Chapter 9: Old friends


You walked the streets of the pentagram, growling in anger, dropping insults here and there against the radio demon. You ignored the demons that could hear you. Most of them didn't paid attention to your words, and were content to quickly change sidewalks. Your growls and the clattering of your heels against the ground were enough reason not to provoke you.

You hadn't noticed it in your state of rage, but sometimes, when you walked next to a streetlight, it would turn on and off and some light bulbs would explode.


You walked to the exit of the city, and headed towards the forest.

At least there you were going to be in a quiet place for a while. Once you entered, you walked for a few minutes to make sure you were out of sight.

You took a deep breath and without waiting a second you demolished the tree closest to you. Of course, it took several blows for it to fall, you were powerful but not yet to that point.

When the tree was uprooted because of the power of your blows, you calmed down slightly.

You sat on the trunk and buried your face in your hands.




You looked up to the red sky, as if you were expecting a miraculous answer to the problems the hotel was going through. Of course, what god would be stupid enough to help someone like you?

You growled with frustration.

You knew you were doomed, if you left the hotel, that deer would killed you, if you stayed, He would try to get rid of you at some point, you knew it very well nevertheless that wasn't really what you were most concerned about.


You licked your lips when you thought about it. Was that really his only reason? Entertainment? His reaction proved to you that he was doing it partly for that, but yet part of you wanted it not to be the only reason and you didn't know why.

It was as if you hoped he wasn't like that... Why was his behavior was so irritating and disappointing to you? He wasn't worth it for you to get into such frame of mind, no, He didn't deserve it!

What was wrong with you?


No matter how angry you were with your feelings, you couldn't help it.


You had met people who liked to break dreams and laugh at the misfortune of others for their own pleasure, your boss was a perfect example, yet you had never been about to explode for him or for anyone else in your life...

With Alastor... it was just the opposite. No matter how much you tried to control yourself, you couldn't hide from him all the aversion you felt for him and all the contempt you kept inside you.

You didn't understand and it put you in a mad rage.

Your boss had made you endure the worst atrocities, yet you could always hide behind a mask all the hatred and anger you felt for him.

Why was everything so different with that deer? Why? Why? What else did he have?


Why couldn't you have control over yourself?


You clenched your fists in frustration, except this time your nails pierced your skin. You ignored the pain and kept looking at the sky. You wondered if God took the time to look at what was happening in Hell, could he even hear you? If he could hear all the cries of pain and rage of your broken soul...


You stood up, not looking away from the sky.


"Listen... "you started


What were you doing?


"I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're just ignoring me like you did when I was alive. »


Stop... that's ridiculous.


"I don't deserve your help, I know that, and don't want it ... but... if you're as good as this fucking Bible says you are, and if you really care about the happiness and dreams of those who really deserve it... I would like you to..."


You stopped.


What the fuck were you doing?


You started laughing at yourself. What the hell was going through your head? Your laughter reasoned through the forest,and you held your stomach. Had you really lost your mind? You weren't five fucking years old. You were too old to make wishes that would never come true.

You wiped away some tears that had run down your cheeks.


As if he would listen to you... As if God and his angels give a shit about the princess' project.

They must have made fun of her, as well as of all those who hoped to be redeemed, just as they had made fun of you when you were still alive.

How could you think for a moment that he would listen to you? Poor fool...


No, you could only rely on yourself. You were already going to talk about what you learned to Vaggie. The two girls seemed very close, you were sure that if it was Vaggie talking to Charlie, she would be a little more sensitive to your warning..


You sighed and looked at your hands.


"I also need to improve with my powers... "you said in your mind.


It is true, the hand-to-hand combat could easily distract this deer, but it was far from enough. You had to learn to transform and regenerate yourself faster. You also had to get to know your powers exactly. Without these essential elements, you could just rely on your Bluff skills, endurance and ability to run away to hope to survive against the radio demon.


A mocking smile has appeared on your lips. You decided to take this as a challenge rather than a chore. From a simple girl doing several odd jobs for a living, you have become a much feared killer, so what could stop you?


You turned to the nearest tree and started destroying it using your claws. You quickly moved on to another and then to another, at the end you started to feel the effects of fatigue. You took a moment to look around you. It was like a real battlefield. You looked at your shaky hands again. As you destroyed these trees you could feel that it was getting easier and easier, this progress was certainly insignificant but it was already a start.


