Gang Shenanigans

Hmmm the Shinigami's haven't gone bat shit crazy.

What a horrible thing to happen !

With my actions, I had hoped for more confrontations or even Captain classes to just up and out of nowhere be on the hunt for me.

But since my ascent to the human world, it's been nothing but boredom killing me.

Don't get me wrong, but this is 60's or 70's in Japan, pretty much nothing good happened back then.

With Bleach mimicking the original world, this has to be the most mundane setting to have ever existed.

So as I was randomly scribbling on a wall with crayons I took from a child (he stole them).

I came to a thought, what if Ishin wasn't saved by Masaki, would Ichigo still exist, or even be born.

Or let's just say, I kill Masaki, will the story change drastically or just find replacements and continue.

Why am I thinking things like this ?.

Because I want to see just how far world wills can go to fulfill a destiny that is in a way its own unavoidable Fate.

But then a thought came upon me, hmmmmm a very evil thought came upon me.

What if I change Ichigo's gender ?.

Pffft, ahahaha, a harem protagonist being a girl. It must feel like a punch in the guts for harem lovers.

Or will it work on the opposite gender quite well, that is, his harem aura.

Wait a minute, that means instead of Orihime and the other cast, it will be Byakuya and a few others falling for him.

Damn I have to actualise this, why you may ask ?. It's just funny and I was thinking, and just maybe, can the legendary Aizen fall for a female Ichigo.

That would be a complete Korean Drama script, but I am all for it. Just to see that smug face Aizen crumble instantly around his pretty wife.

Ahahaha now that is a legendary plan of all times, and since Ichigo isn't born yet, I can plan this and even commence on it.

How you might think, then you should know you are looking over at one of the greatest biologist to exist in the multiverse.

I can change the Human gene makeup as easily as snapping my fingers, changing a nonexistent baby's gender is way too easy.

So let's commence with the gender heist.

But first I must find them both, who you ask ?, of course Ishin and Masaki.

But if I look back at the history of this world, which I know little of, I should find something of relevance.

Ahhhh there was that event, I can wait for it to happen and patiently wait for the Gender heist to commence.

But patience was not my forte, and it's not like I have all the time in the world. I do have all the time in the world, I mean a baby take three months to form, but wooing a woman can take a severe amount of time.

Though I can't say that about Ishin and Masaki, was it love at first sight or something else about them.

So what do I do at the moment.

That's when a hand grabbed my collars and lifted me up.

Looking over, it was a man, tall and buff, in his cheap suit, looking over at glaring eyes, tattoos marring a large portion of his neck and possibly entire torso.

Unknown Man - "Were you the Gaki that took my child's crayons ?".

Hmmm do crayons matter that much ?. Maybe not, but looking at his buff body it must be something about an infallible pride near his son.

Unknown Man - "Hey, I am asking you something ?".

Looking at the man in his weirdly wasteful of a suit, I might fathom that he might be from the Yakuza, or the tattoos on his neck might have been the direct giveaway.

Unknown Man - "Hey ...".

Interrupting him I ask directly, "Are you from the Yakuza ?".

Unknown Man - "What the hell ? Nani, how did you know".

Surprised I blurted out "What the hell ? Nani, you really were from the Yakuza, how did police not notice this stupid getup and catch you already".

Confusion struck both of us, one left wondering 'What the hell ?', the other wondering 'Hmmm maybe a crime syndicate boss will be ticked off my list of things to do'.

The Unknown man took action first and tried punching me.

Grabbing his fist I say, "Hey unknown man that was rude".

'Cue cowboy music'

Like a scene from a classic movie, the unknown man grunts and says "You will regret this".

But then all I say "Should I go, Make Me or should I go Kyaaaa, Onichan Yamete".

'Cowboy music crashes on the background'

'It was super effective'

'Cowboy music dies a valiant death'.

The Unknown man incomprehensibly mumbles a few thousand curses and looks backs at the most evil being he has ever seen.

The man who looks sultry and says "AraAra".

Gazing at the profane and hair raising move done by the other man, the Unknown Man opts to run away, not forgetting to pickup his child, who looks lost as if the world was a questionable place.

There is no cowardice in running, thinks the Yakuza, only madness in acting as if everything's okay with the script.

Within the sunset he runs from the demon of mankind.

Back to Yin, 'Well that was easy'.

Now all I have to do is stalk him and find the crime syndicate. Hey I have to relieve my boredom and let's just say killing or forcing answers out of people gets annoying after a few times.

So for a few days the Unknown Man walked around feeling odd, as if he was being gazed at by a hungry beast.

But like all Yakuza do, he still has his duties, so after checking his almanac which only said 'Bad Day', he went to collect protection fees from his neighbours.

Neighbours who don't like him or his family, don't matter to him. They pay, since it's lesser than the others two blocks away and continue on their mundane lives.

