Chapter 4: Get back out there!

Chapter 4

“Tore…Tore.” A weird distorted voice calls out from the darkness somewhere. I can’t tell where, it’s like the voice is moving all the time. “Wake up, will ya?”

Who is that?

”Tore. C’mon, that’s it now.” The voice encourages, becoming clearer to hear.


I gasp, launching up and snapping my eyes open as I try to figure out where I am. I pain shoots through my back, making me clench my teeth to stop from shouting out.

”Tore. Whoa, easy. You’ll make it worse.”

As my vision clears, I look to my left to see Thyra sitting there, bandaging one of her arms. I furrow my eyes. What happened?

”They got the drop on us.” She grumbles. That’s when everything rushes back: the party, the arguments, and if course…the dragon attack.

“Where…where are we?” I ask in hesitation, looking around.

“Inside, taking cover, with the rest of the survivors.” She moves aside, and I am able to see about a dozen others sitting or laying down against the wooden walls.

“How…how many have we lost?” I ask, holding myself up.

“Eight so far,” Thyra answers quietly. I nod solemnly.

“What do we do? We can’t stay here.” One man asks.

“They’ll burn the place down, with us in it.” Another adds, as a large thump echoes from above. We tense up.

“They’re on the roof.” One girl whispers.

An ear-shattering shriek sounds through the night. Our eyes widen.

“They’re calling for more!” A boy exclaims in fear.

Using the wall, I push myself upright with a grunt of pain. “We have to do something.”

“We need help! We can’t do this alone.” A woman snaps.

“If we wait around for the Guard to notice us and get here, we’ll all be dead!” Thyra retorts. “Tore is right.”

“Well then, what do you propose we do?” The woman challenges. Thyra looks at me but I hold up my arms.

“Don’t look at me! This party was YOUR idea!” I exclaim as I cross my arms over my chest.

“What could that twig do anyway.” A man mumbled under his breath. I roll my eyes, bending over to pick up my sword. I’m glad that they brought it in. Yeah, it’s only a thrusting sword, but it’s better than nothing. Besides, it was the only thing I could steal without people nothing it was missing.

“Fine.” Thyra huffs, shaking her head. “Here’s what we’ll do. Those of you who can barely move, stay inside here, the rest of us will run out and draw their fire… as we try not to die. We’ll meet back here to regroup once they leave.” She instructs clearly.

I step forward and open my mouth to speak. A thought crosses my mind, and I say something else. “I’ll go out and cause a distraction, give the rest of you a chance to get out and help.” I butter to Thyra. She looks at me, raising n eyebrow at my wound. I’m shirtless, a bandage wrapped around my waist.

“I don’t know if you noticed, Tore, but you had that thing sticking out of you half an hour ago,” Thyra tells me sarcastically, pointing at what looks like half of the beam lying again the wall. Damn, that thing is massive.

”So? It’s not in me now, is it.” I retort, jokingly patting myself down. Someone snorts in amusement.

”You’re lucky it didn’t kill you!” Thyra exclaims, angry.

”Yep! Now let’s see if my ’luck’ will run out.” I laugh carelessly, moving past her and towards the door. Everyone follows cautiously.

”Tore, you don’t have to—”

I cut her off by ripping the door open and running out, slamming it shut behind me.

I hear a deep growling, and when I turn around, I see a scaled creature perched on top of the fire pit, starting at me. Another growl sounds, making me look behind me, where a dragon is perched on top of the roof. One more growl rings out, a dragon emerging from the side of the house.

I laugh nervously. “Hey, dragons…” I say sheepishly. The one at the fire pit roars loudly, it’s piercing scream making me wince. It unfurls it’s great blue wings. They’re massive, covered in scales and feathers. It stomps it’s legs, standing tall on the two of them.

Well, now might be the time for me to run.

A roar from the dragon in the roof sends me into action, and I take off towards Thyra’s side gate.

“Come finish me off, then!” I yell at the dragons. They seem to think ”challenge accepted!” as they take off after me, just as I make it through the game.

I grip my sword tightly in my hand, scowling. A shadow appears swiftly over me, and I look up to see scales and feathers of white. The dragon that was on the roof hisses down at me, making a grab at me with its four talons, but I roll out if the way, landing on the stone path that I know leads to the centre of the village.

Shouts rise out into the night, and I know that the people ready to fight have left Thyra’s house. An arrow flies through the air and strikes into the white-scaled dragon’s leg. It roars in pain and fury, spinning around while firing a hot burst of flames. I scramble to my feet, dodging the flames and sprinting out of the way of a fireball sent from the third dragon.

The dragon then lunges towards me, but I swipe my sword at it, forcing it backwards. I feel a presence next to me and glance to my right to see Thyra close by, drawing the drawstring on her bow back and sending another arrow flying at the white dragon.

A catch a glimpse of a few other people scattered around, distracting the dragons. “Let’s get these suckers away from here!” Thyra shouts, throwing her bow over her back and pulling out her sword.

Yells of agreement ring out, and we all back up towards the centre of the village, where people are more likely to see the battle going on and help.

I try to ignore the pain in my side, but with every jolt sent through my body from quick doting, the stinging becomes more noticeable. I let out a hiss through my teeth when the third dragon lunges at me with its murky green build. It’s talon collides with my stomach, and I jab my sword at it in response. The dragon lets out a growl of anger when I successfully scrape its leg. Unfortunately, it’s not deep enough to cause much effect as the dragon still seems intent on ripping me apart.

By now we’re a good distance away from the house, and slowly inching our way towards other houses. Where is the guard?! Aren’t they supposed to be doing rounds?!

All five of us men and women group together, back to back as the dragons close in on us.

“So, what’s next?!” Someone shouts nervously.

“Yeah, Thyra! What’s next in your master plan?!” A woman yells.

“Shut up and try not to die!” Thyra screams back at them, frustrated. I can understand where she’s coming from. Why is she expected to lead?!

I duck out of the way of a fireball, feeling it singe my hair slightly. I look up at the houses around us.

“Guys! I have a plan!” I yell in realisation.