You stretched and then took the road back to the hotel. You were already a little calmer, and you could face Alastor again verbally without risking losing control of your movements. You were wondering what the deer had said to Charlie and Vaggie to justify the little fiasco you two had caused at Husk's bar.

During the moment where you were thinking about it, you heard a horrible crash sound followed by several screams.




You immediately prepared for combat. Suddenly a little demon ran with panic in your direction. He was so fast that you couldn't even dodge him. He ran into you. You both fell painfully to the ground and before you could react the little demon was dragged back by an older one.


"This time I got you little son of a bitch! "He growled as he struck the younger demon.


You slowly got up to study the demon that hit you. He looked so young, was he a child? Your Blood froze when you heard the young demon scream under the blows of the older demon.

Without thinking, you grabbed the younger demon and placed him behind you.


"STOP" you growled with anger.


The man backed away when he recognized you.


"What did he do to you that made you treat him so harshly? Answer me now! "you ordered aggressively as your eyes slowly turned red

"This brat keeps stealing from me! That's the 10th time in Three weeks already! »


You had looked at the man with disgust when you took some money out of your pocket.


"Take this and go away, if I ever see you mistreat a child again, I can swear to you that you'll wish you'd never fallen into hell, did you understand ? »


The man nodded his head in fear, took the money and left very quickly. You sighed for relief and turned to the child who looked like a humanoid dog, he looked like a Beagle. The child was wearing perforated overalls, covered with soot and scratches.


"Are you all right? "you asked with concern.


The child looked at you for a moment and then his eyes widened in surprise. His mouthslowly opened in shock. He gently laid his hands on your face with tears in his eyes, as if he had just found his mother.

It was only when you saw the color of his eyes that you began to understand.


"Y....Y/N? Is that... Is that you? "


Your eyes widened when you realized who was in front of you. Tears of joy came to flood your E/C eyes. In turn, you looked at him in more detail.


"Nikolai?" you asked with hope.


Without thinking twice, the boy burst into tears and wrapped his arms around you.


"You're here! You're here! You're here! My brother was right! You're really here !" he cried. "I thought I'd never see you again."


You hugged him without really paying attention to what he was saying. What was that little angel doing here in Hell ? Hadn't he suffered enough with his brother? He deserved so much to go to Heaven just like his brother.


"What are you doing here?" you asked weakly.


You were unable to think properly. Seeing this boy again has awakened in you so many memories and feelings that you had long forgotten. It was painful but at the same time so... so pleasant. It was as if you had found a little bit of what life had taken from you.


"I came here after... uh... you know... after I was shot. »


His words pierced your heart when you relived his death in your head. You had to take a hostage and everything went wrong because of a trap from your boss, you lost your two best friends that day. Nikolai had died by gunfire while trying to protect his brother. And Boris had been killed by your boss as soon as you returned to your neighbourhood while your back was turned.


"I'm sorry" you apologized" I should have known it was a trap of the boss, I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault Y/N we knew the risks well" said the boy, drying his tears "And I've found you ... it's like before, don't you see ?" The boy said with a smile "So you are the white wolf then?"

"Yes, it's me, ironic, isn't it? "you asked with a smile


The child laughed


"You who don't like wolves must have made a funny face when you've seen your new look!" Plus, you look like a granny with your white hair"


You frowned at his provocation and said in a mocking tone.


"And you who hate dogs..."


Nikolai looked away to play innocent, but he gave you his usual joyful smile.


"My brother will be so happy to see you. He told me that you would probably get in hell just like us"


You didn't answer him right away.So Boris was here. For the first time in a long time a big sincere smile has formed on your lips, a happy smile. However, you had quickly lost it.


Was it a good thing to find them? wasn't that a mistake? You were in trouble and you didn't want to involve the two brothers in all this. The only time you asked them for help, they were dead. It wasn't a good idea.


Nikolai grabbed your hand and took you with him


"Come on, Y/N, I want to see his face so bad! »


You felt a horrible pressure inside your stomach. What were you supposed to do? Leave? What could you tell him? That it was better than if he act like he didn't found you ? He looked so happy, and it hurt you to break his happiness like that. But yet... You knew it was certainly the best choice to make.

But it was so difficult...

You wanted to tell him no, but this desire to see these two brothers again like in the good old days was stronger than you.

You followed the boy without answering him, you could always hide your feelings from him with a weak and tired smile.


It's not a good Y/N solution, stop... You'll hurt them if you go, don't be selfish again. Stop it... You know you're gonna have to leave them. You will hurt yourself and you will hurt them.


