06 | Judgements


Do you know that feeling when you can't differentiate if you're dreaming or not? That is exactly happening to me right now.

I recently just opened the large paper bag that contained two ball gowns, a tuxedo, and shoes. I know right away that the other clothes are for whom I'll invite, but I wonder why my mom sent flats instead of heels. Mom once enrolled me in an etiquette and posture class when I was in middle school so it was sort of surprising for her to do this kind of gesture. I removed the gowns and flats from the paper bag so I could prepare the ones to give to River.

Hours passed by and I was about to go to the lobby but there was a knock on the door. I knew I wasn't expecting someone and who would come here this late. Assuming it was danger, I walked away from the door as soon as I opened it and took the closest self-defense, which is literally the shoes that River was supposed to wear at the party. I opened the door, not to some sketchy person, but to River.

"Why are you here? I said meet me at the lobby." I asked, recovering quickly from the shock as I placed his shoe inside the bag again.

He leaned against my doorframe, his left hand embedded in his denim jacket pocket while the other is scratching the tip of his nose.

"What am I going to do there?" He began to ask after seconds of silence.

"Just don't talk to anyone, unless my parents I guess." I handed the paper bag to him.

"How about the etiquette in eating? The proper utensils that are needed to be used? Should I do that? I think I forgot about those." He told me all of those spontaneously. His voice sounded like in panic, but he still looks neat and composed.

"Don't worry I forgot about those either."

With that, we both slowly started laughing.

We are, surely and truly, screwed.


Had there not been an abrupt knock on the door, I may have forgotten about the party. Monday, 10 pm. Just an hour later, the party will begin. I wore casual clothes and brought the things needed. I quickly opened the door but no one appeared. River probably decided to stay in the lobby. When I went down using the elevator, River was already outside the condo, waiting for me.

He was wearing an ivory suit with champagne notched lapels with a white dress shirt inside. It was partnered with white trousers and black loafers. To say River looked fine would be an utmost understatement.

"Hey, let's go," I called.

His gaze went from his phone to me and nodded. He started walking to the parking lot without saying anything.

It was actually the first time I would let someone ride in my car. I got this white Lexus Sedan car as a gift from my dad on my 18th birthday. I barely use it unless I'll be going to important events. I opened the shotgun door for River and went inside the driver's seat. As soon as I turned on the engine, the silence started.

We didn't talk to each other while we were on our way. I mean I'm not good with talking plus I'm just a stranger to him. I suddenly remembered our conversation last time. He's just returning the favor. Good thing I played music on or else it would be awkward. It was a long drive to the mansion since it was a secluded area. The way would look scary if the trees don't have fairy lights around. A guard that I was not familiar with was standing in front of the gate to check the people who come in. I opened the window swiftly to introduce myself.

"Nyx Coldwell," I said as the guard bowed at the side of the car. River suddenly cleared his throat. I looked at him and he looked shocked. "Are you okay?"

He suddenly prepared himself to go outside the car as he leaned at door. "Hey, I need to park first."

"I can't be here. I need to go." He calmly said but with a hint of anger.

"Why?! We just came here! You promised-" I lashed out but he cut me off.

"I need to go." He repeated. I remembered that I haven't said my name except just now. Was it the reason?

"Is it because of my family name? Look, I don't know why you suddenly backed out at our plan and you probably won't tell because I'm a 'stranger' to you." I mocked his words the other time. "Whatever happened, it's not true. I know it." I couldn't imagine my dad doing something bad, especially with those baseless rumors. I won't believe anything that wasn't proven.

"You don't know it. You didn't see it." My forehead creased at his words. "See, why I don't easily trust other people?"

"Whatever it is, if the rumors are true or not, I am not my parents." I gritted my teeth. "There is no turning back,"

"No, you don't understand anything." He shook his head.

"How can I understand if you won't talk!' I fired back.

We stared at each other's eyes so intently. I was glad that there was still a lot of time before the party begins.

"We really can't be friends," I sighed and whispered without the intention of him hearing it. Unfortunately, he gave attention to it..

"Of course." He scoffed sarcastically.

"I don't wanna be friends with someone who judges other people first without actually knowing the truth." I glared at him.

"You don't know my struggles." He glared back.

I looked away from him and placed my forehead at the stirring wheel. We were acting like 5-year olds! This was the longest conversation we had and it's not even sensible. I didn't like how he was judgemental, but I don't know him. He said the things everyone says all the time, at least not in front of me since not everyone knows me. I only now vented out my anger here and threw my frustrations at him. It just happened to be River.

"Look, I'm sorry." I apologized, feeling guilty. "But please, let's come to the party. I promise that we won't ever see each other again. Just after this please." I didn't know what to do but let him stay.

He didn't answer at all when I parked the car. There were a lot of stairs until we reached the main venue. In the garden, I let him seat at the table with my name on it. I went upstairs to changed my clothes. I discarded the paper bag and let out the gown that I was going to wear. I quickly surveyed it. It's a champagne off-shoulder gown with laced designs at the top and tulle at the bottom. As soon as I wore it, I pulled the sleeves over my shoulder to make it look like straps since I was uncomfortable to show my bare shoulders. I opened the box of the flats and noticed a note inside.

'Wear flats, please.'


I wore socks first before putting on my shoes. Why not? People won't see my feet anyway and it's likely going to be cold later at night. Before leaving my room, I heard a knock on my door. I opened to see dad with a plastered smile on his face.

"Dad! Why are you here? You should be at the party." He continued smiling and gave me a bag that he was holding. I just remembered that I haven't seen him for weeks. "What's this?"

"I want you to wear that later," He was about to leave my room but I suddenly gave him a hug. "Thanks, dad." His scent was different, did he came from somewhere?"

"Dad you smell like iron. Did you fix your car again? I told you, you shouldn't make yourself tired! You can just bring it to the mechanics!" I said in a worried tone.

"It's okay. Get ready for the party."

When my dad left, I switched my shoes, wore the white heels he gave to me, and tied my hair into an elegant bun.

With that, I declared myself ready for the party.