Day 1: Noon (Part 2)

The sun hung high in the sky over the stadium, casting large shadows over the shaded hallways.

Tamari walked through the corridors overlooking the stadium, moving to an ample spot to watch the first match.

He watched as men swept and prepared the arena, lost in thought; "Hm..."

Suddenly, he bumped into a man passing him by, "Oh- My apologies." Tamari bowed, "Forgive me..."

"No need-" The man said, "I'm a bit of a klutz myself..." he chuckled.

He was five-ten, with a skinny stature, but a solid build. He looked to be about twenty-five, his hair was shaggy, colored gold with black streaks. A small mole under his left eye. He wore a silver earring on his right ear which had a green cloth hanging from the ring. His complexion was clear with a cheerful yet dignified feeling about him.

His hakama was tan with the design of a sapphire river across the fabrics; a dark red sash coming down over his chest connecting to his hip. He wore common wooden sandals with a red cloth to hold them on. On his right hip hung a black carrying pouch.

He held out his hand as a friendly gesture, "Gomairu Kotodachi; a pleasure to make your acquaintance." he smiled.

Tamari took his hand, noticing small scars and blisters from intense physical labor. He clearly was a hard-working individual, which garnered some level of respect. "You can call me, Noh-"

"Ha ha- I guess that mask isn't just a coincidence, huh?" Chuckled Gomairu, "Are you here to participate in the tournament?"

"How'd you guess?" Tamari replied scratching his head; "My friends and I thought we'd take a shot at that wish. Are you here to compete too?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't even dream of such a thing-" He replied, "Watching is more my taste."

"It is quite the spectacle, isn't it?" Said Tamari.

"Indeed-" Replied Gomairu, "I'd like to stay for the first match, but I'm afraid I'm here on official business..."

"Lord Kotodachi-" A voice said from behind Tamari.

Tamari turned around noticing a man and woman kneeling behind him.

The man was muscular and stood about six feet tall with short black hair; he wore a white shorter yukata with autumn leaf designs. While the woman was slender standing at five-eight with long blonde hair and wore a black kimono with snowflake designs.

Tamari was slightly startled, as he had not been able to sense the presence of these two individuals.

"How did they-"

"My apologies, if they spooked you-" Said Gomairu, "These are my retainers, Yinshi and Kuyan."

"Lord Gakuto awaits..." Stated Yinshi, "It is best not to keep him much longer."

"Yeah yeah, I'll be there in a bit-" Gomairu replied, dismissing the two.

"Retainers?" Replied Tamari, "Are you a daimyo?"

He turned back to Tamari; "Well, you're close-" He pulled out from his pouch a small ornament; it was made of aged oak and in-lined with jade, displaying the shogunate symbol.

"I'm kind of the new Shogun for Ebisu..." he said grinning. "But don't tell anyone~" he whispered.

Tamari immediately tensed up, "The Shogun? For Ebisu...?" he thought. "That means he's Taberu's replacement..."

"Sorry if I made you nervous-" Replied Gomairu awkwardly, "I don't like to be treated differently so I don't show people my crest often."

"No need to apologize-" Said Tamari, "I just didn't expect to run into someone so high-ranking on my first day here." He chuckled awkwardly, "It's been a weird day..."

"Well, I better be going-" Gomairu said, beginning to turn away. "Political duties and all~" he said jokingly.

"It was nice meeting you, Noh-" he said waving goodbye, "Come find me sometime if you're ever in the mood for a drink-"

"Likewise-" Replied Tamari, returning the gesture.

Tamari watched as Gomairu walked down the hall; "Perhaps the city will be in good hands for once." He smiled.

Suddenly, an ominous black figure slowly walked past him; covered in decrepit rags, two horns protruding out from its hood.

"Huh?" Tamari immediately turned around; but there was nothing. "What..." He turned back, but he was alone in the hallway. "...was that?"


Just as the workers were finishing their preparations in the arena, a man wearing a black and gold yukata walked on stage. He was skinny, not much muscle on him; his hair was brown with streaks of gray. He had a stubble beard and wore small circular glasses.

In his hand he held a small portable maiku, "Hello... my name is Yomashii Fuzurai..."

His voice was barely audible, even with the maiku; the crowd yelled back; "HUUUH??"

The man tried again, "My name is Yomashii Fuzurai-"

"WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" The crowd yelled, "SPEAK UP!!"

The old man sighed, tossing aside the maiku, "Ahem- "I SAID MY NAME IS YOMASHII GODAMN FUZURAI!!"

His voice exploded out of the stadium, reaching even the far ends of the city.

"Ugh..." The crowd collectively covered their ears.

"That's right- That's right-" Said Yomashii confidently, "Now, before we get started, we got some rules we gotta go over..."

The crowd groaned, "AS ALWAYS!" replied Yomashii.

"Rule number one: "Fighters will start on opposite sides of the arena; the victor is declared when their opponent is either thrown out of bounds, is unable to continue or forfeits."

"Rule number two: The murder of your opponent either purposefully or by accident while during the match will count as disqualification."

Yomashii looked around the stadium, "I will immediately pull your ass out, if any of you dumb-fucks decide on stepping outta line." he said with a glare.

"However, you will not be held accountable if your opponent should die due to injuries sustained during the match afterward, despite our medical team on hand; provided by the church."

He gestured over to the side where Shiyobi and a few other church members bowed and waved.

"Our tournament has always been a mixed martial-arts event; welcoming of all schools and backgrounds." Stated Yomashii.

"So, rule number four dictates if your school or style has you specialize in any specific bladed weapon or blunt instrument, you will be provided with a non-lethal variant by the tournament's staff."

"And again, failure to comply, or the attempt to use any weapons you "snuck-in" will result in immediate disqualification."

Yomashii took off his glasses, "And finally," his voice calm yet serious, "Any who seek to abuse or undermine the tournament's "Criminal exception" law will be detained and punished to the fullest extent. Some of you I know are here under "less than honorable" circumstances."

His voice was cold and menacing, "So, I don't want to see any of you pieces of shit try anything."

"Now..." he cleared his throat, "Here are our matchups for round one!"

Behind him, a large cloth unfolded from the Shogun's shiro, it read:

1. Tokima Vs. Akudori Fuma

2. Yopapai Hemudo Vs. Nihito Mono

3. Radiata Danjiro Vs. Shou Kiza

4. Togamo Zukoni Vs. Shiokii Nubo

5. Noh Vs. Ai Sayo

6. Dosujai Vs. Byōko Otometsu

7. Taioshī Sumashī Vs. Ninrai

8. Akayoshi Butai Vs. Henwai Yokori

9. Kain Rigaku Vs. Mitsuko

10. W. Charles Vs. Hanagatsu Akatai

11. Samayo Vs. Megumi Danuki

12. Shimasu Iokeshi Vs. Mase Heiki

13. Son Wuko Vs. Gaku Danjou

14. Nagamasa Vs. Ishikao Meichou

15. Dante Fedio Vs. Itami

16. Higetsu Vs. Kuru

Yomashii puffed up his chest, "Now I know the lot of you are near jumpin' outta your seats; so, let's not wait any longer-"

"IT'S TIME TO GET THE UTA NO TATAKAI UNDERWAY!!" He shouted as the crowd roared.