Burnt Earth

Outside, the fog lifted and the sun shined down. Warm air mixed with blends of orange and red, making for a beautiful fall setting in Millersville. Inside, storm clouds raged and lightning struck down, making for a helter-skelter setting in Luke’s world. Nothing really exists outside a person. They can be surrounded by beauty but only see the ugly.

Luke stood outside Millersville High School after lunch hour ended, feeling relieved to be beyond its walls which had become a source of inner torment and chaos. The words of the hecklers rang loud in Luke’s mind, echoing their noxious poison. Anger swelled within, coursing through his blood, creating a dark energetic surge. Be mindful and wise of the words you choose, for they’ll often fester, stew, and boil. The after effects of their contamination linger under the surface like toxic mold, making the world a sicker place.