I sprinted down the gloomy riverbank fully expecting to see Justin's spirit standing alone and lost. I called out to him telepathically. If he was near he'd have heard me, nothing. The weather picked up, intensifying into heavy rain. Winds swirled, causing the tips of the evergreens to sway wildly.
In the distance I saw a faint light, thinking it might be the glow from Justin's spirit body as I approached. The glow wasn't that of a Spirit. It was a lantern. Odd that someone would be standing alone on the riverbank in the middle of the night during a pouring rain. The glow increased as I drew near, giving way to a silhouetted figure. It was tall, almost a foot taller than me.
"My coin." A gruff voice sounded, knocking me back. How could this person know I was there? I was a spirit.
The figure turned, "my payment." It said holding out it's hand. It wasn't human … at least not anymore. "You want passage, you pay for it."
The figure was muscular with glowing reddish eyes. Scars lined its face, like scratches, the skin pale and gray.
"I'm looking for my friend." The words choked from my mouth.
"No friend here." The figure said, looking down at the rope in its hand. The rope was tied to a small boat that crashed in the waves of the rushing river. A crack of lightning illuminated a large pole, like a staff, lying in the boat.
"You seek passage?" The figure asked.
"What's across there? I can't see anything, it's too dark?" I said.
I looked at the figure, a callousness that would strike fear into the noblest warrior stared back at me. I swallowed hard, turned, and ran. A growl sounded in the distance behind me. I didn't look back.
I scoured the shoreline, frantic as mouse in a cage for any sign of Justin or his remains but found nothing. I couldn't shake the image of the figure standing on the riverbank, haunting.
I returned to Gateway, looking for any clue. Corbin was sitting at his computer, eating a bucket of KFC like nothing happened.
"I see murder hasn't affected your appetite." Corbin was unable to hear me, distracted by a game of Minecraft. I scoured the Gateway lab with great haste before I could no longer stand Corbin's presence, the sight disgusted me. I found nothing and returned to Justin's house, hoping I might find him … dead or alive.
His room was empty. Had the river claimed his life he would've likely returned to a place of familiarity. The house phone rang. I could hear his mother's voice downstairs.
"Mrs. Browning? There's been an accident. Your son's at St. John's Hospital. He's in a coma." Was all I needed to hear before I was standing at Justin's hospital bed.
Justin was looking down upon his body unaware I was standing right beside him until I touched his shoulder and he about floated through the roof.
"Good God! Will!" Justin said falling back to the floor. "Am I dead? Are you here to take me to the afterlife?"
"No, you're in a coma." I said.
"A coma?" Justin said.
"Who's that?" I asked, pointing to a young man standing at the foot of Justin's bed.
"He's my brother. Works at the burger joint on the corner. Mom called him. She's on her way. God Will, I'm so scared!"
"Your brother? I never knew you had a brother." I said.
"He stayed behind in California when my mom and I moved to Millersville. I asked him to come after I heard he was getting into trouble at school. I thought finishing his last year of high school here, where I could help him, would be good for both of us. He’s always looked up to me.”
"Sounds like trouble runs in the family." I said.
"Will, I'm so sorry." Justin turned toward me.
"Save it!" I snapped.
"I deserve that." Justin hung his head.
“Do you remember what happened?" I asked.
"Yeah, kind of, Corbin threw me in the damn river. I blacked out, woke up to large man with red eyes standing over me. He was asking for a coin or something, wanted some type of payment. I told him I didn't have anything. He just grumbled. Something about the old ways and traditions being lost, how it was impossible to earn a decent wage in modern times. He kept saying, 'the sticks.' I said 'yeah, we're in the middle of the sticks, it's Millersville.'"
"I met him too, while looking for you." I said.
"Who was he?" Justin asked.
"I don't know, some demon probably. Scared the daylights out of me."
"It’s Styx … with a Y," a soft voice sounded from behind. I turned to see Monika standing behind us. “The being you met was Charon.”
