Johari vs Moseti ; The Epic Sword Fight (1).

"Your spear skills are progressing. They are barely passable, at the very least you can kill a warthog" Head scribe Terazzi's huge voice boomed across the yard at the young warriors lined up before him.

"Fortunately for me I don't have all the time in the world to waste on you."

"A warrior depends on himself. Continue to practice the spear on your own free time. This spear is your main weapon as a warrior."

"You must practice again and again until it reaches perfection. Until it becomes a part of you. Only then shall you be deemed a Moran."

"Alright, let's move on to the sword and shield."

"A warrior must also be adept with the sword." Head scribe instructed as he picked up a sword that had been brought to him by a keen deputy.

"This is a Moran's second weapon. Forged of the finest steel from the Gujurati mines, this double edged weapon is tempered and balanced to the gram. Its a perfect weapon." He revered as he held the gleaming sword straight, his hold unwavering and steady.

"It therefore can never be disarmed. One of the biggest disgrace of a warrior is to lose his sword. Not only does this leave you defenseless at the mercy of your enemy. It displays your glaring lack of skill."

"As for the shield, it is made of the toughest of buffalo hide dried in the African sun. It is impenetrable but light. In a battle field when you hold your shield, it is your life that you hold in your hands. To lose it you lose your life."

"Now look closely."

Head scribe Terazzi proceeded to display the basic sword and shield offensive and defensive maneuvers with artful precision and grace.

Then with the help of a deputy they displayed the full combat movements of attack and retreat with heart breaking speed, precision and skill. Every move was clinical, ruthless without an ounce of mercy or hesitation.

"Alright you know the drill. Pair up and repeat what you have just seen. Remember this is no game. This is life and death."

"Do not dirty my steel with hesitation and fear."

"Attack and defend until its all you dream about when you close those puppy eyes of yours."

"Begin!" He roared and then he was gone.

The young warriors held in their hands their first warriors steel. They still showed hesitation at the turn of events but as the days went by the they got used to handling the deadly weapons and perfected their thrusts and parries slowly but surely.

One fine morning after a few weeks of going hard , the young warriors found head scribe Terazzi standing at the center of the training yard his face stern and grim. At once they knew that it was time for yet another round of fierce duels. This time around they would be using real weapons like real warriors.

"Alright. Form a circle!"

"I want to see real warriors in action."


The circle and the entire yard was engulfed in silence as Head scribe Terazzi walked slowly inspecting the young warriors. But he did not get to choose as Moseti Kalibari walked to the center of the circle with slow firm steps.

This drew gasps of surprise from the initiates and deputies. Head scribe Terazzi kept still but his eyes held an amused expression. But Moseti wasn't done.

Moseti stood tall at the center of the circle his demeanor inspiring respect from his peers. He swept his glance across the rest of the young warriors, he was looking for someone. His eyes locked onto the figure he was looking for. His hand slowly came up and pointed at him, his jaw set and determined.

Johari was lost in his thoughts as usual , he was mulling over Old Kostilu's words from the previous night. Trying to make sense of it all.

However a queer feeling filled his gut as an awkward silence filled the yard. He looked up to see Moseti Kalibari at the center of the circle, his eyes locked in a death glare, his finger pointed straight at him!

Head scribe Terazzi watched the interesting scene play out and he chuckled to himself.

"Haha.. hmm this looks promising. Looks like I'm in for a good show today."

Moseti had been waiting for this moment for some time. He had racked his brain on how best to teach that pesky Mariani herds boy a lesson. In the end he had settled on a pure and fair fight at Head scribe Terazzi's yard.

He would challenge and miserably defeat the day dreaming herds boy Johari before all to firmly and finally put this rivalry to bed.

Johari saw the contemptuous look his nemesis threw him and the finger he pointed at him in such a blatant provocation. His own heart erupted in quiet rage. He walked forward to meet him, his eyes locked and burning with defiance.

The two came face to face after so long. The atmosphere they generated was heavy and it made the entire yard fall in a deep unnatural silence, even the wind seemed to sense the tension and stilled to watch.

"You have time and time again shoved disrespect down my throat. It has come to this. With my hands I shall make you swallow that foolish arrogance of yours herds boy."

"My name is Johari Tembo. And respect is given where it is due. Didn't your father teach you this." Johari returned Moseti's deathly glare with a death glare his own.

All the eyes fell on the two unyielding figures at the center of the yard. Head scribe Terazzi scratched his chin and rubbed his hands in anticipation as he watched the two.

"Hohoho.. There's definitely some history here, hmm who stole who's sweetheart.? This is nice , this is nice. I've been having an uninteresting week, but this...."

"Where's that old fogey Kondobia when such a rare chance for a gamble presents itself. Such a waste.."

"Alright.! We shall begin with the eager. You two , pick up your weapons. Let's see some steel dance."

Picking up his sword and shield Moseti placed some distance between him and Johari before taking up his stance, ready to pounce.

"Quit day dreaming and pick up your weapons herds boy, if we were in battle I could have already killed you twice."

"Such laziness, you shouldn't be here if you don't want to."

Moseti taunted Johari who was yet to move. He did not know why everything about this herds boy angered him so.

The truth was, deep down Moseti desired the free unfettered & unconcerned life Johari stood for and exhibited every time he saw him. But this was something he was unaware of, even if you explained this to him he would never accept this.

"The mighty Chiefs son orders are not something that I Johari Tembo adhere to."

"Your lackeys are over there, ready to serve. To have to listen and obey a pampered brat like you they must have been vagabonds in their past lives."

"You arrogant rat! Who gave you such guts..!" Komu one of Moseti's brothers lashed out in anger at Johari's counter. His other brothers in arms had to restrain him as he started rushing at the sneering Johari.

"Enough talk.!!" Moseti shouted grimly. The low jibe had truly hit a soft spot in his nerves.

Both had thrown hurtful words straight from their hearts. They stared at each other, the hatred in their eyes growing stronger with each passing second.

Johari breathed deeply, there was no going back now. It was time to settle this. He picked up his sword and shield and faced his opponent.

The second Johari faced him Moseti moved into action, his eyes holding a death glare that had tripled in intensity.
