Chapter 5: Try not to die!


All five of us men and women group together, back to back as the dragons close in on us.

“So, what’s next?!” Someone shouts nervously.

“Yeah, Thyra! What’s next in your master plan?!” A woman yells.

“Shut up and try not to die!” Thyra screams back at them, frustrated. I can understand where she’s coming from. Why is she expected to lead?!

I duck out of the way of a fireball, feeling it sing my hair slightly. I look up at the houses around us.

“Guys! I have a plan!” I yell in realisation.


“I’m pretty much open to anything!” a man yells. The ground shakes beneath us, as a result of a fireball smashing into the grass close by.

“We need to get them up in the sky and lose them.”

“How is getting them up in the sky going to help us?!” Thyra yells at me in frustration.

”They’ll literally have a bird’s-eye view on us!” A man yells.

“Bloody hell, where’d you find this one?!” A different man snickers. I groan.

“We have to lose them amongst the houses. They’re too big and bulky to follow us through every gap!” I insist. “So they’ll take to the sky on their own!”

”Yeah, that, or burn down the houses to get to us! And what do we do once they’re in the sky?!” A woman hisses.

“Do you have a better plan?!” I snap.

“Yeah. Maybe all they need is a sacrifice.” She shoots back, glaring at me. I roll my eyes.

“Whatever,” I mutter, backing out of the circle. I turn and look at them. “We can stand here and argue, we can go with the only plan we have. Your choice. But I’m not waiting around to be picked off.” A fireball slams into the ground to the right of me, throwing me off balance. One of the dragons advances towards me.

”Tore!” Thyra calls out.

I raise my sword and let out a battle cry, turning and swinging my sword at its snout. It jumps back to avoid my attack, and I take that as my chance to kick dirt units face, before talking off at a run towards the houses. I can hear the beast roaring in anger behind me, and soon the ground vibrates under my feet as the beast runs after me.

With every step it takes, the ground shakes like an earthquake. It throws be wildly off-balance, and I trip just as I make it to the closest group of houses. The dragon had stomp extra hard, and the force had thrown me headfirst into the wooden wall. The dragon screeches, quickly speeding up at the sight of me on the ground.

Groaning in pain, I roll to the side. Just in time, too, because a large taloned claw slams down onto the ground right where my head was. The dragon lowers its head into view and snarls at me with beady yellow eyes.

I raise myself into a crouch, scowling at the beast. I grip my sword hilt tight in one hand as I glare right back at the beast. A large thump sounds, and to my left lands another dragon, also snarling at me.

The first dragon opens it’s jaw wide, and I catch glimpse of a white glow behind its teeth. Quickly, I dive to my right—a narrow passageway between two houses. Standing up from the dirt, I look to my left, just in time to see a stream of white fire die down until it’s no longer there. The dragons move into view, glaring and screeching at me. They try to shove their way into the passage, but it’s barely wide enough to fit me, let alone an entire winged and tailed dragon. They open their wings and take to the air.

That’s my cue! I note, taking off down the ally. It meets a crossroad, and I immediately go left…just to come face to face with one of the beasts. Thankfully, I pull myself to a stop before it can snatch me up in its jaw, and sprint right. A screech has me look up, and I see the other dragon eyeing me from above as it runs over the roofs.

It directs a stream of fire down at me, and I’m able to tuck and roll to avoid most of it, but it nicks my leg, which has me cussing out at the stinging pain. I can hear both the dragons following me as I run alongside the houses, slowly and surely making my way towards the centre of town.

A gap to my right gains my attention, and my eyes widen in horror when one of the dragons is able to push itself through the gap and lunge at me. I swing my sword at its face, missing its eye but digging into a horn. An idea hits me and using all my strength, I push down hard on the hilt. The sword dug well into the horn, forces the dragons head to the ground, and I’m able to jump over it, removing my head at the last second before continuing down the narrow hallway.

My breath comes out in short bursts as I push myself to run faster and faster. My side aches and my leg stings, but I don’t let it stop me. I can see the village square in the distance! I know that the Guard often patrol around here, so they shouldn’t be far off.

The alleyway soon opens up into a pathway big enough to fit a horse carriage...and unfortunately, two fully grown dragons. I spin around, coming face to face with one. It opens its mouth, revealing gleaming teeth and a fiery glow. I spin and run, just to come face to face with the other one.

My eyes widen as they both advance towards me, pushing me up against a house’s wall. I raise my sword at one, but it swipes my sword out of my hands with a claw.

Oh, no! I’m defenceless!

They open their mouths, both revealing fiery glows from their throats.

I'm going to die!

I shut my eyes and turn my head to the side, wincing as I prepare myself for the pain.