"Who?" I asked.
"You never bothered to study your Greek mythology did you? Charon is the ferryman. He ushers lost souls across the River Styx, into Hades. Will, I'm surprised you didn't recognize him, you both being ushers of sorts."
"Sorry, must have fallen asleep during that lecture." I said.
"You're lucky you didn't go across, Justin. The silver cord surely would have been severed from your body. Your spirit would have been lost in hell for God knows how long." Monika said.
"This is crazy." Justin said. "So I'm not dead, but you're dead. I can see you both."
"Yeah, about that." I said.
"Oh God! Will. Monika. I'm so sorry about what happened, that you had to die." Justin was visibly shaken. The three of us shuffled our feet, no one looking at the other.
"I can't be here." Monika said, pulling away. Justin slumped his head further down.
"I ... I'm sorry." He said, Monika was gone.
“Will, I know I can't say anything or apologize enough for what happened. I'm sorry.”
“Okay, Justin.”
"Now what?" He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, "looks like you're caught between the world of the living and the world of the dead."
"What should I do?" He asked. "Will, you gotta help me out." His words felt like demands, like he was ordering me around, like he always did.
"I don't have to do a damn thing!" My harshness jolted Justin.
"I'm sorry, Will. You're right. I'm just so scared."
Part of me took pity in that moment. It was a small part. "Well, I was once in your position if you recall."
"I do," Justin looked down.
"You're free to move about the spirit world, at least the earth realms. I'm guessing your access to the higher realms of light is well, restricted." I said.
"I messed up big time, didn't I?" I could see the glow of his spirit body change. Sparkles of red danced through his aura. A wave of genuine remorse fell over him.
"Look, I've learned a little bit during my short time over here. There's always forgiveness, even for guys like us." I said.
Justin smiled briefly. "Thanks Will, you were and still are a great friend. I'm sorry I wasn't one to you."
I imagined every profanity I'd shout at Justin when we first met face to face. Nothing came. It's hard to be angry with one who shows true contrition.
"We got to keep you alive." I said.
"What do you mean?"
"You can go back. Share your story. Stop Corbin. People will listen, you're good at that, get them to listen. I saw your journal. You were going to confess to the murders, kill Corbin, and then yourself. At least until I stopped you."
"You knew about that. Wait a minute, you stopped me?"
"Well, a friend of mine, technically. A spirit far more advanced than I caused your car to stall. This is a second chance for you. He told me to help you. It’s why I'm here."
"Who was he?" Justin asked.
"Names are unimportant."
"How do I make sure I stay alive?" Justin asked.
"Pray, stay by your body. I'm going to return to my home in the Summerlands. I'll ask for help and pray for healing."
"Don't leave me, Will, I've never felt so alone. I've never been so scared."
"I'll be back. I have to go and get help."
"The Summerland, huh?" Justin said.
"Yeah, one step above the earth plane. Not much different really. The sun is always shining, reminds me of California. You'd like it." My words were meant to comfort Justin until I returned. Seeing him for who he really was, a scared kid, softened my heart. He wasn't the cold hearted boy I thought he was.
"I hope to see it someday." Justin turned and sat on the bed next to his comatose body. I floated out into the hallway. Monika was there, listening.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"It's so hard. I've got so much anger towards him, even for my spiritual advancement."
"What he did is wrong." I said.
"It's not even about me. It's about my family. They didn't deserve this. They're the ones suffering. Me, I'm great. I live in a realm that is more beautiful than I could've ever imagined, but the thought of them stuck here on earth, agonizing over me ... it's too much."
I put my hand on Monika's shoulder. The young man, Justin's brother, stepped out into the hallway, his eyes filled with tears, taking one last look at Justin's comatose body before turning and proceeding down the hallway. He stopped, right where Monika stood, a feeling came over him.
“That was odd. It seemed like he could sense your presence, Monika.”
