Is over now


I groan while flicking my eyes open, everything hurts but I managed to sit up.

My eyes darted around taking notice of my surrendering, I was in a hospital room.

The door flipped opened letting a nurse in her mid thirties in, she drop a silver tray, on the table beside me as she smile down at me.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?"

"Blank." I responded sincerely, I can't remember anything.

"Is normal, after you fell in a lake with o° and deprive your body for oxygen for more than fifteen minutes, is a miracle you're still alive." She said.

"Fell? Water? How?" I tried to remember something but I can't my head only pound more.

"You really need to see the doctor," she said before exiting the room and coming back later with a man in his mid fifties with white coat.

"What is your name?" He asked kindly.

"Uh... I don't know." I furrowed my brows.

He jotted something on his clipboard. "Do you remember anything?"