I scroll through the computer while sighing, I've been searching for a solution to my problems but I can't find any, then I spotted a video, I shouldn't be looking at this but who cares?
It was a video of a girl cutting, she said is helps you feel better.
I think am running into depression, I can't sleep, I lost all apatite, I only study and study and study.
I got up from my desk chair and head to the bathroom, I grabbed a razor and walk back to my desk.
I rolled my sleeve up as I sigh, my hand shook. "Do it! No don't do it! Do it come on! No don't do that!"
I drop the razor while sighing, I can't hurt myself, it will only make things worst. I don't wanna die maybe yes just a little bit, but still I don't want to commit suicide! Am I crazy! What was I thinking!
I sigh, I rest my head on my palm as I kept watch the videos of people getting hurt.
The sound that came on the door scared me, my hand slip and hit the razor.