Johari vs Moseti ; The Epic Sword Fight (2).

Moseti rushed forward with quick sure steps, Johari at once made use of his tough buffalo hide shield to block three vicious sword strikes from his nemesis.

"Hmmph you want to humiliate me, not today you pampered royal brat.!"

He deflected another powerful thrust and moved left before barging forward at the advancing chiefs son with his shield to throw him off balance.

Moseti wasn't expecting the shove and he was forced as few steps back before he held back the barging Johari with his sword. The deadlock lasted a few seconds before Moseti gave in with a side step pushing Johari to the side.

They separated and briefly circled each other both alert and looking for in ways.

"Don't you know how to use your sword or are you only used to the herd stick." He tried to taunt his opponent. Laughter and sneers erupted from the Lekuta crowd.

Moseti attacked once again. He feigned left before swinging right. Moseti unleashed a barrage of quick elegant attacks showcasing marvelous skill. He had been practising with the elite guard ever since he was seven, thus he was confident he could thoroughly outclass and humiliate Johari here today.

Johari on the other hand laboured intensely at the disadvantage, seemingly just managing to avoid several fatal blows by sheer luck and instinct. He had been in the wild ever since he was a toddler and the instincts he had honed tending to his herd in the wild dangerous Sereti all those years came into full light.

Thus despite Moseti's superior skills he did not retreat. Any minute opening Moseti happened to let on, he would attack without any hesitation. Although with Moseti's fluid transitioning such openings were indeed few and far in between.

The intensity and power at which they met each others attacks, any stranger would be mistaken and call it a death match and not a regular training spar. The young warriors and deputies fell silent, shocked at the intensity the two combatants displayed. Only head scribe Terazzi had an extremely excited look as he enjoyed the tantalising show.

"This... Do they have some previous grievances outside of Shitu shrine?" the young warriors began to discuss animatedly.

Ever since the outburst at Old Kostilu's yard, this questions had lingered on in their minds. Now these suspicions bloomed fully as they watched on.

"No. They shouldn't have met previously."

"Sigh.. Sadly some bloods just do not mix." a wise initiate stated as a matter of fact and this opinion was accepted universally by the rest with nods and banter.

Meanwhile up above a conspicuous pavilion hidden from everyone's view, the various head scribes and their chief deputies had gathered to watch the proceedings.

"Haha.. Who would have thought that the show today would start with such a tantalizing performance! and to think I almost arrived late."

"Say Old Kosti, what do you say to a small wager. Let's make this more interesting. Haha.." Head scribe Kondobia was feeling truly refreshed at the display.

Supreme head scribe Ole Gatu waved him down with a laugh. He too was pleasantly surprised. "Haha .. These two young lions are truly a joy to watch. As expected of the chiefs son but who is the other young warrior? His instincts and warrior heart are commendable."

It was Old Kostilu's turn to let out a short joyful laugh.

"That is Johari Tembo , the young capable friend that I was telling you about the other night."

Both Ole Gatu and Kondobia looked at Old Kostilu with surprise in their eyes. They then turned to look at the fight once more, exchanging small insights and impressions here and there as the duel progressed in increasing crescendo.

Supreme scribe Ole Gatu watched Johari keenly as his mind mulled over some thoughts.

"Hmm Old Kosti's pick huh.. True I can see he embodies keen insight beyond his years to be able to hold out against the chiefs brat who has been training for years.".

"And to be able to stand against the chiefs brat so publicly, that takes some strong will and guts. He could be said to be the one with the highest potential amongst the Mariani bunch. Hmm.. Under the right guidance he could be a great pillar for them in the future."

"But the current situation is a bit off, they seem to be at loggerheads. Is this really a good sign." Old Gatu's brow creased into a frown as he mulled over these matters as was expected of him meanwhile just next to him Kondobia's laughter was unrestrained as he enjoyed the moment.

It was truly a leaders burden to plan and worry for the future. It was rightly said that to identify a true leader amongst a hundred, the one with the most tired eyes that never seemed to catch an ounce of sleep and the one with deep permanent lines of worry furrowed across his brows was your best bet. But don't quote me on that.