“His name is Jacob.”
“You know him?”
“He's my charge. That's why I'm here, for him, not Justin.”
“You were right, Monika. I wouldn't have ever believed that your charge was Justin's brother. No wonder he’s troubled.”
“He’s a good kid, Will. We can't pick our family.” My sarcasm seemed to upset Monika. “I just hope I can help him is all.”
“You will. I'm sorry, now isn't the time for jokes. You hold your calling to the highest regard, Monika. That's why you’ll succeed.” I felt bad for poking fun at Justin's brother.
"I'm going to talk to Justin. Tell him how much he hurt my family." Monika said. I grabbed her arm before she could enter Justin's hospital room.
"Wait, I have to ask you to stop. In time you can express your feelings. You have every right to do so. But now is not that time. Justin's in a far too fragile and vulnerable state. Please, I'm begging you to hold off, Monika please."
Monika took a deep breath and waited. "Okay, you’re right. I'll do it for you, Will."
"Thank you. Let's get outta here. Hospitals creep me out."
I took Monika's hand and floated out of the hospital, stopping in the parking lot. A light rain was still falling. It always seemed to rain in Millersville, fitting for a sorry place like this.
"You heading back to your home?" I asked.
"Yeah, I feel guilty though." Monika said.
"Why’s that?"
"I still haven't visited my parents. I know they can't see or hear me, but my presence, they could feel it. I just can't bring myself to see them right now."
"I understand. Don't beat yourself up. In time you will go and comfort them."
"Thanks Will." Monika said, tears formed at the corner of her eyes, the very same time my eyes grew huge.
"Oh God! No!" I yelled.
"What is it?"
"The van parked over there." I pointed. "It's Corbin."
Monika and I teleported back to the hospital room. Justin’s spirit was frantic, trying to fight Corbin off his physical body but it was no use. Corbin held a pillow down on his face, cutting off his air supply. A brazen move considering the hospital was littered with security cameras, but I suppose a man with the tech skills of Corbin would have no issue hacking the system and deleting the footage.
"We've got to do something!" Monika shouted.
"We need to sound the alarm, get the nurse's attention." I'd slowly been gaining success in manipulating the physical environment. With forceful intent I concentrated hard on the IV sensor, forcing it to signal the end of the IV bag even though it was over three quarters full. The alarm sounded loud in Corbin's ear, forcing him to relinquish his grip on the pillow and scurry out of the room. A nurse came rushing in to check Justin's vitals, which quickly stabilized.
"Huh," was the nurses' only utterance before she left to return to her station.
"Thank God you two were here. I couldn't hold him off." Justin was distraught.
Monika and I looked at each other with relieved eyes. "We bought some time, but he'll be back. He'll try again. He won't stop." Monika said.
"I'll follow him, make sure that when he does try again I'll know about it. You should head back, work on a plan to stop Corbin. Keep your ears on. If I call, come running. Justin, you stay here. Anything goes wrong, we'll be here." I instructed.
"Thank you. Thank you, both." Justin said.
I left the hospital and waited at Corbin's home, watching from a window as he pulled into the driveway. I crept behind him when he entered, wanting to grab the closest object and slam it into the back of his brain.
"We got a problem Stark, you and I." Corbin felt my presence. The intensity of my thoughts giving me away, making the environment ripe for hostile psychic communication.
You're right, we do. I sent my thoughts out to him, engaging in a battle of wills.
"I need you, Will. We both know that. Congrats, you’ve got the upper hand." Corbin spoke aloud, picking up a bible from his desk.
Didn’t take you for the religious type.
"I’m an opportunist. With the good Reverend Channing dead and gone, the mindless Puritans needed someone to lead them ... and I needed followers. The end of days is near, William Stark, guilt will be on your hands. You'll bring the earth to her knees."
You're more deranged than Reverend Channing. What do you want?
"I want to play, let's make a deal." Corbin said.
