Life sucks for me, but everything seem okay so far, I obeyed the rules and stay out of trouble which means avoiding some people and some stuff, I'm in a total isolation, no friends nobody, just me, my pet and objects.
I spent my week locked up in my room, I only came out to eat, I'm grounded for one whole month, I only speak when spoken to, I do whatever am told without protesting, if I go against the rules i'll be severely belted, and that's not what I want, so I prevent it by all means.
"Here is the result of your history test," Mr. Tom the history teacher said as he distributed the papers, Brian and some other students groan when the saw there results, while few of them sigh, and some just rejoice silently.
Mr Tom walk to my desk, "you did a good job as usual." He smiled as he gave me my test sheet. It had a bold A in green printed on the front of the paper. I fake a small smile.