WebNovelKabuki Kai100.00%


Senshi made her way to the arena, a tightness in her chest. Despite her relief during the match selection process, she was still weary of Tamari. "..." She frowned.

Walking in a trance the other participants made their way past her; she gave no response as Tamari called out her name. 

"Senshi? Hey, Senshi!" He yelled; he held out his hand touching her shoulder. 

"Huh!?" She immediately tensed up on contact, grabbing Tamari's hand. 

"Ow! Hey- you're hurting me!" he said, trying to pull away. 

She soon came to her senses, releasing him. "Oh, um- Sorry." She replied. 

 Tamari pulled his hand back; "Hey, I've been meaning to ask." Said Tamari, "Ever since we got back from the mountain you haven't been yourself." 

Senshi closed up to his question, avoiding his gaze. "..."

"If there's anything you want to talk about, I'm always here you know?" Said Tamari. 

She turned away, her head filling with terrible memories from that night. Of the Jorōgumo's memory labyrinth, of Kowai saving her, and of Tamari's demonic transformation. How she couldn't protect herself, how she couldn't protect him.

"It's nothing." She said. 

"A-are you sure?" He asked, "I kno-"

"I said its NOTHING!" She shouted annoyed. 

Tamari clamed up, "Oh, um- ok..."

"Now leave me alone." She replied angrily. "I have a match to win." 

She stomped out through the arena doors, leaving Tamari behind. 

The roar of the crowd bombarded her from all sides. "Alright ladies and gentlemen! Round one is finally here!" Yelled Yomashii, "To our right we have the newcomer who made a big impression with her musical audition! It's Tokima, coming all the way from the fishing capital of Susanoo-no-Mikoto in the Ondori province!" 

Senshi raised her arm up, a scowl across her face. "Hmf..."


Two hours before round one...

Tamari, Senshi, and Ko stood in a private room they had received after the auditions. As they planned the match ups. 

"We're going to have to use fake names for the tournament." Stated Tamari. 

"But why?" replied Ko.

"Because by now the Roikara will have learned your names from our little "incident" in Ebisu." Said Tamari. "I'll go by "Noh" from Tenjin; the people there are known to wear masks; so, I won't be questioned for doing so." 

"Oh! oh! Can I choose my name!?" Asked Ko. 

"You'll go by "Lo"." Replied Tamari. 

"...Lo?" Ko frowned, "How's that any different from Ko?" 

"Does it matter?" Said Tamari, "You're not even participating."

Ko crossed his arms, pouting, "Hmf!" 

"Now, what about you?" He asked Senshi. "I've bet you've thought-"

"I don't care-" She said walking out the door, "Just tell them whatever." 

"Oh, I thought she'd be more excited..." Said Tamari dimly. 

"It's fine," Replied Ko, "She's just a little grumpy as of late." 

"I see..." Said Tamari. 


"And woah does she look ready to fight!" Said Yomashii. 

"Let's just start already..." Grumbled Senshi. 

Yomashii pointed to the other side, "And now, on our left! We have a seasoned veteran with her third consecutive time participating in the tournament! From her origins on Mount Oyama in the Hebi prefecture! We have Akudori Fuma!" 

A cloud of smoke appeared on stage. "Wooooaaaaah!" Went the crowd. 

A five-foot eleven woman appeared within the smoke. She was older, looking to be thirty. Her eyes a bright green. A small mole near the left side of her chin. Her hair was snow white, tied within a ponytail with a kunai placed within the bun.

Her body was slender and petite; she wore a red and black tunic with hakama trousers; typical of a kunoichi. Red spider lily tattoos could be seen running up her arms.

She bowed to Senshi, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She spoke. 

She had a certain charm to her, there was beauty and grace in her movements. 

Senshi took her stance, "Sure..." she muttered. 

"Fighters! Take your positions!" Yelled Yomashii, as he raised his hand.

Akudori held up her hands, her fingers cracked as she spread her palms out wide. 

Senshi felt something was off about them... 

Like lightning Yomashii's hand came down, "...BEGIN!" 

Senshi flexed her left leg, and with a single step she launched forward towards Akudori. 

/ Foom! / Senshi shot her right fist forward; nearly missing her chest. 

"Tch," Senshi grunted. 

"Woah! Talk about a fast start!" Commented Yomashii. "Akudori could barely react in time!" 

Akudori had nearly dodged the attack, "Heh~" she smirked, "Thinking of ending this quickly?" 

Senshi immediately twisted her feet, swinging her left fist with a hook.

"But..." Akudori leapt up, using Senshi's arm she vaulted up into the air over her attack. 

"Wuh!?" Senshi watched as she effortlessly avoided her. "I'm not that kind of woman~" Winked Akudori." 

As Akudori vaulted over Senshi she pushed up off her arm; landing a few feet away. "You're rather feisty, aren't you?" She grinned, "I like that~" 

Senshi held up her arm, a tingling sensation coursing through it. "What did she do..." She thought. 

"But, if you're so determined to get this over with-" Akudori held her hands up once again, "Come, I'll show you a good time~"