The world is like a huge bubble made out of an inordinate amount of events. Like a Hodge podge of events that are too many to count, each one a different flavour, each one a different text, but only in this insane mixture of such contradictions can we say exists the world, grounded in reality.
There is beauty in the beast, there is kindness in the chaos, there is peace in war. Humans are always attracted by such contradictions, like moth to a candlelight, we love nothing more than to burn ourselves in these beautiful contradictions.
That is why Romeo and Juliet is a well celebrated romance, Titanic a forever, but I was well, suffice to say different. I found no pleasure in stories of broken people of broken hearts and unsolvable tragedies.
But Fate is a cruel thing, you will learn with time.
I am immune to Fate's Plays, but sadly not everyone around me is. Why am I being so melancholic today ?.
It is but the result of my deeds, this melancholic visage that is on my face, but the proof of my determination.
Sadness is only there to show regret and pain, melancholy is there to show the passing of such stiff sadness.
I had planned to be a Gang Leader or at least a Yakuza Clan leader. But as happens in life, strange things occur and we are unable to progress as we wish.
Some plan their entire lives, only to encounter such strange occurences and become something else entirely different from their wildest thoughts.
I was learning the ropes of being a Gang Member and I had become quite good at it. Collecting money, laundering money, stealing, robbing, you name it and I was out there doing it.
Organised crime is lit, especially if it's in the 70's and 80's when enforcement was not really as tough as it is in the future. Organised crime was a novel experience for me and at this era even thieves had honor and a sort of chivalrous code.
'We steal, lie and cheat, but never betray', was the best way to describe crime in the 70's and 80's. A far cry from the 2000's where everybody was pushing and calling out on one another to lighten their own sentences.
With my mind boggling knowledge, insane strength, and ridiculous skill, I soon became a core member. With the kind of skills I had, this was an easy task for me.
As I climbed the ranks, my social status changed and it came with a few perks of my own.
I now had my own Social Identity and an Apartment to call my own. Chicks digged a bad boy like me and I was rolling in cash like the rich boys in town.
As messy as my life was, I went about it and pretty soon I became numb to it. Repetition had made me numb to such happenings within a few reasonable months.
The high had gone away and it was time for the low to set in.
I needed a stimulus in life, to keep me off the mundane. Mundanity in itself isn't bad, but given time even stones will break, much less a human mind.
Perhaps that is why when I first saw her, I didn't really think on my actions one bit. Who am I talking about, well it's the perpetrator of my sad and melancholic state right now.
She is a little girl, the age of twelve, sharp bangs and short hair like the boys around. With her toothy grin she ran about, not one bit sad and as all children are, always Hyper.
But beneath that facade she went about, I knew her real face. A child scared of the large mean world around her.
Contrary to what you may expect, she did not intrude in my life, I DID.
The very first time I saw her wasn't when her toothy grin or her oddly adventurous smiles. The very first time I saw her was in her beautiful dress, sad smile, a little frown upon her face, sitting down beside the pots outside my apartment. Trying hard to be forgotten by the world, minimising her existence from everyone who sought her. All the while her own apartment was filled with screams and clanging of dishes.
Like I said before, I didn't really think on anything when I saw her like that. Whatever part of me I want to blame, I am not sure even exits within me. But when I saw her like that I did not walk away as I usually do, but walked to her and sat down beside her.
She was surprised and wary of me, but as she saw me do nothing but just sit beside her, she said nothing. After a while the argument in her apartment lessened and she skipped away as swift as the little bunny I always read about in Aesop's Fables.
That should have been the end of this little event. Then again who would have known that the arguments in her apartment only grew worse. By the end of the week, I could see her nearly everyday beside my pot of plants, and nearly everyday I would sit down beside her and accompany her.
By the fourth week the incessant arguments toned down a bit, and she had grown accustomed to my presence. So by then she had started barging in my personal space.
Normally I'd rarely let anyone be around my personal space, but for her I made an exception. I became more and more tolerant to the many mistakes she commited and influenced by this I forgave a few debts here and there.
Everyday she knocked on my door shouting out my name. She was so incessantly loud, I sometimes wondered whether she was still that same child who was huddled like a cat beside my flower pots. Lily she called herself, never giving away her real name. Yin I called myself, always giving her my second name.
We both trusted each other yet we didn't have faith in each other. She was afraid of the dangerous world, while I was nonchalant at the little mortal.
Another month passed by and her Hyper voice had started quieting down. Nonchalant and dense as I was, I didn't mind the silence. At least I didn't mind until it was too late.
One day she knocked on my door and just sat on the sofa like a fool. Her eyes mindless as she stared onto blank space. This happened nearly everyday until I was finally disturbed enough to examine her at the hospital.
She had lost her mind, that's what the doctors told me.
I thanked them but I knew, that it wasn't her mind but her entire soul that had been lost. Angry I knocked on the door of her parents to realise, there was no one.