If he could, he would love to have a job, but what can he do, with his physiology, he does not qualify for the army, and with his brawn he can barely beat down a textbook.

He has learnt after ten years of combating school textbooks, they are fighters who don't follow the rules at all.

The most shameless among them was Physics. Physics says Speed, Velocity, Acceleration are different and nearly everytime denote each of them with either an A or a V, only for lower grades is it an S.

After being beat down by Physics round after round he has understood that Academics isn't a ring he can stand on, or lie on, because the teacher's seem to like kicking students in the nuts when they are down.

Perhaps that is why, he likes to collect five times more protection fees from the Principal living down the street.

It's not because of revenge at all, believe him it's Karma and also because that Principal is loaded, the Yakuza need donations from such loathfully loaded people.

That is also why his street collects less individually and yet manages to complete collection quota.

What a kind soul the Principal was, he prays for the principal's descent to hell later than anyone and continues on.

After collecting from his street he goes to a club to submit his report, such is the life of a Yakuza, well until today that is.

After submitting his collection quota, he loked over the street and saw the sultry and brazen demon in human skin, smiling. He directly bolted, as he mentioned before running away is not cowardice.

Back to Yin, Hmmm that man ran away, anyway I found their hubs of activities, time to find the boss beat him and take over.

A few moments later.

Yin - "What the hell do you mean, it doesn't work like that ?".

The Yakuza boss with a broken nose - "What the hell do you think we are ? Some children's gang that will follow the strongest without asking why ?".

The beatdown gang members - 'Isn't that how it works ?'.

The Yakuza boss with a broken nose - "First and foremost you need contributions, after which you will get a recommendation, after which if you defeat me, then take my place. You can't skip procedure just because you think it works as it does in those childish gangs".

"After this if you have enough financial and manpower, contest for the Clan seats at the top of the Yakuza board. Finally become Chairman after defeating the other clan member's fair and square".

Yin who can't understand why a Crime Syndicate is so organized yet dresses very sloppily - "What the hell, why is it so tedious, can't I just kill them all ?".

The beatdown gang members - 'Yeah don't we always follow the strong'.

The Yakuza boss who has stopped his nose from bleeding a while ago - "No killing, last thing you need is a syndicate falling out on each other for power. This kind of activity gives too many opportunities for the other Hyenas, as such killing each other or touching one another's family, friends, etc. usually results in an execution, in special cases an excommunication".

Yin who has nearly given up - "Is there any way I can fight for your seat ? Maybe become chairman while I am at it ?".

The Yakuza boss who has calmed won relatively - "Yeah, just be my second hand, I am gonna retire after a year anyway. You might as well learn the ropes from me by the time I retire".

Yin who is breaking character all the time - "Oh my god I don't want to be your second or third hand, What kind of gross activities do you do with those hands ? Blegh".

The Yakuza boss who can care less about the shenanigans Yin does - "Ahem, I already have a lover".

The Gang members who heard something dangerous - "What the hell, our boss has a wife !!!".

The Yakuza boss then looks strangely at one of his Gang members - "It's your mother, Takashi".

Takashi who took a few minutes to understand what the boss meant, rushes to him only to get stopped by everyone - "Fuck You".

Yin - "Wow suddenly there is a lot of drama, but no popcorn".

The Yakuza boss who suddenly took up a katana - "Is that any way to talk to your future father ?".

Takashi, who also got a katana somehow - "Bring it on, old man, I will kill you before you become my dad".

Yin who has no choice but to interrupt - "Can I have the guidebook or whatever it is of the Yakuza Gang".

The Yakuza boss who suddenly became a Samurai - "It's on my desk, which you so willingly trashed from the fifth floor to the streets below".

Takashi who became a wandering Ronin for his mother - "Also burn all of the other items within it, lest such a pest bugs my mom".

Both clash and Yin leaves for the ground floor mumbling - "Man Takemichi makes it look so easy to get inside a gang, in Tokyo Revengers. What a wimpy ass pushover ass dumb ass bitch ass gangster is he. I might have to go to his world and kill him for the sake of the sanity of the entire world. There is a better Korean Manhwa about gangs than that bullshit Tokyo Revengers, it was called To Not Die and I find it better than that sloppy blowjob of a manga Tokyo Revenger is".

Apparently the author once worked in a gang, he must have been the lowest class worker over there, no wonder he knows nothing about how gangs work.

Provided I don't do too, but I am pretty sure, a man like Takemichi could never be anymore than a grunt outside the shop crying because he has got items to lift.

I hate that guy more than the entire series, scrap that, I think I hate the author more than the entire series.

Scrap that, just the ones who thought Takemichi is a very good protagonist are sick in the head and need a Psychiatrist for help, call me and I will willingly provide such services.