07 | Scripted Conversations


"Happy Birthday, Mayor! This must be your youngest daughter, Natasha Coldwell." A woman smiled at me.

I smiled awkwardly at her. With River and my parents beside me made it even more awkward.

"Hello, I have heard a lot of good things about you." Actually not. I plastered a smile on my face as she shook hands with me.

"Oh is that so," she said, her gaze shifting from mine to River, who was innocently eating pasta. "And who's this?"

"I'm River." He plainly said, hand held out. He flashed a fake smile and shook the woman's hands as well. I was the only one who can see through him. Our conversation was interrupted when my father suddenly cleared his throat.

"And what's your relationship to my daughter?" He wasn't the type to be overly strict and protective.

"I'm her boy.....friend." My eyes widened ever so slightly before I reigned in my shock as his statement sounded so wrong. I told him to introduce himself as my male friend but he used the wrong choice of words!

"Yes! He is one of my male friends!" I gently stepped River's foot while laughing exaggeratedly, hoping it wasn't too obvious. My 'friend' laughed back then glared at me when no one's looking.

"Remove it." While forcibly removing his foot from mine, he continued to smile. I was about to give him a stern look when I noticed a familiar person standing beside a soldier. When I saw Zhyan walking towards us in a suit and tie, my jaw almost dropped. I immediately turned my attention to the surroundings, just in case I could find Kyn too. Zhyan walked straight, his gaze fixed on the ground. I don't think he's even seen me yet.

"Natasha, did you wear all the things I sent you?" My mother spoke quietly to me, and I immediately smiled. River was even laughing at my sudden change of expression. While responding to Mom, I kicked his ankle.

"Yes, I wore everything, but-" Two individuals approached my father before I could finish my sentence. I smiled wide as I stood up. "Hey Zhya-" When I saw who was next to him, I didn't finish what I was saying. The man next to him was about Dad's age, though perhaps younger. He was dressed in his military uniform, which was adorned with badges and medals. I was taken aback when I saw the four stars on his uniform.

"Good evening, Mayor, and Happy Birthday." As soon as they graced toward us, the General immediately shook hands with both of my parents.

"It was a pleasure for both of you to come here, General Kim." My father returned their greetings. It was then that I realized it was Zhyan's father. "Oh, Natasha, he attends the same university as you,"

General Kim smiled and insisted, "You can call me Yihan instead. After all, your daughter and my son are friends." He grinned and patted his son on the back. When we made eye contact, Zhyan appeared visibly uncomfortable. What's the matter?

"Good evening, Mayor Coldwell, Mrs. Coldwell, and Nyx," With a frown on his face, Zhyan said. He used to converse with his friends in a different way.

"So my daughter has other 'male' friends?" My father feigned rigidity by arching his brow. Kyn swooped in at that point, both arms around Zhyan's and my shoulders, as if whatever was controlling my fate wanted me to get out of this awkwardness. My back curved as a result of her agitation, and I'm about to trip on these heels.

"Miss me?" Kyn finally let go of her arms and straightened out her outfit. She was dressed in a silver maxi dress that complimented her tall figure now that I could see her properly. She even smelled like roses, as she does most of the time.

I cast a glance at my mother, who appeared concerned rather than enraged. I was even more confused by what Mom did. After all, we don't always see each other. What's with her sudden change? Kyn excused herself from us after some time had passed because some people wanted to take pictures with her. I just remembered that my sister is a fan of Kyn. Alas, she is currently on duty. Because of the formal conversations of businessmen and politicians, we couldn't talk to each other very much. What other people were saying was incomprehensible to me.

They're shaking hands here and there with scripted words and whatever plastic they're saying. They were most likely discussing business or investments. It's kind of monotonous but I was used to just listening to them. I simply do not converse with them since I am unfamiliar with such matters.


The sound of my mother's voice jolted me back to reality. I straightened my back as she motioned for me to accompany her. When River returned with a full plate of pasta, I excused myself, but he did not say anything. This rude body of water, really....

"Why, Mom?"

"Please don't tell me you invited 'three' of your friends, Natasha Coldwell, were you listening to me?" she said. My mother scolded me as she fixed her gaze on me. I was proud of myself for not flinching at the words I used to explain what had happened. Dad most likely invited their parents, just as their parents invited them.

"I should have known," She said quietly, then muttered something I didn't hear. "Look, Natasha, whatever happens, you've got to get out of here." My mother's actions and words perplexed me once more.

"Darling," my father said. "Are you all right? You should go rest. Natasha, go accompany your friend out there," I gave him a nod. Mom returned my clutch purse to me before I left the room. I was even completely unaware that the purse had vanished from me earlier.

I waited for my father to question what my Mom was saying. "I'm not sure, but I think I should call the guards and have them look for any suspicious entries. Don't worry, Natasha; I'll keep you, your mother, and the guests safe." When Dad went to check the security, I returned to the table.

I rolled my eyes to River as soon as I saw him still eating his pasta. "You're still not finished eating?"

"What do you think?" He said without even looking at me.

I simply sighed and ignored him, reaching into my purse for my phone. The party would most likely last longer than anticipated. I expected my phone to show inside my purse, but it did not. 'Why is there a gun here?!' I screamed in my thoughts. I quickly clasped the lock on my purse. This is something I swear I never asked for. River gave me a suspicious look before returning his gaze to the food.

"It's nothing!" The statement fell from my lips before I could stop sounding so defensive.

"I don't care."

I heard screams from the other guests before I could even respond. In between the shouts, I hear gunshots and explosives. Suddenly my mind is flooded with everything Mom told me.