At the training yard, both fighters tangled and untangled yet again for the umpteenth time. Sweat dripped down their panting chests but none yielded, as both grunted and their swords danced once more.

Moseti was growing furious with every passing second. Despite his superior skills Johari refused to go down. He held on stubbornly like an annoying flea.

His strength was waning, he bit his lower lip and attacked again with a huge roar. His sword struck Johari's shield but this time he attacked with his shield as well. Johari raised his sword to meet his shield as well but his vision was blocked for a brief time.

Moseti waiting for this held his shield with both hands and pushed with all his might, letting out a guttural roar. Johari reeled back as his sword hand that was blocking Moseti's shield was quickly overwhelmed and his own sword approached his face alarmingly.

Johari grunted as he exerted himself and managed to side step throwing the barging Moseti to his left. But he was not quick enough and his sharp steel nicked his brow just above his right eye.

Johari ignored the pain. Moseti was turning mid air as he rushed past his sword a blur of steel moving in for the kill. Johari could not steady his body in time. He bit his lower lip and turned his chest away from the approaching steel. It caught his shoulder leaving a deep gash that started to bleed right away.

The crowd gasped at once as Moseti tumbled down but his smile was devious. He had scored a hit. Johari was injured.

Moseti knowing how the next moment was critical, quickly got up and turned to face Johari who was bleeding above his right eye. His left shoulder was the worst hit as blood quickly trickled coloring his whole arm and shield a deep color of red.

Johari felt the pain rip his left arm but his face showed no emotion. The deputies that had started to walk towards him too noticed this and their steps halted with hesitation. Johari's anger filled his heart , he had never felt so much rage.

He looked at Moseti with murderous eyes.

"Moseti !!!" Johari let out a howl that shook the heavens.

Moseti who was about to attack felt a sense of fear at the roar but he steadied himself.

"Come!" He shouted at the rushing enraged Johari.

But Johari surprised even Terazzi himself as he instead hurled his shield with all his might. The tough shield hurtled across the air, a move that startled Moseti. He raised his shield to block but Johari was on him in seconds. The collision of shields blinded Moseti and Johari's sword came down with vengeance.

He somehow managed to block it as he felt his sword collide with Johari's. The power numbed his fingers and he cast his shield aside as he reeled back. Both shields clattered down in the dirt as Moseti back tracked quickly to regain his sight and body position. He was not quick enough and Johari's second strike drew blood gashing a long deep wound across his chest.

Johari attacked again and again, his ferocious roars filling the whole yard. Moseti blocked and side stepped all the while ignoring the mind numbing pain and blood that flowed down his chest.

He too let out a roar of pain and fury and attacked without care. Both swords met high in the air the collision ringing loudly across the entire yard. When they met a second time both swords stopped mid air between the two struggling bloody fighters.

Johari and Moseti locked in this deadlock stared at each other with pure hatred in their eyes. Nothing else existed in their eyes, there was no Shitu, no warrior training. For each only the image of his nemesis filled both their sights.

The onlookers all held their breath, no one even the experienced head scribes could tell what the outcome would be.

Both fighters each feeling their strengths waning quickly dropped their swords and grasped each other. They tumbled to the ground thrashing upon each other like wild mad beasts.

"Stop them before they kill each other!" Terazzi was the first to wake from his shock and he roared at his deputies. The deputies who were stunned silent awoke from their stupor and rushed to separate them.

This was no easy feat as both bloody fighters fought off the deputies although not successfully as they were worn out from the vicious brawl.

"Calm down at once or face disqualification.! This was a simple training exercise you fools!" Terazzi jumped in and held the two fighters firmly. He finally managed to calm down the two furious warriors.

"Take them to the medical yard for treatment. I'm coming there as soon as I can." He ordered letting out a sigh.

Head scribe Terazzi ended the training session at once and sent the dazed spectating young warriors back to their resting den before heading to the medical yard.

As he walked he thought of what had just occurred.The two young warriors had displayed excellent talent. However this situation had morphed into a never before seen problem that could become a catastrophe if not addressed right away.

Thinking of all the ramifications he decided to call for an emergency meeting at once.