It was then I knew something was wrong, no everything was wrong from the start. The eerie silence, the gloom atmosphere, the dark vibes, all pointed out at her missing soul and her parents.
They had been gone for nearly a week and I had to find them.
Tracing such escapees was not hard, after all I was a Gang Leader and part of the perk was the insane amount of information that flowed on the streets.
Who was who, Who was Why, and most important of all, Where was Who ?.
In the span of a few days I had already tracked them down. It was here that the information started differing like, how Lily wasn't the first child seen with them, or how these people sometimes showcased beyond human abilities.
Piecing them together, the answer was clear to see, Fullbringers.
Tch I wasn't planning on touching their organisation since they die out in the Bleach Verse anyway. But this just made the plot a little annoying.
I glanced at Lily and did not find her soul chains anywhere. This could mean that her soul had only been transferred, not shattered or eaten by Hollows. But it could also mean that her soul has entirely disappeared and the body is now but a husk of flesh and bones.
First thing was beating these Fullbringers down, at least to a level where they realise that they had fucked up.
So I found them and beat the shit out of them, finding themselves losing the lady had pulled out a Gun, only to be shot at by another gun from above, killing her. I only needed one person to give me the information I needed. Any more was but baggage I had to discard anyway.
I glanced at the dazed male and I asked, "The recent soul you took".
He was surprised and stumbled in words, "Wha.. wha. what do you mean ?".
"My patience wanes, the soul of the little girl you took nearly a week ago".
The man looked crazy but he continued, "That was already given to the Shinigami, it is not in our hands now, but if you.. Aughh".
His words left uncompleted, as a sword had gone through his heart. If he was banking on the fact that I could not contact the Shinigami then he had made a poor choice.
This is the present moment we are in, I see her lying on the bed, blank eyes staring at the ceiling in front of her, as I sit beside her I think.
Why was I so indifferent to her plight ?. Why didn't I just question the couple. Why, so many why's. The few answers I wanted placed inside the Fate Algorithm.
It was my fault she was like this, Fate plays it's cruel joke on every fragile being it finds. My story had begun being reassigned by Fate to fit the Bleach Verse. This had never happened before, and this made me angry.
Whatever I felt and whatever I did, was it all on the strings of Fate ?. Was Lily's importance to me a lie, was her presence not supposed to be real.
Many questions went across my mind in milliseconds. The answer was, 'Since they dare, they should also learn to fare'.
Fare with a Reality Warper of the highest order. I never wanted to just forcefully put the entire world on my palms. It had unknown consequences and undeniable repercussions.
That is mainly why I opted to study their laws and recreate the world and add it on my Omniversal Yggdrasil, but since you believe you can force my hand, you better carefully measure it's weight.
As I stood beside Lily's silently comatose body, my determination grew ever more.
"The little trip has come to an end, it's time this world stops at my will".
I will forcefully conquer this world and rewrite every bit of the data in it. Lily can still be saved, all I need to do is go all out. Then reset the world to the point in time where the problem occured and then make that past my present and the happenings after that my future.
There will be no regrets only resets in my game.
I stood and took a step, when the whole space became turbulent, and destructive force spread around Soul Society. They only knew an enemy had come, not who or why.
"But first of all I need to complete my Weapon and kill all the key components of Bleach".
That way the story will lose any of it's Origin and since Fate can't fight against me, all it can do is try to save the entire cast.
Let's see if they can survive a million nuclear bombs.
The sky was lit with a million missiles that would fall on Soul Society at will. There was no sign of danger only millions of explosions that befell Soul Society.
In the instant the bombs exploded, the world was charred to a crisp, and explosive shockwaves rendered the world to a howling mess. There was no time to scream as the force of a million nuclear bombs rendered the world to only capable of hearing boooms of a falling world.
Soul society was turned to a hell hole in an instant. The high rising mushroom like cloud, proof of their existence and doom.
But this sight only fuelled my rage, why was no one of the Bleach Cast even there. Surrealistically enough they all survived, the key characters all survived as if Fate was playing around with me.
If that is so, let's see if they can survive if there is no world to begin with. All the rings came back and for the first time I was going to use Addition on something that normally I wouldn't.
The ring in my hand now had the density of a thousand Black Holes and in that instant, space and time curved on my hands, light dissolved and the dark ring was now surrounded by a dense amount of light particles.
Like a funnel of light the twisting ring tried caving on my fingers and become a pure atomic circle. So I let it fall out of my fingers and the moment it did, all of Soul Society was instantly extinguished.
There was no more Soul Realm only a huge black hole in its place, that kept on devouring more and more of the secondary space around it. If left alone, Heuco Mundo would soon follow suit and there would be no realms beyond the Human realm.
So I walked away from the ever ingulfing darkness, Bleach Earth was next.