I've never known you to be sarcastic type, besides, I'm tired of that game. I responded.
"I'll leave Justin alone if you help me out."
I'll pass.
"Let me say it again, in a way you’ll understand. Listen hard, Stark." Corbin said. "I won't take Justin's throat and rip it out of his body, if you pitch in." Corbin was trying to push me around. "I just need to borrow you for a second. I need your juice or power or whatever it is that allows you to guide souls out of the underworld."
You want me to help free that creepy relative for you. Every family has one.
"You're a smart ass, Will. Actually you don't have to do a thing, just let me borrow your power. Sunny is already at the door, I just need you to turn the knob."
No deal.
"Let's get your spirit locked into Gateway, huh? It will only take a painless second. Hell, you can both go to the police. Rat me out. I won't try and stop you."
I paused before sending my thoughts out in response. It wasn't a bad deal. Sunny would be free from Hell which wasn't good but he'd be confined to the astral plane. There's always a risk of possession, but he could be driven out should that happen. Together, Justin I could build a case against Corbin, bring him to justice for the murder of Monika, Mr. Chase, and myself. He'd never walk in sunshine again.
What do I have to do?
"Stand over by Gateway. Surround the device with your energy. When I power it on it will make a connection. You'll produce enough energy to create a vibrational pull, essentially creating a bridge for Sunny to walk out on."
You'll be hunted. We'll come for you. You'll be brought to justice for the murders you committed. You have my word.
"I would expect nothing less." Corbin’s energy was unnaturally calm.
Confliction ran through my mind. Taking the deal was huge risk. Some might say foolish. I pinched myself, pulling my mind from temptation. The chance to put Corbin away for good was enticing, but not worth the price tag.
Sorry Corbin, no deal.
"Too bad. Funny though. I knew you wouldn't go for it. That's why I did what I did."
"Slipped the morphine injection into Justin's IV before placing the pillow over his face. Don't worry I'm sure he went peacefully, better than drowning in that cold river."
My heart squeezed hard and tight within my chest. You're lying! My thoughts screamed out.
"Am I?" Corbin whispered.
"Hello Will." A voice sounded. I turned to see Justin's spirit standing right behind me, the silver cord forever severed.
"Oh dear God." I fell to the floor. "Why didn't you tell us, Justin?"
"I deserve this. I deserve death. I didn't deserve to live after what I did to you and Monika and Mr. Chase." Justin said.
"We could've stopped him. You and I together. We could've put Corbin away forever!"
"I don't know, Will, maybe, maybe not."
"You couldn't or didn't want to live with yourself. That's why you chose to die rather than stay and fight!" I said, anger exploding out.
"Don't say that Will, please don't say that."
"I was supposed to help you, save you!”
"I'm sorry, Will. I was scared! Can you forgive me?"
"We don't have time." I said. "We need to get out of here, now."
"What, why?" Justin asked, as the crashing boom of a thousand footsteps banged in the distance like loud cracking thunder.
"Hear that? That's why." I said.
"What is it?" Justin tilted his head, straining to hear the faint but increasing noise.
"Marching?" Justin asked.
"The armies of Hell, they're coming."
"For what?" Justin asked.
"What!” Justin's breathing intensified. "Please Will help me!" Justin shouted.
"Damnit!" I grabbed Justin's arm and yanked him to me. "You can't run from the law on this side. You're going to be brought to justice."
"I am begging you with all my heart and soul, Will, all of it. Help me!"
"Look out!" I yelled as a blackened hand, bone fully exposed, reached through the floorboards and wrapped its broken fingers around Justin's ankle pulling hard and knocking him to his knees. I reached out with both arms, holding Justin's body in a bear hug. A second hand reached up and grabbed Justin's other ankle, pulling so hard I was yanked to my stomach and flattened on the floor.
"Will!" Justin screamed, his body slipping through my arms before being pulled into eternal darkness.