Collateral Damage

In a contained lab beneath Avalon under the wraps of three worlds, somewhere in the Void.

Sho - "What are we doing here ?".

Kai - "Memory unlocks".

Sho - "We aren't allowed to interfere with the Main Soul, if we do, death by assimilation would be a kind ending".

Sho looked at the machinery floating around, curious but knowing.

Kai - "I have permission from the Main Soul".

Then the constructs started forming a Mobius strip, but unlike simple magnetic projections, it was a real one with no end.

The infinitesimal universes in the palms of one man.

Kai looked at it in his hand, seemingly astonished at something.

Kai - "It's funny how reality warping cannot win against human ingenuity".

The main component of this new machinery, the Strip of the Infinite Cosmos was the God Buster Armor blueprint.

Sho looked unhinged as he said - "The mind is the greatest part of intelligence, creation is always better than destruction, and that's coming from an Alchemist like me".

Although he knew everything about this since both are the same parts of the soul, it still does not curb his astonishment.

Kai - "Our origin has always been beyond the Marvel Universe, we knew that part, we kept it under wraps. But with the God Buster suddenly in our hands, our fear of the unknown origin has lessened".

Sho - "With Truth leaving out clues it has led our Main Soul to do some drastic things like this. But why are we doing it at such a time when he isn't even here. Our safety could be guaranteed twice over with him over looking this".

Kai then sighed his black and lustrous coat warping into a casual outfit - "We aren't".

Sho was surprised, with their connections with each other and the knowledge being shared at real time, this is nearly impossible.

Kai - "Machinery in itself peaks at some point, with me alone viewing our Origin would be a pipedream. With you we have a 87 percent chance of losing you forever".

"So for now I can only craft the Strip of the Infinite Cosmos, I can't use it".

Sho who then looked towards the millions of blinking computers.

Sho - "Then is it a Catastrophe that's about to arrive".

Kai - "Yep".

Looking towards the blinking lights Sho could only draw a blank.

Sho - "We have the entire Marvel Multiverse in that Machine, can't we like predict what will happen to our universe".

Kai scoffed - "That's not how it will work, making predictions and avoiding them in small numbers may be possible, but when the numbers climb to levels like infinite or multiversal scale, it will only make an even larger mess".

Sho who looked forward at the round clock glowing inside the computers - "We have about a month, how did you calculate that".

Kai who had started working on adding the Full Metal Alchemist world on the Omniversal Ygdrassil looked over at Sho.

Kai - "Don't our soul fragments share info at real time, you should already know how I did that".

Sho - "I was just trying to make conversation, it makes me feel better and humane".

Kai who looked like he had seen the grandest joke, frankly said - "That's dumb".

Sho - "Anyway was it the Fate, Destiny, Karma, Merit and Interest Algorithm".

Kai who was still adding an entire Multiverse in the Omniversal Tree felt aggrieved - "Can we do this another time, you already know the answer, can't you see I am doing something delicate, like rewriting entire laws to fit each part of the universe that will be in this Christmas Tree".

Sho looked bored.

Kai - "If your feeling bored, continue the vacation you were in".

Sho - "Cheh I kept getting disturbed by a stalker, I had to come here".

Sho then materialised a sofa and laid on it all the whilst complaining - "I mean we aren't even disturbing her domain, why does she bother with the Main Soul so much".

Kai - "It must be due to the fact that each time David goes to another world, we punch a huge hole in the fabric of the Multiverse, which only fixes after David comes back. It must be grating her nerves to watch Dormammu do the hokey pokey".

Laughing out Sho mimicked the rhyme as he sang - "Dormammu puts his right hand in, his left hand in and then shakes it all about. The Ancient One, then arrives, to throw him out of class".

Laughing to himself Sho could only say "He is not even dangerous anymore, why is she so afraid ?".

Kai who had added the FMA world to the Omniversal Yggdrasil - "Not everyone can hold the entire Multiverse in their palms like us".

Suddenly ringing noises started out of nowhere.


Kai faced upwards with a sigh - "We aren't even inside the Universe but just drifting in the void. How the hell did anyone discover us".

Looking at the approaching figure Kai could only say - "FUCK".

Approaching them was not any Demon or Abyssal Creature like they expected or a Void Dragon, or any Astral Beast with the power to destroy universe's.

It was a fricking cultivator riding his sword and flying towards them. The void that could corrode entire worlds touched upon him and left anguishing wounds upon him, from which he recovered almost instantaneously.

Kai then took to the loudspeaker and barked out - "Halt, or we fire, now you don't wanna mess around with a cannon powered by an entire multiverse".

The man shouted and stuttered incomprehensibly, which was then translated over at the fortress - "Ahhh this lord was finding a way to escape the Void of the Firmament, leave this castle to this lord and I shall forgive all transgression".

Sho who simply looked over and said "Is he trying to commit suicide ?".

Which very unceremoniously got through the highly sensitive loudspeaker and was translated through the machinery for the cultivator to hear.

Very petty as nearly all Immortals are, the Cultivator pulled over his flying sword and charged an attack, splitting apart the void for a moment, dividing the endless expanse of just colourless canvas in two.

