' 'bout..."

He slicked back his hair, "W-what do y'all think? Pretty hot stuff, hm?"

The contestants just stared in utter disbelief. "Oh... Tough crowd." Ishiro frowned.

"Well alright then, can I get my first volunteer to step on up!?" He shouted.

The first was a young girl, about fifteen; she wore a short skirt and a cute top; her hair was long and green, coming down to her waist.

"Ahem~" She puckered her little lips together and with the grace of an angel she spoke: "Head over heels where should I go? Can't stop myself out of control~"

The crowd erupted as she sang to the stadium; both men and women, but mostly men, cheering her on.

"Looks like the whole world's out of sync~" She finished, doing a twirl.

"Woah, talk about an opening act!" Cheered Ishiro, "We might as well call it all off now!" he joked.

"Awww all of you are so sweet, Ai Sayo's the name and don't you forget it!" *Chu~* She said blowing the audience a kiss before walking off the stage.

"Alright, you babes gotta lot to live up to after that performance, now who's next?" Asked Ishiro.

Many would come and go, some better than others, they were soon about done with a few more to go.

Tamari noticed Senshi hadn't taken a step up for her turn since it started, finding it weird since she was always the first to go at anything.

"Hey, I think it's your turn-" he said encouragingly.

She quickly shied away, "N-no- I can't..." she said nervously.

It was true that Senshi knew she was a fairly good singer, but she had never done it in front of such a large crowd.

"Aw come on, I'm sure you'll do fine- better than I ever could-" He chuckled. "Like when we were kids."

"That was back then..." She muttered under her breath. "No way I can-"

Tamari leaned in, "Huh? What was that-?" cupping his hand to his ear, "Don't believe me?"

She looked up for a moment, "That's not what I was- wait!"

Tamari had already gone up to the maiku, *Ahem* he cleared his throat, took a breath and...

"yOu'RE oUt OF ToUCh! I'm OUT oF TiME~!"

The crowd groaned as the entire stadium covered their ears.

"BuT I'M oUt Of My hEAd wHeN YoU'rE NOT ArOUnD!" He sang, with the enthusiasm of a deaf man.

"My Gods," Ishiro said, "It's like if an asshole tried to sing!"

Senshi began to laugh, unable to help herself.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Tamari bowed, "You couldn't have been a better crowd!"

He triumphantly walked back, after ringing the ears of every individual in the stadium. "Boo! Get him out of here!" They yelled.

"Good luck-" he said, passing Senshi.

"Someone please remind me to ban that man from performing any solos in my city." Remarked Ishiro.

She watched him leave, "I..." utterly speechless.

"Can the next person please come up? Anyone?" Said Ishiro impatiently, "I need to cleanse my ears of garbage..."

She gulped, slowly walking up to the maiku. "Ah-" Her voice fell faint.

"Hm? What was that?" Asked Ishiro.

Beads of sweat dropped from her brow; with the entirety of the stage staring at her she felt she would melt at any moment.

But... if Tamari could do it, so could she...


Because she'd never lost to him, not even once!

"Haaah~" She took a deep breath, "It's you and me..." She clasped the maiku tight in her hands.

"It's you and me, you won't be unhappy~ And if only I could make a deal with God... And I get him to swap our places~"

The crowd watched in utter silence; but she closed her eyes to it and sung her heart out.

"Be runnin' up that hill- Be runnin' up that building! Ooooh~"

In a fit of sweat and excitement she jumped in the air landing on one hand as she held the maiku in the other. "It's you and me..." She sang, slowly coming back to her feet.

"We're runnin' up that hill..." She finished, looking around she was only met with silence.

"Um..." Her hands retreated to her sides, "Haha... Ta-daah~" she said nervously.

Ishiro slowly removed his shades, "Little lady... That's gotta be..." He said with a demeanor of astonishment, "The best damn performance I've heard all week!!" He shouted.

The crowd rocked the stadium with cheering and applause, nearly overwhelming Senshi.

"Ah- ha ha!" She laughed, even feeling the need to bow. "T-thank you!" She yelled to the crowd.

"Talk about a showstopper, I'd say sweetheart you are our winner!" Announced Ishiro. "Where would you-"

"First!" Shouted Senshi, still high on excitement. "I'd like to go first!"

Ishiro grinned, "Heh, you got spunk kid, I can dig it~ first it is!"

Senshi jumped up, not yet realizing what she had just asked for.

"Alright, all right just sit tight-" He said, once again striking a pose- "and will get this party started!"