You didn't really know what to do....

You remembered the time you spent with them when you were in the mob.

Boris often teased you because you were a little bit your boss' second in command. He often called you "the little boss" or "my little boss". It had always embarrassing a bit you, but no matter how much you told him to stop, he kept going, but he did it less in front of others.

Just like you, he didn't like the boss, and he didn't like working into this organization, however he had no choice... either he joined this organization, or he and his little brother died. They had nowhere to go, no job, and no family.


Suddenly, you noticed that you were not very far from the radio tower of Alastor. An unpleasant shiver ran down your back as you saw this imposing structure again.


"Do you live near here?" you asked Nikolai with suspicion. You weren't very comfortable being back here.

"Yes, I know it's a bit of a daredevil, but who would pick us up here, huh? You'd have to be crazy to venture into the territory of the demonic Bambi, wouldn't you say?"


You laugh when you heard the nickname of Alastor. He had definitely not changed, he still had his sharp tongue.

You arrived near a dilapidated building, Nikolai discreetly lifted some boards and opened a small trapdoor.


"You'd better stay behind me, ok? There are a few of us here, and I think my brother's friends might have a heart attack if they see you. Many of the demons who are here have quarrelled with very powerful demons like the radio demon, TV demon, so they will certainly be a little scared."

"I understand, don't worry." You answered him in a neutral tone


You went down into a small underground passage, and walked a few minutes in a gallery to arrive in a small room that looked like a bar.


"Welcome to our hideout Y/N " says Nikolai with a wink. His dog tail wiggled with excitement as he entered the bar. You followed him slowly, preparing yourself to attack at any time if things didn't turn out in your favour. Of course, as soon as you walked out the door, the discussions in the bar started to disappear and gave way to a great silence. Many demons in a sorry state stared at you with obvious hunger or, for those who had recognized you, with fear. Everyone had literally stopped what was being done, it was as if time was paused. Those who played darts, cards, or pool had stopped, and those who drank had put their glasses down.


Well... you cursed yourself for not listening to yourself. You knew that it was a bad idea


You have tried to keep a cold, almost condescending expression towards the bar's demons. You didn't want to show any signs of weakness in front of them.


Nikolai took your hand to show the customers that he knew you, then he went to a demon that looked like a Wolfdog, but he was extremely skinny, wearing a dark grey raincoat as well as a black sweater and pants. One of his ears was half torn off and he had numerous scars on his face. Frankly, he looked less human than you or Nikolai.


"Big brother, you recognize her, don't you?"


Your eyes opened when the child said the word "brother".

So it was Boris? Oh Lucifer, you didn't recognize him. Your mouth slowly opened in the shock of having your old friend in front of you. The man looked at you for a moment and then his eyes widened and shone with hope. His tail wagged in the same way as his little brother's and his hands began to shake.


"Is this a joke?" He approached "My little boss? Is that really you?"


Yeah ... It was him. You gave him a sweet smile as you tried to hold back your tears in front of all those strangers who were staring at you with a bewildered look.


"Well, I'm as alive as hell allows, Boris."


You had just spoken those words when you found yourself on the ground. The wolf dog had stood above you and held you close to him.


Here you go your reputation.


"Oh thank you Lucifer! You're here!" He cried


You were quite divided between being more than embarrassed or hugging him back, you weren't very physical, you had to admit that. You weren't afraid of touch, nevertheless you weren't very comfortable with it.


"Boris... I can't breathe. "you choked.


The man got up quickly, red with shame and helped you to get up.


"Excuse me. I'm just so happy to see you again," he said in a rather embarrassed way.


He studied you for a while. He was about to speak but a demon questioned him.


"Hey Boris! How long have you known the White Wolf ?"

"Yeah, what's she doing here? What's the deal with her ?"

"Is she your wife or what? How do you know her ? Answer us ! "


You felt a little offended by the last question but Boris quickly calmed the demons that were starting to get restless.


"Wow, calm down, I knew her when I was still alive, she's my best friend, don't worry. She's not here to kill you."


It took a few minutes for him to calm all this excitement. However, Boris managed to convince the other demons with ease that you were not a threat to them.

He hadn't changed, he was still as persuasive as ever. Once everyone had calmed down. Boris turned to you and you could see that he had taken up that confident expression you had known for a long time.


"So my little boss, you must be hungry as a wolf, what do you want to eat? It's my treat."