Kai - "Let me try this again and warn him for the last time".

Then he pushed the red button, which was the order button to fire the Reality Buster.

Kai shrugged - "Just kidding I hate cultivators, I was never going to give him a chance".

The Mechanical cannon protruded out of the the Castle like Fortress. A fortress that seemed to be suspended in the void as it floated in non-existence.

The Cultivator smirked but it was soon wiped off his face as soon as the Cannon charged.

Because once it did, the entire Void receded, fleeing from a predator, as every creature does in front of Dragon Might.

The Shot charged in an instant and was fired in an instant, though the entire Multiverse worth of energy takes time to accumulate without crashing or breaking the Multiverse. Props to time manipulation, it can fire nearly infinite shots without ever losing out on energy.

The shot like the rainbow bridge then charged over to the cultivator, it's mighty force rending and pulling the void along with it. Like an army rushing down the mountains the shot instantly obliterated through the Cultivator until only his torso remained. His sword unscathed or at least it did have a little scratch on its body.

With just the torso remaining the Cultivator grunted and swung his sword, slicing the void in two.

With a force that cut through worlds he rendered a small mark on the Fortress in the Void.

Sho - "Ummm is he fricking brain dead, does he think before he picks a fight or does he shit with his head".

All of it which got translated over to the cultivator, who only roared in shame.

Sho then looked at Kai - "Lemme do this right".

Relief washed over the Cultivator for a moment only to realise a gazzilion amount of cannons were being aimed at him and churning with the ferocity of millions of destructing worlds.

Sho - "Let's see, if even his soul survives this kind of attack".

This time the cultivator tried to turn and disappear into the void only to realise that the space around him in the span of Infinite light years did not have any void.

All the void had receded like water on the ocean before a Tsunami.

A foretelling of the disaster that would abruptly strike him was on the horizon.

The colourless Void for that moment turned into a blank canvas, and the very next moment turned into a canvas filled with myriads of colours.

The colourless Void was filled with colours, if anybody stated this, they would be deemed crazy enough to warrant a God doing Soul Reading on them.

Like dust scattering in the wind the Cultivator was truly blown into Oblivion.

Even the sword which was only scratched after surviving a full Multiverse amount of Energy Beam, was broken till not even a trace of its existence remained.

Sho - "I could feel his soul escaping into the void".

Kai looked over and said - "Oh don't mind it, the Algorithm is in full force, any and every universe in the void with any kind of traces with his existence marred over it, will be wiped out of existence".

Sho - "What about the denizens of those universes ?".

Kai - "Collateral Damage".

Sho shivered non existent goosebumps and looked over to the painted void - "Have we grown cold towards life itself ?".

Kai glossed over the act and said - "Maybe, maybe not, who cares about such philosophical sophistry. We are already at a level that if mortals gaze on our true soul, they would fall and assimilate with us, become our nutrients. We can't really bother with Mortals, anything could kill a mortal, for all I know dying later or faster has no real benefit or meaning to them".

Sho still looked on the Void, keen eyes that looked over with a solemn gaze, "Perhaps we are above mortals, but what we just did is still a condemnable act. Blaming mortals for their mortality will not make us different breed. Beneath our powers we are but still the same mortal that simply split into many".

Kai who was recharging the Marvel Multiverse through the Omniversal Yggdrasil glanced over and said "That was only drastic measure, our Origin is arriving or Destiny is at least, and that sword is a part of our Origin, I can only kill everything and everyone to create an information blackout. Otherwise I don't know".

Elsewhere a boy ran towards the hill, his clothes swaying in the wind, as he rushed over to meet his friends, a Pokemon battle was about to commence, then everything was Over.

That's it done, all except for the boy who was protected by a System like existence, everything from the atomic buildup to the world origin, just suddenly wiped off existence.

The only remnant being a kid and a system, they gazed over the disappearance of an entire universe.

With a heavy heart that felt squeezed till it felt like nothing mattered, the boy gazed darkly at his world, understandably shocked to see it just pop like a bubble and then disappear.

His eyes moist but unwilling to cry he asked to the only voice ringing in his head - "How, no why did this happen ?".

The System only said - [Collateral Damage]

Confusion filled his eyes as he asked "What does that even mean ?".

[ Two beings fought in the Void, their names shan't be mentioned. One lost and tried to escape and he entered a world near his reach. The other being didn't let go and operated a Karmic Algorithm and all universes with his existence in it, simply wiped off existence ].

By now the boy could barely breathe and only shout at the top of his lungs "Aaaaarggghhh".

His outbreak but a mere trickle in the infinite void.

After his outbreak the system which had stayed silent until now spoke again.

[ Sacrificing System Origin,

Making illegal attempts at revising the Mission.

Evolving form Grade One to Grade Two,

Sending the host to another habitable world. Crafting the remaining world data gathered into a Origin-less System.

The Pokemon Card System is Online.]

[ The Pokemon Eater System Goes Offline ].

With that the boy blacked out and was shot into the void trembling the universes along the way.